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It's peanut butter proof! And syrup proof. And milk proof too, kinda.

Yes it's the Kidtech My First Keyboard, hitting the market in 1994 after a toddler named Troy ruined his family's computer by banging on the keyboard, apparently.

Sure it's just a colorful membrane keyboard with a bunch of missing keys and some basic input lockout features. But whatever man, it's PEANUT BUTTER-PROOF.


My First Keyboard



There's a certain kind of person who'll be aroused by the second half of this episode.


How did the kid destroy their computer? Did he randomly type in 'format /f' or something?


Man this was a weird episode of LGR Foods.




I was laughing my ass off when you started spreading peanut butter all over the keyboard, and then I laughed harder when you put chocolate syrup on it, and then I laughed even more harder but you spilled milk on it, and then it all culminated in a gigantic burst of laughter when you started playing Duke 3D. Awesome episode man.


I hope you're hungry, 'cause I sure am.


Interesting editing at 6:26. Part of your hand and arm disappear.


Truly have no idea, or how it could've taken that many hours to fix. All the articles from back then just repeat the same story blaming Troy, haha.


If you don’t play Duke Nukem on a peanut butter chocolate sauce and milk covered keyboard, then you are real gamer in my opinion


Yeah there was a glitch in that part of the original video so I had to overlay my hands back on top. Will be correct in the final edit :)

Troy Wilkins

Yeah, it's always Troys fault, I should know, hahaha


That keyboard looks delicious.

Alyxx the Rat

I didn't expect food fetish porn today. XD


"Do not try this at home. [beat] I'm at home, what am I doing?"

Kris Asick

Irony: Most gaming keyboards nowadays have little channels and holes on the bottom to drain out liquids spilled on them; It's like we never grew up! ;D


14:27 - This is the weirdest recipe I've seen on a while on Youtube, but strangely, not the least appetizing one.


It's interesting to read a bit of the patent. <a href="https://patents.google.com/patent/US5557299A/en?assignee=kidtech&amp;oq=kidtech" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patents.google.com/patent/US5557299A/en?assignee=kidtech&amp;oq=kidtech</a>


Clint: "But can I play Duke 3D with it?"


A strangely relevant accident happened. 'Xiphias' got me laughing out loud so much that I spilled all my coffee... over my keyboard. I had to turn it off and now it's drying on my radiator while I clean up my desk. Luckily I have multiple keyboards. If only I had a keyboard that was liquid spills-proof....


Liking the new intro


I feel that devices like that with the ABCD layout actually end up doing a dis-service to kids. I mean, sure the Speak &amp; Spell had that layout, but at the time in the 1970s when it was designed, they probably weren't thinking about kids learning to type on computers at the time. I learned to type on a QWERTY keyboard at the age of 6, and as a result by age 7, I was already typing like 30 words a minute. My daughter started learning to type at age 4 or so, and that was on a QWERTY layout as well.


This is absolutely one of the most bizzare videos I've ever seen and I'm SO HAPPY about it XD


this was .......AWESOME....and i got hungry for a peanut butter and chocolate syrup sandwich with a glass of milk about halfway though the video for some reason. this was a fun video Clint. Love it.


I had no idea when I woke up this morning...


I would love to see more of the software installation process in your videos, even if it’s sped up. Something about old school install programs brings back a huge amount of nostalgia for me. Is that weird?

Steve Skafte

I fully expect this video to be a big hit for you. It's full of the sort of things the internet loves. Haha.


I`m disapointed, no grape jelly :(


I gotta admit, I had to turn away when you were doing your Duke 3D run with all the gunk on it. Nice to see how it washed off afterwards. I don't know whether it made sense for 'em to keep to the non-traditional letter arrangement, but it's a solid enough device for what it was designed for. And there ain't anything wrong with that :D


This is one of the weirder videos you've done but, you're absolutely brilliant for testing as far as you did. Reminds me of those videos where people test as seen on TV product claims.


uhhh, now i am starting to wonder if you noticed my post or videos. 4x4 evo is my person glide test game.

Jeremy Abel

I love these sorts of stories where someone notices a weird niche problem but manages to work out a solution over several years, starting from no experience at all. Really resonates with me


Bnop for life!

Ryan Seney

This was a really cool tech history thing to do a video on. Had never heard of this before and the story behind its inception was neat to hear. Also, did I see an After Dark directory in the start menu?


That keyboard was actually pretty cool - it did solve a problem, be it a very specific one. It was oddly satisfying to see it live up to the claim of it being kid proof! Thank you for taking a sticky, messy bullet for us!


Oh Jesus, I don't know why by when you said that they had lost 12 hours worth of work that they had gotten enraged and strangled the kid or something...

Carey Brown

"Sorry Windows" WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING TO 98??? It should be apologizing to you!!! :P Theeeeennn I got to the peanut butter section.... I now retract my statement. Your apology was waranted. *further in* NOOOOO!!!!! THIS VIDEO IS GIVING ME PTSD!!!!! :X


That kid sounds so bored!


Did you taste any of the keyboard goodness?