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One of my favorite real time strategy games from the turn of the millennium. As a huge fan of Age of Empires, this was mind-blowingly fantastic back then.

Cavemen versus mechs! Ancient Greeks versus B-52 bombers! Yourself versus janky AI! Woo!

And now, it's finally time for a retrospective. No particular reason why I'm doing so right this moment, there's no big notable anniversary I'm aware of. I simply FELT LIKE IT. YEAH  🤘 


Empire Earth: A Retrospective

Review and retrospective coverage of Empire Earth from 2001



This was SUCH a good game, glad to see a review from you on it, it's been a very long time since I played last and It's nice to see it again.


Should you be showing the game's CD Key just like that? I'm honestly asking, I don't know if anyone can take advantage of it in any way nowadays.


I want my name followed by "vs the janky AI called life" on my tombstone.


Not an issue, it's an eighteen year old game. If anyone somehow wanted a key, it was available ages ago with a Google search. The code doesn't do much beyond let you install it from the original CD, doesn't activate online or anything. And as mentioned in the video it's no longer even playable online officially.


Great video. I loved the AoE games however I have never played the Empire Earth series. I will definitely be picking this up on GOG in the morning. PS I've been up all night with the man flu. Thanks for the 17 minutes of sanity.

Terry Lee

Actually Empire Earth 2 was my favorite. The first one was definitely still great though. I would love to see them come back in the HD. Andyeah those 3D graphics in the early 2000's, my first thought is always Black-and-White, yet another game where you get to play as God of good or evil


The Black and White games were just utterly unique. Will be fun to cover those when I get the chance.


Like video. Watch video.


Great video. I like many played AoE first but then me being a stupid kid sold the game. When it came to have my own PC I didn't have lots of money for games, so I found empire earth at my local Gamestation (RIP) for 50p... Absolutely loved it


Were you a fan of Rise of Nations clint? Always thought that was a criminally forgotten series


Its truly amazing how good games they managed to create on a limited space back then, now days a game is 20-50Gb of data..


I was about to mention the same thing! Definitely worth a look.


And even in 2001 it was pretty impressive what they pulled off here. So much coming from a single CD that isn't even filled to capacity!


Ive always heard it pronounced "EE-pock". Great video!


Nothing in gaming was more fun than playing my girlfriend in this game, and while she was still in the middle ages I dropped a bunch of nukes on her cities in a coordinated strike. She had no idea it was coming since I just built layers of walls that she couldn't scout behind and I didn't attack her at all until the bombers and nukes were ready. I still remember that yell of disgust from the other room, and how happy it made me. It was easily one of my favorite gaming memories after nuking her sending in fighters to one by one kill her knights. What an awesome game.


empire earth, man we loved that game when we where children. Epic!.


This was an empire of a video. Such a great game, but it takes a lot of patience to go through it. Which I guess it adds to enjoyment of building a true empire. RTSs kind of disappeared. Sadly. And it's funny to see that a lot of the classics are still being played until this day. That expansion looks like a flat earth promotion game 😄


I was considering making a flat earth joke, but eh, I've got enough nonsense in the comments already :P


That is truly the best feeling, hehe. Played against my brother over LAN back in the day, loved hearing those groans of anguish at a well-timed overpowered strike.


It's officially both according to the English dictionaries I've checked, seems to be regional. <a href="https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/epoch" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/epoch</a>


i really loved it and we played it at big lanparties :) still the best old strategy during that time (&gt;age2!)


Biggest thing I remember about the game was “bumper boats”. Your water ships couldn’t pass through each other, so they would inevitably wind up crashing into each other and then bouncing back a little bit, which was frustrating and amusing in equal measure. Also, I think that this might have been the RTS I played where the nuclear bombs did not have friendly fire, so in the middle of a fight between two armies, you could drop a nuke on them and have your army walk away unscathed.


today's lesson. American's pronounce "epoch" almost like "epic". British pronunciation is "e-pok". Live and learn.

Mark Balcerak

You should cover Impossible Creatures next!