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This tale has been in the works for some time! This whole set of stories and tech seems to be all but forgotten these days and the info has been tricky to piece together. Quite happy with how this turned out though, lemme know what you think!


LGR Tech Tales - DC-2: First Robot Ever Arrested


Michael Vokabre

As a robotics enthusiasts /me vibrates intensely


0:18 guy built a robot to guard his kids' bedroom? Did he end up working at Aperture Science?


Great video as always, Clint. Amusing and odd topic for Tech Tales, it works out well. By the way, I hear of your location in NC. With Hurricane Florence and all, tropical systems can be pretty bad with mountains, even though it'll be a tropical depression when it gets that far inland. Stuff like flooding and the like. Coming from another North Carolinian - stay safe!


I enjoyed this immensely! Robotics in the 80s is fascinating, there was so much public excitement over them, not to mention technology in general. It seemed like such an optimistic time, which is probably why so many are nostalgic for them, despite the many flaws of the era. I was born in '82, so I don't remember much besides things like Short Circuit and the VTech Socrates that I got along with my NES in '88 that had the title character that looked a whole lot like Johnny-5. Man, if I still had that thing, I'd send it to you for Edutainment Month! 😀 Anyway, enough old man rambling, thanks again for a great video, and as others have mentioned, stay safe. I hope for the best for you and yours if the storm does hit NC.


Headlines from the future: "A Boston Dynamics robot broke free and wandered into a bar in the South End today, and was arrested after getting into an argument about whether Brady could still win, having a bottle broken over its head, and punching someone's entire mouth off."


Thank you! Shouldn't be too bad where I am, but I've had some family closer to the east evacuate already. Looks like this is gonna be a bad one.


This was a really cool video. I like these kinds of looks back at forgotten robots. Thanks.


I was born in '81, loved short circuit. Perhaps that's why I got into ech


After watching Black Mirror's episode "Metalhead" I'm a bit more apprehensive about robots. When I read this video's title I almost had a heart attack, thinking it was a recent event.


Haha, this was great! I had no idea about these robots. The whole idea of them being rented out for parties, trade shows, and events is fantastic... ah the 1980's..! Great job as always.


Those are some BS charges from the Beverly Hills PD. #justicefordc2


Oh god that article at 2:30, where the robot sexually harasses a female reporter and "Hearty laughter erupted". Times sure have changed...


Tech Tale meets obsolete :D.


No example of Boston Dynamics for the 21th century? Man!


so you had to read the Playboy "for science" ? ;)


I wonder if the VIC-20 or Atari 400 inside could be used to program the robots for any sort of autonomous activities? That would have been cool.

Alyxx the Rat

Absolutely loved this video! The 80's was all about robots and I think some of that interest is coming back nowadays.

Eric Simmons

I was finally able to make the guy's name out when I watched the video on my laptop. His name was Bill Bakaleinikoff. I did a search for him on the Interwebs. I found a story about him posted by the Baltimore Sun this past July. It appears that he passed away in June. Interesting guy. One of his robots spoke at a commencement ceremony at a community college back in 1983. Some people were not amused. At any rate, I can't leave a URL here, so do an Internet search for "Bill Bakaleinikoff Baltimore Sun" and you'll see the article I was referring to. There's also a linked article about him from the Washington Post. So, Clint. Thanks for including that specific article in your video. It gives me some appreciation for where I live. I can add him along with the former Egg Capital of the World and former Wrist Wrestling Capital of the World (used to be shown on ABC's Wide World of Sports), Then, there's always Lagunitas Brewing. Many have heard of their IPA. Anyway, keep up the great work and entertaining videos.


Great stuff Clint,


Loved the Dramatic Reenactment !


This was awesome! Great job!


"Kid, whad'ya get?" I said, "I didn't get nothing, I had to pay $40 and pick up the robot. "

Hugo's Desk

I just love these "historical" episodes. Amazing work.