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Yeah, so confession time: I've never really done anything with my YouTube rewards. Barely even opened them. Got my 100k play button plaque six years ago and my 1 million at the start of this year. They're nice but I dunno, trophies are weird to me.

But then after the ten year anniversary of LGR passed by I decided, "yeah, I guess these are worth displaying," and dug them out of storage along with my old VHS-C camcorder.

So let's unbox both of them and hang them up in the office! Well, after modifying them just a little bit.

As you may know, I was a custom picture framer for many years before doing LGR full time. And eh, I'm a bit particular about what I hang on my walls as a result. Cheap sawtooth hangers and slapdash frame joints simply will not cut it. And c'mon, no bumper pads? Tsk tsk, YouTube, you can do better.

Anyway, somehow this video ended up being an unplanned custom framing thing and I'm not sure how I feel about this, haha. Although it was oddly fun to put together, I admit.

Hope you enjoy this simple Monday video while I work on bigger things! Currently have a nifty XT-class computer build on my table so I'm quite excited to dive into that.


Opening My YouTube Play Buttons (and improving them)



(Barbie voiceover) Presented to: CLINT! Congrats man. You deserve this, and then some!


Silly Clint, it’s still Sunday! I should probably go to bed. Maybe you too ;)


This is a great video. An LGR Framing Thing is a nice thing to watch.


Great job, really like your channel. Buuuuut show the knot in slow motion. :)


Ha, it's weird. If I do it too slow, it's like I forget each individual step. Really is like muscle memory.


I was expecting your vision of "improvements" to include some woodgrain.


Of course :P I am anticipating an inordinate number of comments like this, haha. But congrats you're the first!


It seems that I enjoy watching Clint do just about anything. Man, that knot looked sensational at the end too.


I think "Rick" will be proud of your improvements to the 100k frame. :)


Nice chill episode for my breakfast :) I understand you I think. Trophies can feel cliché, but now It's more of appreciation then pride.


Loved the video. Reminded me of how anal I am about stuff I get that involves previous jobs of mine, like commercial and residential painting.


Great video!


That was really nice! It’s neat to see you show off a different skill set. Also you gave it the nice relaxing charm I always enjoy, so that helped. Great work!


Could have had anything printed on that gold button, I confess I'm disapointed it doesnt say BALLS! :p Congrats as always on your subs dude! Very well deserved!


I like to think that the person who framed the 100,000 sub award will end up watching this, smiling at the praise lavished upon his/her work by phreakindee. But then Clint looked at that corner and leveled accusations of "shiny sharpie retouching ineptness" < (an actual quote from the video, you can check! :3) at them, blissfully unaware he had made a dire archnemesis in the process. Can Clint dust off his mad custom frame crafting skills and defeat the Unknown Framer in a "frame-off" tournament and save the world? Find out this fall, coming soon to a local theatre near you...

Alyxx the Rat

That is so satisfying to watch... :D


I used to be a framer too at one point, but it was more of a hassle job as the owner was a jerk. I do miss mat cutting though, found a lot of zen in that.


After watching this video you've convinced me to go buy rubber pads for all my framed photos.


Wow.. that Gold one is nice. Hope to have mine soon!


Yeah they really upped their game on these things. Hope you got some wall space set aside for yours, it's a beast!


Oh gosh. I need to reframe EVERYTHING

Joon Choi

Now we know what your third sub channel should be - LGR Frames


TIL that LGR has a preferred brand of rubber bumpers ...

Steve Skafte

This was really peaceful to watch. I ran a little one-room art gallery in my hometown for 6 years (until the end of 2017), and many of my artists brought in their work without hanging hardware. Much of my days were consumed with this sort of thing. It could be meditative, in a way. Like you, I don’t miss much of the rest of it. Haha. Really enjoyed this video, thanks!


Saw that little smudge in the corner right away and the whole video was worth it when you wiped it away


... an LGR Framing thing. Really enjoyed this.