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Doom 3 Voodoo 2



You're getting weirder and weirder ideas for videos and this is not a complaint. :)


it looks like half life


That was the best Potato I've ever laid my eyes on. Slap some sour cream on top and you've got a good night.


Those eyes are derpy as hell, I don’t know whether it makes the game more silly or more creepy


Awesome video dude. It's amazing what can be done with limited resources. I wonder what the minimum system Doom 2016 would be capable of running on?

Thomas Fuchs

Obviously, you need to use two Voodoo2 cards in SLI, d'uh

Troy Wilkins

This looks perfect for all the people who complain that Doom 3 is too dark, hahaha. I don't know what it is about this that I found so delightful, but I did, so thank you.


I was thinking of doing that, haha. Maybe more tests will be in order if this goes over well. Even have a Quantum3D dual Voodoo 2 card that would be neat to try.


These sort of crazy experiments is one of the many things I love about LGR!


Haa haa, got a kick from this video, and it did remind me of the times when things with computers didn't "just always" work. The old "when I was your age, we had to install patches both versions in the snow..."


"And we had to manually check for them and download them one by one from dubious websites! None of this automatic hullabaloo"


Ah, Doom 3. As rendered on an N64. Always fascinated with making games run on tech that is WAY behind inns the times.


“Questionable eBay searches” This is my life you’re talking about :) Great vid.

Terry Lee

Sometimes you are as silly as Linus Tech tips with his crazy tech experiments. Why do we do it? Because our curiosity gets the best of us and we can... lol. honestly it does make for interesting content.

Headset Guy

Oh God the thumbnail... I'm in for a treat, I'm sure...

Lindsay Michelle

Potato Doom 3? The Lazy Green Giant? Your naming of things deserves props in this video in particular. And it's funny how bad graphics and even lagginess can be charming. I guess you feel compelled to give the Voodoo 2 card a "You Tried" sticker and a pat on the head or something :P


Oh god that 9800 flashing on-screen gave me a panic attack. I had so many issues and lost weekends troubleshooting that damn thing. Never bought an ATI card since. Fun vid though! V2 gives me all kinds of fuzzy feelings.


The Radeon 9000 series was so iconic. I remember my brother buying a 9700 Pro so he could play Half Life 2...


Well done on the thumbnail 😂


Hilarious thumbnail lol


Oh wow man! Groovy to the max!! XD Potato Doom 3 indeed, good to see you finally trying this out Clint. I gave this a shot back in 2016 with my S370 PC build - Asus CULS2-C board, Pentium 3 1000EB, 512mb PC133 ram, Nvidia GF3 Ti200 64mb, 3dfx Voodoo 2 12mb SLI, 80gb WD hard drive, Yamaha YMF724 PCI sound card, 300 watt Enermax PSU, Windows 98 SE. The result was about the same as your video (SLI didn't make much of a difference for me - average FPS was around 18); I did play Doom 3 up to Administration, but the acid trip got old by then and stopped. I used this thread at VOGONS as a guide: <a href="https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&amp;t=40578" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&amp;t=40578</a> The GF3 Ti200 does make Doom 3 look as it should, but performance is equally bad (average FPS around 21).


You said this didn’t work with the Steam version of Doom 3 due to copy protection issues. Does it work with the GOG.com version?


this is silly and unnecessary, and also why i watch this channel


direct x 9.0c on a win95 or win98? Huh how quaint. Reminds me back in the day we had a win95 machine, where windows died and had to be reinstalled after we tried installing direct x 7!.


also the graphic reminds me on system shock xD.^^


This looks just like Half-Life when it came out the same year of your Voodoo2 card... ages before Doom3. Most excellent video! :D


The first time i saw Doom 3 was with the leaked alpha on a GeForce 2 MX, tried to play the game later on a GeForce 3, which it was developed for but ran piss poor on. Oh well. :D


How did you manage to get rid of the Voodoo3 drivers and get the V2 drivers working? Last time I swapped a V3 for a V2 to test it I ended up re-installing Win98...


should run "ok" with a SLI Setup...have to test that :D


This is gold 😀 been watching some of the old game reviews lately, what happened with retrowaretv.com?


The title alone put a smile on my face. Ha ! :D


Yeah but can it run Potato Crysis?


That youtube screen shot will give you nightmares


Was a kick watching this in 4K/60fps...


Nice! The next time you're bored, try copying the .drv files from an older SCI Sierra game onto a newer one and experience King's Quest V in glorious CGA!


That thumbnail is pure gold

Kris Asick

I purchased Oblivion before I had a system viable enough to run it properly... So there I was trying to play it on Windows 98 SE with 512 MB of RAM and a GeForce FX5200 GPU... You have to use the unofficial KernelEx update for Windows 98 to get Oblivion through its Windows XP restrictions and even then, my framerate was 2 on the lowest settings with lighting enabled. If you disable lighting though... whoo boy, Oblivion takes on a WILDLY different look and feel... but it does indeed become playable! :D

Peter Metzger

oh man, your mention at the end of a Radeon 9800 Pro reminded me of the first PC I built for myself (after building others for friends) which, as I recall, had an All-In-Wonder 9800 Pro stuffed into a Shuttle XPC case ^_^


Wow that make me my jaw dropped. Hell of a patience you had here It's really impressive and... yeah kinda charming to see Doom3 like that. I enjoyed that video thanks!


Next Crysis on a 486