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LGR - King's Quest - PCjr Game Review

Uploaded by Lazy Game Reviews on 2015-07-07.



Awesome review. Great to see the original release in action, especially with how that interface is much closer to a traditional text adventure than the later AGI games.


Back when unwinnable conditions were considered normal for game design. I noticed some amusing commands during that recording.


Number 6 was the best one!

Alyxx the Rat

Parser adventures were never my cup of tea as I grew up with inventory based adventures like Monkey Island and Grim Fandango.


Anybody who grow up on the PC in the 80s and early 90s had at least one game from Sierra. I didn't know they were so close to going out of business. I like the history in this video LGR. Awesome review as always!

Kris Asick

"Eat witch blob"? ...are you trying to tell us something? :P

Sterling Treadwell

excellent. i love the thorough review along with a mini tech tales intro that sets the tone and helps me understand the setting that this game was developed. i'd love to see this in more reviews for older games like this. makes a huge difference!


Thanks! I do this whenever the game is particularly special, like I did with Jazz Jackrabbit 1 for instance.


It'd be worth trying the 1990 version then, since it takes away the parser and replaces it with a point-and-click interface and more friendly inventory.


It really is, makes it seem like a more logical progression when you see all the steps of what it went through

Lindsay Michelle

I am oddly fond of parser games, despite having only playing like, one parser game in my life for any significant amount of time. King's Quest looks super fun though - seems to have the best parts of nostalgic retro adventure games. Typing seems seems oddly less stressful than trying to control a cursor or character on screen. That is, unless you are timed (or frustrated by stupid puzzles) and keep making typos, haha. :)


The timed puzzles really are a drawback to the parser in this one, but yeah, it's still awesome. Parsers can often make it feel more alive.


It's so easy to forget what it was like back when this game came out when all was text and we take so much for granted these days, but I remember I could not believe my eyes when I first saw Kings Quest on a computer. Infocom and Scott Adams text adventures were the main way to play such things. Graphics... just a dream.


I'm so looking forward for the reboot (is it?) of the series! And "Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow" was, without doubt, the best! ;)


SOOOOO...have you seen the King's Quest remake/reboot they're doing on Steam? I personally think they make Graham out to be too much of a chump, but that may just be my nostalgia talking.


"Totally involved in their dancing, they danced right out of the room" > dude wut That had me in stitches!


Oh man, keyboard overlays ... I wish we still had ridiculous keyboard overlays!!


Now all we need is Rome: Pathway to Power.


Wow didn't know any of this history. Loved the King's Quest series as a kid in the mid-90s. 5 & 6 were the ones to hold my attention the longest. 7 was also pretty good. I have 8 somewhere around here ... And never played it too much. The 3d interface just didn't appeal to me.