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Why is this called the Xray? Who knows, man. All I know is it's a prime example of Oddware!

The Thermaltake Xray is a 5.25" drive bay add-on released in 2004 for less than $20, and yeah, it adds a cigarette lighter and hideaway cupholder to your PC. Because mid-2000s LAN parties demands smokes and drinks, and who has time to find a lighter and a coaster when you're ready to get your game on!

Of course, being that the lighter doubles as a 12V DC power source, same as you'd find in a car, I had to try out a few automobile adapters and electric devices to put it through its paces. The results were not what I was expecting, considering the uh... shaky reputation of Thermaltake's other 5.25" drive bay mods.

*shudders remembering the CircleFire...*


LGR Oddware - Thermaltake 5.25" Drive Bay Lighter/Cup Holder

Y'know, sometimes you just wanna use your PC to light something on fire and hold your drink. Oddware has you covered with the Thermaltake Xray from 2004! Providing a 12V DC lighter alongside a cupholder in a single five and a quarter inch computer case drive bay. ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music courtesy of: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Oddware #Xray



Ah yes. Tobacco smoke and liquids. Two of the most notorious PC killers are now an tower add-on for your PC....Dunno where the logic was in that regard.

Abraham Hunt

Circle Fire more like dumpster fire amiright?


This goes way beyond "odd".


I actually have this, still installed even. I worked in Technical support at the time, and thanks to the urban legend of the old lady using her CD-ROM as a cup-holder, I couldn't resist getting this to have an actual cupholder in my system.


Aren't old car radios 5,25 inch? I think they were over here in the Netherlands. Could be used in a car console perhaps? A strange explanation maybe, but more likely than a lighter for your pc.... Haha nice vid btw😁


That was Great🤣🤣 have you tried plugging any bigger appliances into it... a coffee maker?....or a microwave....ya know....for those Lan party hot pockets 🤣🤣😁


Oh boy! A power point! Just the thing for using with your desktop computer where surely you don't have any power points nearby... wait.


Haha, yeah that legend is exactly what came to mind for me as well, hence the Snopes article in the video. The Xray is an amusingly useful thing, I was surprised!


I was rather tempted, but appliances like that are all draw power beyond what this is geared towards so I'd rather not blow that fuse or do any damage!


But *perfect* for those moments when you happen to have a 12V DC adapter from your car on-hand to charge your phone... because we all know how commonplace that is


Coolest thing ever)


Nobody has made the Simpsons reference yet? Ok, I'll do it : "Fiouuu... All this computer thing has made me thirsty, I think I'll order a Tab..."


I give this video 58008 points!


HADWAEH ODDNESS It's okay, you're just dropping into that Boston accent momentarily.


It's so ridiculous I love it. Also man need one of those 9 vol plug adaptors for car trips.


The PC add on that no one asked for. Seriously, what's wrong with just having a lighter and a coaster at the ready? The fact that it works with other car adapter is slightly nifty but I have great concern of plugging in something that takes a lot of power. >_>


That is one of the greatest yet pointless things I've ever seen. Love it


Oh dang yeah, at LEAST get yourself one of those! Picked mine up in a gas station for a few dollars years ago and it's never left my car since. Well, until the day I recorded this but yeah.


No kidding, I was pretty concerned as well. Still would be if I were to leave this installed, considering this PC doesn't have the most high-wattage, reliable PSU in the world.


Beautiful. Makes me wonder if you could draw enough power another PC through the inverter... Absolutely pointless, bit great nonetheless.


Oh jeez, with enough overhead on the PSU, maybe! Could make for a fun (if unsafe) follow-up video. Gotta research first :D


This is a strange product. Smoking indoors would not be normal in 2004? I would have a coffee cup warmer instead. I have a usb hub coffee cup warmer that does not keep the coffee warm at all. Does any of them work?


Definitely normal in 2004, at least in my experience as a freelance computer repair guy back then. One of the most common things I had to "fix" were fans/heatsinks gunked up with tobacco residue! But I live in the southeast US, so yeah. Tobacco country. Always wanted to try one of those mug warmers, haha. Wonder if the cooling pads fare any better.


If you plugged your computer into the front, I bet you could get free electricity. https://gfycat.com/dizzygrossindigobunting


I think we need a Blurbs followup that ends with the death of that fuse


Pretty cool to see this again, had one new in the package I gave away a while back with some voodoo 2 SLI setup when I cleaned out my storage locker

Avery G

http://www.roadtrucker.com/12-volt-cooking/12-volt-portable-slow-cooker-crock-pot.htm LGR foods with computer sounds like a good combo.


We have definitive oddware categories now. Hoddware : odd hardware Soddware : odd software

Joon Choi

Man what a terrible terrible product. But I could see it being a hit in Asian PC gaming parlors back in the day. Cigs and Star Craft all day long.

Steve Skafte

Your risky liquids line really got me. Hahaha.


I remember seeing a ton of gimmicky things from Thermaltake back then - but somehow this one escaped me. What a shame, even though I don't smoke and would never use the cup holder, I think the novelty of having it my computer would have been enough to get me to buy it.


Haha... That bowl is an ash tray, not a cup holder. Don't know who Thermaltake thinks they are fooling.


I'd hate to know the amount of people who caused a fire in their computer with this thing. I would not have plugged in that 120v adapter, I'd be too scared.


It looks like the outlet is just connected directly to the 12V rail of the PSU (the yellow wire supplies +12V) through the fuse. So it's literally just a bizarre passive adapter for a cigarette lighter connector and a lighter to shove in there. Oh, and a cup holder, because why not?


Perfect, it’s unnecessary but I love it!

Kris Asick

I was constantly expecting to see smoke at some point during this video. I mean, not the smoke from the paper towel but smoke from either the lighter or the PSU or something because this is like TWO levels of dubiousness combined into one! XP


Every computer came with a cup holder. Why would you need another one?


Let's all just take a moment to follow that electric current to the speakers. 120v AC to 12v DC back to AC then back to 12v DC. Clint you're a mad man A MAD MAN I SAY!!!


A freakin classic


This is so much an ashtray, and back in my smoking days i would have loved this gadget on my PC. xD


Thanks for leaving in your Boston-moment. Ben Affleck couldn’t have said it better. Always love learning about odd haaadweah 😁


I kept thinking that surely plugging in that power socket adapter and then the speakers and the calculator would surely make a fuse or something blow but apparently not!


Heh, yeeeaaah in hindsight I should have shown the fire extinguisher just out of frame. Always keep one on-hand when working on older computers in general, but especially with this thing!


You and me both, haha. Thoroughly expected a catastrophic failure of *some* kind that afternoon. I'm almost disappointed, it would've made for great viewing :D


Indeed, I'm just as surprised! At the very least I expected a lack of enough power going through or something, especially knowing Thermaltake's previously lackluster offerings.


That's definitely odd ware. I wish you had installed it together with the crappy CircleFire and wore the terrible Essential Reality P5 Glove for the footage. That would be a setup to brag. ;-)


Back again with more oord hoordware!


A PC lighter? Ok at least is from a heat handling company. Also, imagine replacing the plastic bowl with an aluminum one and using it as an ashtray. And u push it into the pc full of disgusting cigarette butts. Thats true decadence right there.


Unlimited power!


I dont suppose you know just how much power the lighter draws?


I do not. Very little information on the packaging, and I didn't think to hook it up to a meter to check!


This thing really achieved exactly what it set out to do. That is definitely an ash tray with the cigarette holder divot it has. I love that the car theming went all the way to the fuse. Looking forward to more LGR Odd Hawdware!


Wow, now that is ODD! It seems like ThermalTake just tossed a bunch of words on cards into a hat, mixed them up, randomly pulled a few out, and that's how they decided on their product lineup.


I am begging you, please rename this to "hoddware oddness"


There was a bright chap that came to one of our LAN parties circa 2002, with a homemade version of this. By which I mean, a lighter socket screwed in to a regular-ass 5.25" drive bay cover. The conversation went something like this: "It's just for charging my phone, really. USB is too slow". "Tried lighting a smoke with it?" "Nah dude, it's mounted in plastic!" "Go on." "Yeah ok" ... "Welp."


Alternate history news: Apple removes cigarette lighter port from new line of computers. Users can connect everything through mugholder-C port. (Special C-Mugs are available)

Michael Steenbeek

While plugging in the 12VDC-to-120VAC power adapter didn't make much sense beyond 'because we can' (which is still a good reason), this is also allows plugging in a 12VDC-to-230VDC adapter. This is especially nice if you have devices that need 50 Hz to run properly (provided they don't draw too much power).


Peak oddware


I think notch in the tray is to get your finger under the removable tray to remove it.