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LGR - Crime Wave - DOS PC Game Review

It's a wave of crime! Stop it before the president's daughter is gone forever and Williams sues you for ripping off NARC!



That is certainly an intense cover. By the way these last three videos have been some of your best videos yet.

Kris Asick

"Not NARC" is the best name for this game. ;D


Wow! Great ear recognizing the Pink Floyd tune!!!!!

Leon Staton

Gotta admit, they hired a great modeler for the Prez's daughter. Knowing that, Access probably saved money by using one of their employees for the protagonist, lol. I'd love to see your take on the Eidios's CrimeWave!


Awesome review! Crime Wave is a very underrated Saturn game, but this review was much more enjoyable!


HUGE Pink Floyd fan. My first tattoo was a PF one. I think I liked the PF reference more than I'd like the actual game.


That Cover tho. Lmao

Michal -milczyciel- Holdynski

Hah, you've got a box of the Crime Cities. I was never particularly fond of the games made in my country, but I have to admit that I smiled when I saw that little title. Also, kinda cool they (Techland) are still around and kicking. As for the Crime Wave: I know why I would try to beat it back then, given how much FBI shown ;) C'mon - back in the nineties we've all been the same - teenage, nerdy (if only because we had computers) boys on the hunt for pixelated ladies :P


Wowsers. Such a weird one indeed. I can't believe that was actually by Access of all development teams… feels so unlike them on so many levels. "I Can't Believe It's Not NARC" by "I Can't Believe It's Access" indeed.


nice voice acting

Lindsay Michelle

I did not know that "octuple" was a word. Google says it is, so I guess you didn't make it up. :P And I'm guessing the kids' difficulty is so the kids can more easily play the game to see the scantily clad protagonist and scantily clad president's daughter...... right? Has to be the only explanation!


GOG needs this game!


Love the F-29 Retaliator track at the end!


Could you please do a review of the original Links from 1990? Maybe even a review of those Dinosaur Safari games at a later time?


I was always curious about this one.. ;) Thanks, Clint!


loved this one. Charlie Cheen in a DOS game! Classic!