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Found this on an episode of LGR Thrifts, just had to give it a look.


LGR - How To Find ANYTHING On The Internet

In the year 2000, CareerTrack released this CD-ROM that made the bold claim of letting you know how to find ANYTHING on the internet. Well then, we have just got to see if it's true. ● Download an archive of the disc here: ● LGR links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music credits go to: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Retro #Software



The internet. Is that thing still around? - Homer


THAT 2:46 TRANSITION WAS SO SLIIIIIIIIICK Also, oh man, that Macromedia logo. Takes me back to assistant teaching at an IT oriented trade school like 10 years ago.


<a href="https://www.netlingo.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.netlingo.com/</a> is still there!


2:39 hilarious the recorded output of your speakers seems to sound much clearer than the original. Well all just because of that little reverb your room has.


Man, now I wanna play Lenny Loosejocks.


Can "How to Find ANYTHING on the Internet" help me find a video of a guy watching videos on how to find ANYTHING on the Internet?


Also what is up with "PC Connection"? It is a Fortune 1000 company, made like ton of commercials in the 90s at least what I have been noticing in videos like yours or in the computer chronicals, yet the wikipedia page is as baren as it gets and their homepage doesn't even look like it is the same company anymore.

Terry Lee

My name is Terry too, Hi Clint!


I wonder if Snowball fight (the old flash game) was out by then? Or the popcap games.

Robert Butler

As a former Metacrawler, ohhhhh the feels!


Dogpile actually still exists as a search engine! I still use it occasionally when I'm looking for something obscure and the Google results are crap because it assumed I wanted something... more sane. Yes, Metacrawler definitely beat Dogpile back in the day, but sadly, it's not around anymore.


Someone would make a killing if they just revised the old Yahoo model of being a directory instead of a search engine. Google is so worthless anymore because 90% of all results are exactly the same content just on a different page, and you never see things like homepages anymore. Create a directory that isn't just news and social media posts and Amazon links, and people will come.


Wow, this takes me back! I do remember using Yahoo a lot and then switching to Metacrawler, all before Google was even a thing. It's a shame so little search engines are around these days. Just like Youtube, the less there are, the more restrictive and useless they become.


The domain "buy.com" in the website list intrigued me, and apparently today it leads to rakuten.com, the huge japanese e-shopping website. Cool domain name!


I've never been so equally bored to death and intrigued by a program

Joon Choi

This was quite a trip down memory lane. I used to be a big AltaVista fan in the late 90s. Never had much use for Yahoo and other directory based portals either. Then Google just took over everything. I miss the Cambrian Explosion days of the internet.


I can't believe I just learned something useful with the alt-arrow key. I feel like such a n00b for not knowing that.


This is fantastic. Thank you.


"...use a web browser to view web pages" "Oh, is that what you do with a web browser?" It was in the '90s...


sitting in front of a progress bar waiting for forza to install with ms's terrible dl servers for their pc store.... so this should be a great distraction!


What a trip back in time! In February 2000 I was still dialing in my then new Pentium 3 700MHz PC; most of the parts came from Mwave.com and buy.com. Netscape Navigator was my Internet browser, Google was my default search engine, and I was very interested in two upcoming PC games: MDK 2 and Diablo II. Most of my web browsing had to do with MIDI/tracker music and keeping track of computer hardware news. Thank you for this interesting time capsule video Clint, it really brings back memories ^_^.


What the hell is this internet thing? That'll never catch on. Neither will those shoulder pads our host Terry is wearing.


The very first time I had access to the internet I googled "Legend Of Zelda, Ocarina of Time" and within seconds found porno. I was about 8 when this happened :D


Have used the Alt + Arrow Key quite alot actually :P Mostly in Media Players, but also on the Wide World of Web xD Nowadays i usually use mouse shortcuts or the Backspace enabler plugin for Chrome ^^


I never knew about Alt+Arrow either. Just tried it on my Mac, and it's ⌘-Arrow instead (which I suppose is in the same spot as the Alt key, even if Option is the Mac equivalent.)


I still am not sure I know how to find ANYTHING on the internet...more like how to scour the internet with what search engines want you to find!


AngelFire (no GeoCities?). That brings back memories...


“I lost a really nice silk scarf in about 1912... Google it”


There used to be dmoz.org which was run by AOL, but it shut down last year. Supposedly <a href="http://curlie.org" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://curlie.org</a> is a successor to it


Alt + left and right works on opera too! I had no idea. And in windows explorer!


Yeah I used to use the backspace key to go back, but Chrome got rid of that some time ago. So since then I've gotten used to using Alt + Left to go back.


Ah yes, I remember when Buy.com was a shopping site, wow....


Loved this episode. Thanks for archiving!


Fred Lane is a name I hadn't heard in a while. Forgot about all of that.