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Slowly recovering from my Red Dead Redemption 2 binge over the past five days, but alas: retro technology continually calls my name so here we are.

This is an early version of the next LGR episode for ya! There will be an updated video replacing this in the next day or two as I've already made some slight factual corrections and visual tweaks in an upcoming draft, but what's here is 99% awesome I hope. [EDIT: DONE]

Been working on this machine over the past couple months (off and on) due to various struggles with aging hardware and unrelated projects taking precedent in the meantime. Always a joy when it comes to old tech.

But yeah, this is Samsung's first tablet computer from all the way back in 1992. And I think it's pretty nifty. Enjoy!


Samsung's FIRST Tablet: $5,000 PenMaster From 1992!

yeah man old computers



Woe that's cool


I HAD one of these at one point in time. I always had a fascination for tablet type devices like this and others. Looking forward to this. Yay. So glad I became a patron


Neat, I hope you enjoy! May I ask if you bought it new or secondhand? There's very little info on where these were sold.


Now I remember how jealous I was at a roommates Nokia N800 back in College. Such a chunky little device in todays frame of reference.


It's like a Samsung Galaxy Note, but its much bigger and older brother!


Why carry the smallest phone when you have one that can also function as a bludgeoning weapon and a door stop? We're obviously forgetting the useful features nowadays. Also, just shown this to my wife who's a graphic illustrator who uses a massive Wacom Cintiq and she gave me this weird smirk at how chunky and weird it looked. Thanks honey :P


I'm reminded of that old Simpsons episode: "We've come up with a camera so tiny it fits into this oversized novelty hat"


that romance novel sounds spicy, when are the pre-orders going up lol


Are there any "tit tCie?" in your new romance novel?


I'm surprised that thing didn't make it into a Bond movie.

Terry Lee

Samsung has always been revolutionary. I'm impressed that a company so experimental has lasted for decades and continues to thrive. Try new things is great and they do a great job of making things more affordable. The prices of SSD have dropped significantly! You can pick up a solid SATA 120 GB for only $27 these days!

Headset Guy

FARtr I laughed when I saw that.


I'm surprised you still find so many interesting old gadgets I never new existed :) I'ts to bad the hardware didn't work properly. It would be cool to see you playing around with it more.


Cool tech, but I'm much more interested in the Novel.... When is it coming out.... Purely for academic research of course.


I need to hear you say "nice rounded butt" a few more times lol


Hi Clint!, the floppy drive of my 486 laptop make the same noise because the belt of the unit is completely destroyed (the belt that connect the motor with the spinner thing and makes the floppy disk spin). I really enjoy your videos :) Thanks!


Hey Clint, Fantastic video, thank you for sharing. Always love seeing the older tech! You mentioned you couldn't get the old hard drive to work anymore. By any chance, have you heard of SpinRite? <a href="https://www.grc.com/sr/spinrite.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.grc.com/sr/spinrite.htm</a> (no affiliation). I've heard a lot of people swear it's the only thing that brought their (seemingly) dead drive back to life. Cheers!

Alyxx the Rat

It is mindblowing that tablets are so hot nowadays yet they've been a thing ever since the early 90's.


Cool 😀 i also got an Barbie ad on the video 🤣


No one ever tries to write 'Beat up Martin' on those type of things. :(


<a href="http://dilbert.com/strip/1995-11-06" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://dilbert.com/strip/1995-11-06</a>


The first 'S Pen'... :D ❤


So I happened to watch this video on my tablet. Pretty neat seeing the very first Samsung pen tablet while watching on my Samsung tab s3 (which has a stylus/S pen). I now use my tablet more than my actual computer, so it's funny to think back to how people thought "who needs a tablet?". Now if only my tablet had been avaliable when I was in school! It was my dream back then to take a tablet to class and write my notes that way, but there wasn't anything affordable (and also not a heavy brick) at the time. Le sigh :P


As a comic book colorist I cannot imagine what my predecessors had to deal with. Surface 6, this is not. Has it's charm though. Great video.