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LGR Edutainment Month 2014 starts in a few weeks! Anything you'd love to see covered that hasn't been yet? Would love to get some ideas from you here on Patreon :) Here are the games that I've made videos of already in previous years: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE6039486A9B854CC




I would love to see a review of one of the Thinkin' Things games (Collection 1, 2, 3, Sammy's Science House, etc…) :)


I'd really like to see you tackle Cross Country Canada. I know it isn't exactly relevant for you, but it's definitely one of my favorite edutainment games from my childhood!


I like the "cluefinders" series best. Especially the 3. Grade one. It was published by the learning company. Greetings


Id love to see a review of gizmos and gadgets i loved playing that game as a kid!

Alyxx the Rat

I honestly don't know since nearly all the edutainment games I've played throughout my childhood has been from my own country or Scandinavia in general. I doubt you'd have any nostalgic interest in those to be honest.


The only game I can think of is debatable whether you'd call it "edutainment" but I think it was marketed as at the time: Granny's Garden for the BBC Micro. I used to love that as a kid and spent hours playing it. Going back to it, it only takes about 10 minutes to beat as an adult but as a kid I could spend untold amounts of time playing. There was also Badger Trails but I'm having a hard time remembering if that was actually educational or if I'm remembering wrong.


Would be interested in seeing a Dino Park Tycoon game review from you. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DinoPark_Tycoon" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DinoPark_Tycoon</a> We used to have this game in our computer lab in middle school running on old ACER desktops that had Windows 3.1 when Windows 98 was out for almost two years. Good times. Sure beat doing typing exercises at the time.


I second Dino Park Tycoon. Other good choices would be the Secret Island of Dr. Quandry, and some of the 10 and up Learning Company games like Operation Neptune, and Time Riders in American History.


A Humongous Entertainment retrospective would be awesome. Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish, Backyard Baseball, etc.


Another idea would be compare a good vendor: MECC to a not-so-good edutainment vendor.


Super Solver series is a big one. Midnight Rescue, Gizmos and Gadgets, OutNumbered...Spellbound was a nice start, but this series was almost as big as Carmen Sandiego, so I think it almost deserves its own miniseries review. Another one from my childhood is Operation: Neptune, which is action-packed (for edutainment), has tons of fun twitch gameplay, is good at teaching basic math, and even has an interesting story if you read the log entries in it. Finally, why not branch out into edutainment for adults? I know this stuff existed because I recall playing a trigonometry game in high school that had a somewhat cartoonish ancient temple theme (though for the life of me I can't find the name of it online right now), so I know they existed as far back as the late 90s. And I know from looking that there's quite a bit now (Food Force being a particular favorite of mine), so I believe there's enough material out there if we dig deep enough for it.


I remember a game from school which was a physics simulator to teach kids where you had to see how far you could get a paper airplane to go based on tinkering with different aspects of the game to see what would happen. It was on an old Mac in the school anyone remember this game or know what the name is?


I did play on computer when I was in school. The computers then existed in huge AC rooms under lock and key. However, I did purchase a history game called"American History Explorer" published by Parsons Technology published in 1995, It ran on windows 3.1 I think I still have a copy.


I remember from my youth: * The Castle of Dr Brain (1991 Sierra) * Podd (BBC Micro) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G090ju-DpqU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G090ju-DpqU</a> That's all the edutainment I could stomach in my lifetime :)


"Midnight Rescue!" or "Super Solvers: Midnight Rescue!" Loved that one when I was a kid.