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The more I played this game, the more things I had to say. And not all for good reasons, as you may expect considering the negative press this game's been receiving.

Man. Bethesda, get your crap together.


We've Gotta Talk About Fallout 76.




It's the first Fallout game I didn't even considering buying Day #1. I have zero interest in playing a online only Fallout game...and even less now that we know it's a buggy mess.


Lgr quickie, same lenght of a normal video :-)

Terry Lee

I wouldn't blame Bethesda entirely, doesn't this really boils down to the investors, the men in suits as well as Microsoft really pushing it out even though the developer probably wasn't ready. Any PC gamer could have told them please don't showcase this to a bunch of YouTubers on the Xbox one X 4K 30 Hz… Any PC gamer could have told them that the idea would backfire, if they were going to show it so early they should have done so at 1080p 60 Hz… The experience would have been more pleasant than it was… It would have saved them a butt load of negative press


Wow, didn't expect a video about Fallout 76. I'm definitely going to skip this one. The game is broken. Which as become an habit in recent years. Release it and patch it along the way. This was a different video. Nice.


I hear ya. Really held out hope they'd do something interesting with a multiplayer Fallout, but well. Interesting it is, but not in a positive way.


Yeah I'm growing really tired of this "release early, fix later" mentality with so-called AAA games. Fallout in particular deserves more care.


There was never a good modern Fallout game, except for New Vegas. No surprise, because Bethesda didn't develop it.


Barely a week and a half since release and the game is already almost half-off, at $35. Bethesda seems absolutely desperate to sell, but this is also a painful admission that they know the game is a problem. I think a better move would have been to recall the game and wait until some things are fixed before putting it for sale again. Of course, many of the problems with the game are with fundamental basic mechanics that would need a complete revamp from zero in order to work, so it's really a no-win situation for Bethesda. A situation they put themselves in, so I can't give them much sympathy for it.


Fallout: Balls of Steel. Nice haha


I've watched like 20 videos about Fallout 76 and yours still managed to have some new information. Maybe I'll try it myself after couple of months when it is patched and becomes F2P.


Couldn't agree more. Played for 30 hours, and ran into all the points you mentioned. I really wanted to like this new Fallout game, but finding it hard to recommend it for anything at this point.


Also applied for a refund BTW, not sure if I'm going to get it after that many playing hours: <a href="https://help.bethesda.net/app/incident10" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://help.bethesda.net/app/incident10</a>


I think you really nailed it down when you said that Fallout 76 is like a network mod for Fallout 4. When it was announced, my initial reaction was that the idea doesn't seem like a bad one, but using the Fallout name will impose difficult, if not impossible, expectations on Bethesda since they're taking a story-driven single-player game and attempting to make it fit into a survival multiplayer game role.


I really wanted to like '76 but the story was just a drag. Everybody's dead Dave, but could you do some busywork for these corpses while you're at it? I played a few hours of it, and I wound up reinstalling Fallout 4 and downloading a bunch of mods to spice it up a bit.


Fallout 76 is just reverse psychology to make people buy another copy of Skyrim.


15 crashes in 40 hours, man that is making my Stalker series look good 😅. Moan issue for me is the non storyline it has which as you said FO is known for but this I'll pass untoll it is cheap....


You look very clever and dashing in this vid, Clint. Cheers for style.


I'm with this one, but it's probably because I'm super big into the narrative, and I feel like, while the environments became a lot more fleshed out and beautiful, the story itself took a backseat to Bethesda's insistence on jamming in first person combat into an otherwise omniscient-ly told roleplay.

Joon Choi

Great vid Clint - was never planning on picking it up myself but found the mere idea of 76 fascinating / appalling. I don’t think Bethesda is a great developer (when you compare them to the polish and depth achieved by Ubisoft, Rockstar, Blizzard, CD Projekt, etc.), but when they stick to their lane (customizable, moddable open world role playing) and particularly when they bring in better writers (New Vegas) their games can be super impressive and fun despite themselves. Online is not their lane. Hopefully this disaster dissuades future efforts to turn Fallout into a gaming-as-a-service franchise.

Lik Chan

Yup, this game is a piece of crap.


The PC graphics are so strange ... Random blurring and enemies constantly ‘stuck’ in weird positions so you can just walk right up to them. And the crashes are getting worse, twice today alone in about an hour and a half of gameplay. I have been a big fan of the series but this has been such a disappointment so far.


What is this "Fallout" you speak of? Anyway, I gotta go brush my horse. See you in another 100 hours.


Don't trust the vault dwellers. Nice review/chat Clint


I'm glad that Betheda was willing to try something new, and for what it's worth this game has it's moments of fun. That being said this game shouldn't have been released in such an appalling state, especially when there is so much competition in the open world genre. Bethesda clearly has some talented staff so more than likely this is a result of poor upper management or budget constraints by ZeniMax. I could be wrong but they seem like fairly logical reasons to explain what's happened.


This could be a great game if Bethesda put another 6 months to a year of development into it, but it seems half baked.


I know I wouldn't have bought F76 in the first place even if it was good, but now I know I'm never buying it. This game really makes me worried about the future of Elder Scrolls.


Congrats on 1M subs!


They have to replace their 3D engine... That will kill them if they don't do it, it limit them and it has lived so long it's torture to see how basic bugs they encountered.


Every Bethesda engine going at least as far back as The Elder Scrolls: Arena has been a buggy mess (with Daggerfall on the Xngine probably being the worst offender before Fallout ‘76). Given their track record, I highly doubt that a new engine from Bethesda would be less buggy than anything we’ve seen so far.


I agree with just about every point you had there Clint, but I must say I've been enjoying this game quite a bit. As mentioned the legacy/baggage that comes with calling it a Fallout title is I think having the largest effect. Seeing as the game isn't really canon anyways, better just calling it 76 and figuring its in its own strange version of that universe. Frankly I'm excited to see what they're going to come up with. Lots of possibility here. That and having played it on PC most of the issues graphically and performance wise I've yet to see. Yeah light beams through mountains is strange, and I've had maybe a handful of crashes over the time I've played (gotta be up around 50 hours at this point).


"it looks really good except when it doesn't" XD


ID nailed what Fallout multi-player should have been with DOOM Eternal, if they deliver on the promises. People would have paid $30 no question if they could just share their worlds with their friends. The idea of every character in the game being a person is just plain doomed to fail; but I'm very glad they're finally being called out on product quality. Daggerfall had an excuse, given it was the first of it's kind, and incredibly complicated. Everything after that... I wasn't impressed. By the time Fallout 4 came along, I'd pretty much had enough of being a beta tester. At least they're leaving ID alone... Of course, nobody has managed to tame those guys yet. :)