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"I have made a creature to rule over mAnKINd!"

Okay, this game is debatably edutainment. The built-in teaching aspects can be completely ignored.

And yet its educational qualities rise straight to the top no matter how you play. Has there even been a more effective typing tutor program? Probably not!

Hope you enjoy this second entry into Edutainment Month 2019! Got one more title to go, not entirely decided on what it'll be yet. Lemme know if you have suggestions :)


Typing of the Dead



A while ago, a friend gave me the Dreamcast keyboard. After that, I was on the hunt for this game! I eventually found it at a used game store.

Bastien Nocera

The only Dreamcast game I actually own ;)


Nice! The keyboard is the first peripheral I got for my DC back in the day, exclusively for this game.


Now here's an LGR I was highly anticipating ever since you started Edutainment Month, hah! I also know of a Twitch streamer who'd get a real kick out of this once it goes public.


Great stuff. Although this review was clearly just an excuse for Clint to spend some quality time "canoodling" his noisy key caps.


Voice acting so stilted and cheesy, I'm expecting it to say I was almost a Jill Sandwich. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


Nor would I. In the days of Hollywood voice actors and hundred million dollar budgets in games, I find myself missing the cheesiest of 90s cheese.


I've gotta try this now, lol... Beautiful!


I have Overkill on Steam, it's so much damn fun. The story is hilariously--and, I think, intentionally--bad.


That one definitely embraces the awfulness on purpose, haha. Very much a delight in its own way.


In time a successor will come


So the Lazy Green Giant... is back from the dead?


somehow I missed this back then, thanks for the overview


How could anyone do this?


Just picked up overkill and a very intresting looking indie type game. Thanks LGR! my wooting one and i love u

Brian Young

To pertect the loiefe cycle!


This is the final battle! Show yourself! Our new ruler, The Empewow! Ah man the voice acting in this game is the stuff of legend!

Uncle Yuu

If you need suggestians, any one of the Cluefinders games would be a great candidate, especially the 3rd grade or 4th grade editions!


Yeah, this game is good


I loved this game on the Dreamcast back in the day - that was such an awesome system. Between this, and Samba de Amigo, I thought Sega had a real chance to survive the PS2 had they only been able to get these in stores as demos. Anywho as an owner of 4 Dreamcasts, and only one with a working GDrom drive, thank goodness for the GDEMU! Now if I can only find my DC keyboard.

Cristian Rojas - Benoy

I have this game on steam and wanted to play it so bad i got it to work the first time booting it up and hasn't worked since. Have tired deleting it and reinstalling many times.


No practice mode? 😮