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So the original SimCity is about to turn thirty years old. Good grief.

Still have such intense memories of playing it at seven years old. And looking back on it, the impact it had on me was at least as intense.

No way I was going to let this anniversary pass by without a retrospective. And I took the opportunity to explore some new lighting and a slightly different format/scripting style than my previous game reviews. Felt fitting here.

Hope you enjoy this one!


SimCity 30 Years Later



I guess it was a good think I’m up this late, now I get to watch some late night lgr


"Sorry babe, we can't have sex tonight, LGR just uploaded a video. You know the rules."


I love that little wooden monitor stand. It's become so iconic.


That Renewal joke was fantastic.


My God that Packard Bell monitor opened up 27 year old memories from 94. 6 yr old me urging my mom to stop using MS works 3.0 so I could play San Diego Zoo's The Animals Multimedia CD. Then quickly getting blamed for "breaking the computer." 10 years later I proved that the sound card died and I did not break the 486 Packard Bell PC. That incident was what set me down my IT career path BTW. LGR, thanks for that nostalgia trip.


Really interesting video. I love how you shared your more personal memories of this game with us, too. Those are some of the best videos in my opinion, when the game has a very personal connection for you!


You've just opened a floodgate of memories for all of us 80's kids. Thanks for another great video.


I have the exact same feelings you have for Sim City with Transport Tycoon, my first mail order game on floppy disks. The best kind of memories! Great video as always sir!


Awesome video Clint! SimCity had quite the impact on young me, especially the SNES version. I still can't believe I've managed to play dozens of hours of SimCity with a gamepad, but it was surprisingly good!


New intro? Looks good.


i would really like to see a video on simcity 2000. it was my second PC game, given to me in 2005. i was 11 and moved with my dad, and i got taught how to use and work on these cool things called computers. a pentium 120, windows 2000 the ultimate doom and sims city 2000 was the start of a life long addiction. even now some times i loose track of time and play simis city for 4 or 5 hours without realizing it.


Sweet slick video. Never played Sim City as this type of game didn't appeal to me back in the day (too obsessed with shooters). New logo looks great,

Alyxx the Rat

Addicted to your new intro animation.


Oh man I would love to see more videos on SimCity. Really damn curious about the enhanced cd rom editions of it


Sim City 4 is how I meditate.

Terry Lee

Most surprising of all to me is the fact that SimCity rounded up on Nintendo. how did that happen?


Good work! I have played this game on and off since the late 1980s. I have always played the MS-DOS version. I have tried the Amiga and C64 versions and didn't quite like them as much. I also remember playing the X11 version back in the late 1990s. I've never played the Windows version or any of the sequels.

Snapping Snapper

I've the same childhood memories playing sim city and other games and you just brought them back in such an evocative way I'd wish for a time machine, well your channel it partly that so... Thanks!

Vladimir Vyun

Well, I knew for some time already that Simcity was on a Nintendo console. But that Starcraft was ported on a Nintendo console as well - that was a shock. Shows how little I know about consoles.


I got sim city 2000 in one of the creative cd/soundblaster bundles (along with a bunch of other not-so-great titles) and was instantly hooked. I think that's the game I've played the most hours of, even to this day. I've still got the gog version sitting on my desktop now :)

Steve Skafte

I really appreciate the emotional content here, the clear personal connection you have. That’s what it’s all about.


Great video, this. I grew up playing and not understanding SC2k, and didn't get into the original until I played the SNES version some years later. Still, both hold a special place in my heart.


Awesome video! Never really got into Sim City, but this video kind of makes me wish I had. Also, the way you shot the gameplay on the Commodore and the PC really gives the vintage hardware pride of place. Love the clean background, sweet blue lighting, and that wooden monitor stand.


Excellent use of lighting with this video. LED backlighting on the desk, use of dim lighting with the PackardBell monitor Hero Shot. Really pleased with the production values increasing with each new video.


Great video as always! I have never heard of the SimRefinery thing before. Does anybody have a copy of that or know where to find it?


There have been many attempts to locate a copy for decades, but so far nothing has turned up. Phil Salvador of The Obscuritory hosted an enlightening panel called "SimEverything" talking about it a couple years back.


So many memories of playing Sim City on the school computers, very early Mac Classics, never got the same experience beyond Sim City 2000


I enjoyed the small CRT monitor shots, reminded me of what it was actually like playing this on my EGA monitor back in the day.


Hey you should review big rigs lol


Now you're speaking my language sir. SimCity is my favorite PC game (series) of all time. After majoring in computer engineering first and in sociology second, I ended up working on city planing. Yes, my job is to talk to people all day and help with permits and regulations to build a house or a business. Why? SimCity of course. I see myself in everything you just said. Awesome video dude.


Great review! The new lighting looks great. My personal favorite version of the game was and will always be the SNES release. There's no way a console version of SimCity *should* have worked, and yet Nintendo made it happen in one of the most elegant porting jobs of all time. It's the only version I've ever gotten particularly far in — as a kid, I got all the way up to the 1950s. I laughed out loud at the youtube analytics joke.


I actually work in IT support for a company that produces specialized software solutions mostly for the oil industry. I don´'t think Chevron or one of their subsidiaries are among our customers but all the market leaders and some small ones here in Germany are... I think the chances are slim, but I can keep my ears open :-)


A SimCity 2000 only video would be fantastic. It's the version I still play the most these days.


Dude that's awesome. Seems the deeper I look, the more folks I find that were inspired by SimCity to join their current field of work. The impact the game had is staggering.

Ryan Seney

Thank you for this. SimCity was my entry into IBM PC gaming (being a child of the 80's I cut my teeth on Apple II MECC edutainment titles in school and some locally grown stuff ) largely due to reading about the game in Nintendo Power and seeing it on my mom's boyfriend's computer when we visited his place once. It was definitely a "wait you can do that!?" moment discovering that there was more to PCs than just edutainment, Solitaire, and Minesweeper. I've been a fan of Maxis ever since.

Ryan Seney

I wonder if the NES/SNES release is how Maxis managed to get in contact with Yoot Saito for the North American publishing rights for The Tower (or SimTower as we know it) and the A-Train license. I've read Yoot Saito was good friends with the late Satoru Iwata, so it's within the realm of possibility that Will Wright met Yoot Saito at some point by ways of Nintendo. That analytics joke was a nice flourish :D


i remember play simcity 2000 and simtower on my 1st grade teachers Macintosh


Thank you! Brings back fond memories of SC2k on my Packard Bell.


Seeing all of those old PC game boxes warms my heart. I'm home!


This is the video that got me here, thanks again for this one :)