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GameStar NES Controller to PC Keyboard Adapter




TWO early access episodes within a day of each other?? You sure know how to spoil your patrons!


Oh how I could use one of these, a lot of Korean DOS games I've found would be better with a controller but lack Joystick support.


It's an NES to AT scan code converter. Nice! Since the keyboard connector has a bi-directional data path I wonder what special commands the software uses?

Carey Brown

It it LGR Christmas? Soo many new ahiny episodes!!! So much yay!!!!

Terry Lee

I always wanted to play DOS games using a NES controller!

Kris Asick

Any input lag on that thing? It didn't look it but part of the reason I've been reluctant to burn cash on modern USB controller converters so I can use my old console controllers with my PC is because a lot of them are chided for having input lag. :/


What do you think makes this not Oddware? The fact that it's actually useful?


Just had a telemarketer call me halfway through watching this video. I told them to hold on then turned LGR up and they tried talking to him. Thanks for taking that call for me Clint.

Bastien Nocera

Nice! This would have been useful back in the day, but ‘93 is already “Multimedia PC” bundle times, so one probably would have had a joystick port on their sound card.

Raymond Nichols

When I saw they keyboard pass through I was reminded of the Gravis Phoenix. I worked at Advanced Gravis at the time and beta tested it. My computer was weird in it’s keyboard support so they borrowed it for a week. But man it was cool being able to control so many functions from your joystick, things you thought were locked away to the keyboard only were right at your finger tips.


Sounds like this handy-dandy addon became a part of your daily DOS driver. Am I right Clint?


That is provably the best adapter that I have ever seen for gamepads on the computer. It's almost as good as plugging in a wired 360 controller into your computer.


That is a really cool device! Thanks for the video.

Alyxx the Rat

I kinda want one too now.


I will definitely be keeping it around for the moments when I want a nice 4-button gamepad, yes. Though, that's admittedly not very often.


I think the most surprising thing about this product (beyond that it exists) is that the software comes on 1.2MB floppies. I don't think I remember any software being distributed on that. It seems that OEMs went straight from 360K and 720K floppies straight to 1.44. I imagine this was out of fear of a customer not knowing the difference and trying to read the 1.2MB in their 360K floppy since they look the same.


Huh, I hadn't thought about that but you're right! Compared to double density disks, high density is relatively less common for distribution of retail software.


What did you cut your hand on? (Noticed the band-aid on your hand) I've totally cut my hand on computer cases in the past, they can be sharp!


That description on YouTube. “Wut”. Perfectly explains what da fun this thing is.

Lindsay Michelle

The crappy, cheaply-made third party controller sucks and has an especially terrible D-pad? No! Wouldn't have guessed! You seemed so much more relaxed playing with the NES controller compared to the one that came with this cool doodad. :P At least the crappy controller is somewhat functional, though.


Welp. You tested Duke 3D with it. Im satisfied


I love seeing that Wolf 3D installer, it reminds me of all those old DOS games and is one of the little things that you don't really get from playing them on Steam or GOG on newer hardware.


I actually have this complete set, minus the utility disk. I purchased this on clearance from CompUSA for $19.99. Is there any chance you'd consider uploading an image of the utility disk online? Also worth mentioning: mine also has some sort of gold-ish paint or discoloration on my connector.


This was fun to watch! The videos are always fun, but y'know. Thanks. :)


Now I want to try this thing with the Power Glove.


Voice Over conclusion with Wolfenstein 3d gameplay keeps both the eyes and ears engaged. Good way to get people following through to the end of the vid.