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Well this video was not planned in any way, haha. Had a retro hardware project go temporarily haywire so I put this together over the last few days instead.

No script, minimal depth, just looking at a nostalgic old game and me lazily rambling.  #PutTheLazyBackInLazyGameReviews


LGR - Wheel of Fortune for DOS


Terry Lee

It's in your name my friend, you occasionally have to record a lazy video :P


Haha.. Believe it or not, this is the first game I ever saw on an IBM XT. My brother got an XT when we were in our early teens and I was still using a Commodore 128. I was somewhat underwhelmed by the CGA graphics and PC speaker music from this game.


Nice! Yeah I imagine coming from a 128 to this would be underwhelming to say the least. Even the C64 version of WOF was slightly more impressive.


"If you thought this video was okay, then I am shocked!" Ahah that made me laugh. It's okay to have an okay video from time to time :D Waiting for the next one.


I want someone to make a "Wheel of Fish" video game. And just like any other game show video game, if you win, you get nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Christian Fuchs

I played this game as a german version on my 286 with hercules graphics using a CGA emulator.


Oh man, blast from the past - I used to play this game on my old 286 as a kid!


I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!


As a non-American, this is seems so incredibly American to me that I find this video fascinating. So lazy or not, thanks for giving this little insight in this bizarre niche of video games!


I always thought until right this minute it was Judge WOPner, that's how I remember everyone saying it. Although I like what they did here, they punished people for being too smug, everyone thought it was a Wopner, so that nerd that knew it was Wapner would smuggly type that in only to get rejected. YES! WOF was a game of the people.


I looked up this company, Timely Publications, since it's near where I live and I couldn't find anything except a lawyers website, from there I found a case they were involved with, which it turns out was a lawsuit over the royalties of this very game. <a href="https://www.leagle.com/decision/19921906610so2d129611649" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.leagle.com/decision/19921906610so2d129611649</a>

Neil (RMCretro)

Sometimes these impromptu videos are the funnest to make and it comes across well... love it

Alyxx the Rat

I really liked this video.


This is the same copy I had on my Tandy I believe. Loved playing it for HOURS!


Awww yeah! My grandfather's Tandy had this. I played the heck outta this and only won once. Still to this day I remember the winning answer: "ham and eggs".


One of my favorite games to play with my grandparents when I was a little kid 👍


I always had a fondness/obsession with game show computer games. WOF is extra special to me because I actually got to go on the show. And win! And I have this DOS game to thank for all those hours of practice back in the late '80s as a kid.


It all comes back now... Maren Gilzer, Frederic Meisner and the almighty ERNSTL. @.@


Here, for all Germans who need some Flashback right now :D ;) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zprZuvxi_dc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zprZuvxi_dc</a>


god, I played that so much


The last time I watched an entire episode of Wheel of Fortune, Vana White had to flip the letter boards. So like mid 90's?

Jason Wellband

I remember the old GGA version. My uncle had it at his house and my aunt &amp; I would play it every time I was over there.

Lindsay Michelle

Patreon didn't alert me to this video being posted... silly Patreon. Anyways, loved the cold opening with the WOF DOS intro playing and this video being a callback to your lazy roots. I have never seen that PS4 version until now. I might download it to my PS4 if I get really bored one day, haha.


i have the MS Dos,windows 3.1,pc,sega cd,n64,ps2 and xbox 360 versions of the game my favorite is the n64 and ps2 versions


I will not watch just anything Clint... your voice is just so damn soothing. It's a wheely good voice, how fortunate!

Bryan McIntosh

This caused a massive rush of nostalgia for me, and I hadn't thought about this game in a very, very long time. A good friend of mine had a 386 with this and a whole pile of other games installed, and we spent a bunch of time playing it after we failed Police Quest a few times when we were seven years old and unable to memorize a police procedure manual. :P


Wow, sharedata was in Chandler, AZ? Sweet, haven't really seen AZ on any old software titles before


Wait a minute... Sexy Sports Trivia? What the...


i play this game on windows me and i was like uh i dint know at the time that was a pc speaker and it was my 1st 80's game i had as well thanks LGR for being back those memory's i had as a kid


I got this game in 1987 from a Waldenbook Store, which was right beside RadioShack where we got our beloved Tandy 1000a. I played the hell out of this game, and from what I remember, there were very few repeated puzzles. I also vaguely remember there was a cheat/bug where I could spin and land on the highest value at will; but I also think that could be one of my 'old age false memories' kicking in.