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LGR - Opening Stuff You Sent Me! December 2018

● This video was sponsored by LastPass. Click the link below to find out more! http://bit.ly/2Cl7qIE Back again unboxing computer hardware, retro games, electronics, and general oddities. Awesome stuff as always, thank you to everyone for your support! #Sponsored #Unboxing #LGR



I haven't watched past the beginning, but I saw you were repping LastPass and I really respect it when youtubers rep good services. If people reading this don't use something like LastPass, it will change your life for the better.


Yeah I've used them for a while! Only done a handful of sponsorships, but when it's something I already use and it's been a positive change? Sure why not


I miss CompUSA and their nerd wall of extravagant hardware. I used to stand and gaze and hope for one day cold cathode lighting.


Me and you both. Their nerd wall had so much good stuff. I bought my MixMan DM2 because of that!


It looks like that Pieces of Eight MAC adventure game hasn’t been archived online, at least not within a quick google search. If you’re comfortable with doing this, getting a Disk Copy 4.2 image of that disk and images of the binder and documents up on a site like the Internet Archive, Macintosh Repository, or Macintosh Garden would be pretty neat!


SAINTS OF VIRTUE! PLEASE cover that some day, I remember seeing that at Christian bookstores back in the day and thought it looked so odd...

Joon Choi

Gotta be honest, the paid sponsorship at the beginning really threw me for a loop initially. Which is funny bc it’s not like paid sponsorships bother me when it’s in other YouTube channels or podcasts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyway, glad you’re picking up good sponsors and growing them revenues - Merry Christmas! :-)

Steve Skafte

Oh, man, Saints of Virtue! I’d long since erased that from my memory. We had it in the very early 2000s, one of a handful of Christian games. You got my copy of Exodus last year, and I would have sent you this game if we hadn’t gotten rid of it. The vibe was oddly depressing, kind of hollow and miserable, clearly designed with no joy by people who knew that the religious market would buy it despite the lack of quality. It made me unhappy to play, but strangely pleased to be reminded now of its existence! Haha. Hope to see you cover it sometime, if only so that I could see the gameplay of a truly terrible game in action.

Travis Snoozy

HAH. I haven't thought about TCG cards and tape cassette cases at the same time in a long time. All the cassette cases I have have tabs (to immobilize the tape spindles) that prevent putting cards in them; I assume, though I have not confirmed, that jackets could be had without those protrusions that would indeed have been pretty fair at holding cards.

Terry Lee

I used to love that game Ghost Master but every time I played it I would get tired of it pretty quick because I feel like there aren't as many methods of scaring people as there could be. Somebody needs to remaster that game and add a lot more scaring abilities and more ghosts to control on multiple levels


Damn that was a fancy ass computer at the end


Have to say that is exactly how sponsorship should be done - LastPass is a good service and it sounds like it really was something you used already, so great for everyone! I do sometimes wonder about the insane value of the stuff you get sent - OOT is what, £1000 on it's own? And that PC at the end is a few thousand alone!!

Evan B

wow! Those are some pretty amazing gifts! o_O Thanks for sharing, Clint.. Merry Christmas!


Oh! You got the Centre for Computing History cards! I sometimes do volunteer work for them, I live in Cambridge where the centre's at.


that is one fancy computer clint... cool specs too. merry christmas, and a happy birthday. :D


Damn, always hoped for never seeing this: I have to mention a big thumbs down for "Includes paid promotion" for this video. For me the combination of spending 10 dollars per month for somebody I like and want to support and get unwanted ads as revenue is not compatible with my way of thinking .Advertisements is something I accept nowhere. Where ads are not removable by paying, or as last step by software, you will not find me. It's nice to see the video marked as "sponsored by", but in my case I have to overthink if the amount is suitable for the future.


I understand where you are coming from Ralph, no one enjoys adds. Nice thing about patron is we get to directly help out our favourite creators, and you are a generous donator but I hope you overthink this in favour of LGR, the paid promotion was not something outwith the use of the audience and if you don't want or need it, it's unlikely it will sway you to purchase. Anyway hope you stick around Clint has built a great channel and he deserves support from good people like yourself.


Happy to hear it! I take on very few sponsors because most of them I either don't use the product or their contract terms are dubious, but LastPass is neither :) And yeah I'm rather floored by the generosity of folks, heh. Do not know what to do with that sealed OOT, was thinking of auctioning for charity perhaps


Oh man Odell Down Under! I played that game a few times in school as a kid, and never knew the name of it. Now I can seek it out :-)


Hmmm, I wasn't bothered by the LastPass ad, although everyone should know KeePass is the better solution ;) However, I'm kinda disappointed you accepted that PC. Yes it's a sweet system, but apart from the wood grain, it has nothing to do with LGR. Looking at their site the wood grain front isn't even an option for any of their systems. So how else am I too look at it like a company buying some screen time from an "influencer" with a ridiculous "gift"? In accepting it (even though you did make make an effort keep it low key) it makes you look more like a sellout than in placing an sponsored ad in front if the video. Anyways, no hard feelings, just felt I had to mention this. Happy Christmas!


As mentioned in the unboxing, I did not know what they were going to send. I certainly wasn't given the impression it'd be a new computer. I plan to be more careful about taking unknown donations since it seems to have angered a bunch of folks for reasons I don't fully understand (not you specifically Erwin, I've gotten dozens of messages about this.) From my point of view, it was simply one of the hundreds of fan emails that week. Yes it was from someone who works at a computer company, but a massive chunk of LGR viewers happen to work at computer companies. It's just par for the course. In this case, the guy was super nice, we had a nice little chat over email about old tech and LGR videos, and I had no reason to think anything more of it. All he said was "I want to send you something LGR-related," so he used my public mailing address to do so. If I knew it was going to be a new PC, I'd have declined since I honestly do not have the space and have a nice PC already. But of course, none of this context makes it into the video itself. Finally, as a YouTuber, a bunch of stuff from companies shows up in my mailbox every week. None of it comes with any obligation to review it or even show it on camera, it's just a choice that I've made to show my appreciation. Should I put an end to this practice? I'd genuinely like to know. There were a number of things from companies in this episode alone, but the PC seems to be the one that makes people mad. I suppose because it's "valuable" in a mainstream sense. I've received old tech that's much more valuable, but when folks don't realize that they don't get up in arms. People were also getting miffed at me receiving a sealed Ocarina of Time in this video too so it seems like simple envy regarding well-known valuable items, but that's only me assuming.


Yay! Yeah I covered it on LGR years ago, but that was well before I had achieved much in terms of views. Definitely time to talk about it again because it's one of those school titles that people forgot existed :)


I just wanted to say I don't have any complaints with the format of this, the sponsor opening, or the fancypants PC. I like seeing what you get. :)


Greetings Clint! Congratulations on your birthday and the recent million subscribers, I have been a Patron for many years and not once have I regretted my monthly contribution. It swells my heart to see how far you've come. However I noticed something that has disturbed me about your last video, The December 2018 unboxing, in which you included a paid promotion for Lastpass in the video. I didn't realise there were suddenly so many bills that needed to be paid? We have been enjoying your content, which has a very charming professional DIY aesthetic, and have been understanding of your budget limitations in the quality of work. Even without a budget, sir, your content is fine and will be fondly remembered for years to come. That's what I don't quite understand about this new "paid promotion." Is Patreon suddenly not enough? I have a feeling, and I think that a quite a few people would agree with me, that paid promotions tend to cheapen the content a little. It introduces a bias into the content. You have always prided yourelf on your non-partisanship about many things, being just a fan who likes talking about the thing. The Sims 4 and its endless parade of sequels, which you frequently mention that you paid for (instead of getting a review copy), is highly appreciated. The review copies you get you mention you received at the start of the review, and usually proceed to tear the game a new one. I love it. So, this promotion seems jarringly out of place. Is this something that happens to YouTube channels when they hit a million subscribers? Another thing is, if you embed a "paid promotion" into that video, there is no way to ever change it. Let's suppose LastPass gets compromised 2 years into the future and popular support for it drops. Your ad for it will be embedded in this video for all time! Even if your thoughts had changed! There'd be no way to recant your support for it. It gets 'tainted.' I think you see where this could go. Please, for the sake of your fans, keep paid content out of your future videos. Anything you need, let us know, and we will support you with whatever you need. Much love and a Happy New Year, Christien


You should probably read earlier comments before typing a novel. Copied Clint's response from an earlier comment: "I understand the annoyance with ads, but it's worth noting that I've never said that my videos will be ad-free. If you feel misled or assumed pledging meant you wouldn't see any ads, I'm sorry to hear that since that has never been a promised perk. So I completely understand if you feel the need to reconsider your pledge. That being said, ads are how I've paid my bills since 2012 and they're not going anywhere. This is my job and advertisers are the only way I can currently maintain LGR as a business and full-time career. Patreon is not enough unfortunately. Even then, I only accept ad partners that I personally vouch for and will not demand that I change how I make videos. I've turned down hundreds of sponsors and only signed on with a handful, and this is the first one I've given the OK to in a couple years now. "


Sounds like people are complaining about the Last Pass thing. Well Clint, I for didn't bat and eye. You don't do this for free, so I won't begrudge you for including more ads!


Keep doing what you do Clint. I didn't see anything wrong with either Lastpass or accepting that PC. Congrats on hitting one millions subs too!