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Dang, it's been a minute since one of these went up. Last donation unboxing video was all the way back in April! The year of 2019 continues to fly by at an alarming rate.

But yeah, I'll be outta town for a little bit so this is scheduled to go up tomorrow morning while I'm gone. That also means no LGR video next week!

As you may have seen posted elsewhere by now, I'm headed to Vintage Computer Festival Midwest this weekend. I hope to see some of y'all there! In fact I've heard from several of you already so yeah, should be a fun time I hope. My first year attending so that's always exciting.

And as always, many thanks to those of you who sent these things my way over the past however many months. Half a year's worth of stuff sure piles up into quite the collection! This will probably be the final unboxing video this year too, since I don't anticipate a whole lot coming in anytime soon. But honestly who knows. There are always items trickling in that were promised ages ago, heh.

Anyway, I am now on the road to VCFMW. Have a good couple weeks, and if you bump into me at the show ask for an LGR case badge! I'll have some to give away, while supplies last 👍


LGR - Opening Stuff You Sent Me! September 2019

Vintage computer hardware, oddware, PC games, electronics, and strange old tech. Excellent donations as always, thank you so much! ● LGR links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music courtesy of: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Retro #Unboxing



LOL Nate the random guy on the internet. I resemble the remark. Enjoy the SB 2.0.


Heck yea, cool crab shirt! I’d love to have an lgr branded one but I’m happy to settle for that one, still pretty cool 😎 I’ll be buying one


I never thought I was a person who would be interest in "unboxing" videos until I started watching LGR unboxing videos.


*Okay, play it cool, Clint is going to the same convention that you are. Just play it cool, man. Don't make a fool of yourself, like you always do!* Should be a fun convention, maybe I'll see ya', there!


If you're into old gaming mags, I have pretty much the entire run of PC Accelerator and some of the CDs...


OMG Cool crab shirt!


To be honest, the unboxing stuff is just as interesting to me as the 'main' stuff lol


You should come to STL and I could take you to the place I bought all that crap from in the post I did I few weeks back. But only if you don't mind crawling around in a spider infested warehouse when it's 95 degrees out. Have fun in Chicago!


I hope to see some let's plays of the Barbie games with pushing up roses


Loved the fact Holden followed up with Avon and sent some scents. 😂


I wonder if any of these Barbie games yell "Clint!" too...


Wow, I've made into an LGR thing. Life is complete 😁 Hope you enjoy some extra speed.

Mukul Kewalramani

oh man, the jetfighter game brought back some good memories!

Kris Asick

I have some of those PC Gamer issues that you got there. The December one is INSANELY thick; PC Gamer did this thing for at least a couple or three years where they made their December issues pretty much double-to-triple sized! :o


Barbie in Hebrew, perfect.


I didn’t even know about that computer fest. Shame as Chicago is only an hour and a half from me.


My dad used to fix Dictaphones as his first job at IBM. I asked if it was the same type, he plied that: "Yes indeed. That is the portable that I fixed for Charlton Heston, except his was black and looked much more sophisticated. Those used belts. portable, desk top, networked and phone intigrated. Later ones used disks, also portable, desktop, networked and phone integrated. I had a few disks with Moody Blues on them to listen to while I worked on them and typewriters."


Wow! I have seen that NFS expansion on ebay before but i cannot find any info on it...


In regards to what you should do with the game maker software, I think you could perhaps do a collaboration with some other youtuber that has more game dev / coding experience. I'd suggest the 8-bit guy, but I'm guessing he wouldn't have much time to invest in such a venture right now...


Oh man, that Star mug... I wonder if they’d send me one if I promised to include a picture of my old NL-10 when I get around to the parallel port part of my homebrew machine’s build log? (Estimated audience reach: 2)


They honestly might, haha. Worth tweeting out a picture to them if you're on Twitter https://twitter.com/StarMicronics


Too bad the 3D printed packing peanut wasn't white... I think it would have stood out more. Maybe you can paint it?

Asaf Sagi

(From Israel) I remember seeing the Barbie Fashion Designer when I was a kid, but don't remember what language it was in. From the little I can see on the packaging, it doesn't say Sample, but it does say "not for rent". A quick Google reveals this series of Barbie games in Hebrew, so no reason they wouldn't have been released: https://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/barbie-fashion-designer/cover-art/gameCoverId,64466/ The logo underneath Mattel's is a company called מחשבת ("Makhshevet", sorta) which imported and made localized versions of games, as well as made original Israeli games. https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/מחשבת_(חברה)