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Here we are at the end of 2019 -- and the decade! What better time to go thrifting.

So this is the final episode for the twenty-teens. Pretty wild when you think about it that way, but in reality this is just another LGR Thrifts 👍

Hope you enjoy it, and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See y'all next decade.


Thrifts 44

let's go thrifting!



Clint I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas man. I love being part of this patreon and still love the stupid floppy you signed for me for doing this. Today is also my birthday! Merry Christmas to you and yours and I hope your holiday season is fantastic.




THE LUCKY ROCK IS RUNNING OUT OF LUCK?!?!!!1!1!!!! Why isn't this the top headline on every news outlet?


That "got to be a record" pun... I loved it!

Rico da Rooster

Merry Christmas Clint, and thanks for this early present! Man, how I love this series 😀


Ah, LGR thrifts just before Christmas? This puts me in the correct mood. Happy holidays everyone.


Thanks for another great episode Clint! by the way, have you heard of these new all tech stores goodwill is opening now called the Grid? they have one in Charlotte that I went to and its pretty neat


I would have bought a soap dispenser as well. Plus 1 bag will last years.

Robert Butler

So if you can manage around 44 episodes a decade, we'll be around episode 100 in the 2030's. Thrifts is so much fun to watch! And I always promote it whenever I can. "Do you watch LGR's Thrifts? Oh, man, you should! It's so fascinating!" :p Here's to 2020!


Aww man, that 12C! Personally I'd love to pick up a 16 (the 'programmer' one) at some point.


I still want to see you send a Christmas clone thrifting.


A Thrift episode! What a fantastic Christmas gift you have for us Clint! Happy Holidays to you and your clones!


Why did I laugh so much at that "record" joke?


Bodum is a Danish brand :)


Hot damn!!!


It's a dollar!


This was super timely for me as I just had did a round of thrifting today. I ended up finding a duplicate of the 30 year old Christmas stocking me and my sister had growing up. I've been tasked with hunting down said stocking as my sister wanted to get copies for her future kids. I had found one last year for her fiance, she's told me she's hoping for one more now "and if there's a third kid they will be SOL". I always really enjoy your Thrifting and LGR Eats videos, they're perfect videos for winding down at the end of a day. Entertaining/engaging, but also super relaxing to watch.

Kris Asick

"It's a record!" *dies*


I was just thinking that I needed some LGR in my life!


My parents had a crock pot very similar that one. They got it as a wedding gift about 40 years ago and it finally gave up just a couple years ago!


My mom own(s/ed) a p[air of those electric scissors! They weren't very good at all for fabric like that box seems to imply they were intended. They would bind up on anything, although sometimes if you were cutting a piece of paper in a straight line you could get them moving pretty fast and accurately. More of a curiosity and anything of use. They weren't very dangerous, either. The two blades got maybe 1/4 in. open at most, and I don't recall the cutting action closing them all the way.


That box art for Mystery Druids at the very end is probably the scariest thing I've seen this week.


Those particular releases of Duke Nukem and Overkill feature some neat box art that I haven't seen before. Blake Stone got the short straw, apparently.

Brad Sparks

Woah, I just picked up a HP 12C for $0.50 at a local thrift shop!


*Balls.* Merry Christmas, Clint!