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So this is the kind of device I've been wanting for years. Easily and efficiently converts MDA/CGA/composite CGA/EGA/Tandy graphics modes to native VGA! And this video has been in the works for a little while now, but things almost never go as planned when it comes to retro computing-related projects it seems.

I first got this device back at the very end of September, messed with it for a while, filmed a whole bunch of stuff, had the video about 98% complete. Just about everything was ready to go before Halloween! But it turns out the pre-release unit I was sent had a weird issue where one of its features didn't function. Like at all. The composite video mode was completely non-existent somehow.

So I brought it up to Serge over at Serdaco and it turns out there was an issue with the firmware that was previously unnoticed. But it's now fixed! He sent out another unit all the way from Belgium ASAP and it is now totally awesome. So if you end up getting one of these incredibly useful scalers all of its features should now work as intended.

Also I hope the video turned out well, ha. Kinda hard to tell from my end, I rarely go back and re-edit a video this much but it was worth it to have the most up to date info.


Getting MDA/CGA/EGA Graphics all on ONE Monitor!




I *need* this in my life! Great video. Not cheap tho - but could be worth the investment


That's awesome! Now I can finally test and develop DOSLIB against some old CGA, EGA, MDA, Hercules cards and an old Tandy that lacks the composite output.


EGA's color palette just makes me happy. When my dad finally bought a color graphics adapter and monitor for our 286, we always thought it was CGA. So that's what we always chose in games. Until one day my friend accidentally selected EGA when we were playing the wonderful, better-than-the-original Mega Man DOS port, and HOLY CRAP! LOOK AT ALL THOSE COLORS!!!

Terry Lee

I don't understand why they had to ship another one from Belgium, can't firmware updates be downloaded from the Internet? In any case I'm glad they fixed it and it's great now! ^_^


That would have be possible if I had the proper interface to update the firmware. But I did not. Was easier and faster to send a whole new unit!

Jim Leonard

"And the hundreds of old PCs I have" -- hundreds? Seriously? (I know people with hundreds, but I didn't think you were renting space in a warehouse) Great video. As noted, the device is specifically meant for outputting TTL to modern monitors, not for capture; it scales the output as well as the refresh rate. There is a homebrew project in the works that should be ready next year that is specifically for capturing on a modern system (and can be previewed while capturing, so you can use the modern system to play the game too). I saw a prototype of it last year and it captures everything 1:1 at the original refresh rates. I'll let you know about it when it's finished.


Nice 8-Bit Guy suddle shout out! Planet X3 is awesome.


I have a capture card that *might* like this converter's output, it's the Startech PEXHD card, it seems to be the most tolerant of the capture cards I have though it doesn't like 400-line 70Hz VGA unless you first run it through a VGA to HDMI converter for some reason. But it isn't too picky, in fact it can even capture the odd 640x400 56Hz analog RGB video from a PC-98 system without trouble.


Whats the Asus monitor you have at the end? Looks great


No usual intro? Looks good though


Nice 😀 i did not know about this. Also got an hot wheels ad 🤣 I found it fitting.


Nice. Sad to see the shimmering effect though. My cheap scart to hdmi does that too and it kills it for me on the Genesis. I own two Tandy CM-11 monitors and plan to be buried with them :)


Indeed. It's only something I noticed in monochrome modes on certain LCD monitors, but still not the best.


I was sent one of these too.. Unfortunately, I've been unable to find the time for a proper review. I'm curious about something. Mine has no composite input, and I don't think yours does either. So is it actually faking the composite mode by looking at the pixel placement that comes from the RGBI connector? I can see how that would be possible because technically all of the information would be there that it needs. But I've never seen that done before! Oh, and thanks for showing Planet X3. I would have sent you a more updated version if I had known you were going to show it!


Gotta love monochrome (I think I prefer greeeeennnnn!!!!!!), but man, CGA is so hard to look at for a long time. I thought that back then, and now I do still. Not sure about my favorite retro palet. Probably VGA (because that's what I had when I discovered all those point and clicks like Monkey Island), but maybe It's greeeeennnnn!!!!!!


Just love the look of those huge old video cards. Yeah we have huge graphic cards now too but all that nice circuitry is always covered with fans and what nots.


Wait is it just me or is there no intro on the video?


That's my understanding, yep! "Composite simulation" is how I think the developer refers to it. Definitely the first time I've seen that done as well. <a href="http://www.vcfed.org/forum/showthread.php?60128-Simulated-Composite-Colors-(MCE2VGA)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.vcfed.org/forum/showthread.php?60128-Simulated-Composite-Colors-(MCE2VGA)</a> Hehe, and I'm sure I'll be using X3 as a benchmark/test program for years. So many graphics options to choose from and they all look great!


Currently looking into making a new intro that just says "LGR" since I've more or less dropped the whole Lazy Game Reviews moniker.


Because "Not So Lazy Cleverly Worded Game Reviews" isn't catchy.