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So this is pretty much a Toshiba T1000 laptop with a weird lightgun. And not THAT kind of lightgun, but more like a gun that shoots light. At your face.


LGR Oddware - 1988 Avon Beauty Vision Computer

pretty much a Toshiba laptop with a weird lightgun, ha



One of the oddest things I've seen on oddware. The light gun like thing is kinda creepy. Don't think think I would want that up to my face.


Interesting and funny. Esp. putting the light gun up to your face and the scents Quiz.


You sir, are ultra cool indeed.


I'd love to see how the inside of that gun works. CCDs were still a few years off, so I wonder if it's like using small wavelength calibrated diodes or something with a consistent lightsource (that flash) to check? It's very neat and mysterious to me.


Clint... Why didn't you check if it could run Doom? lol! It might can, badly at best!


Duke Nukem had to be ultra cool. That was such an epic association.


Random Question: What software and file format do you use to back up multi session disks?

Terry Lee

now that is odd... That had to have cost Avon more to make then they sold! The cost of making the keyboard and screen back in 1988 had to be worth more than $50.


SimCity in ultrawidescreen on an Avon computer, amazing.


Very random, considering I don't know of any multi session discs I've ever backed up? Should I have?


I actually gasped at the VHS transition at 2:15, that thing is sexy. Have you used it before?


I honestly think collecting people's contact information was the most important part of this operation. Everything else is just a gimmick.


What happens if you try the light gun on other surfaces, like a woodgrain 486?


Looks like something from Fallout, dug out of the ruins of a department store. "May cause cancer! But don't worry, we have a concealer for that!"


Haha! Of course you have Ultra Cool skin... you're Duke Nukem! *Snickers* ^_^

Alyxx the Rat

I can see this being useful in choosing the right makeup. Kinda makes me want one. lol


Me: I'm moving very soon so avoid buying new hardware, use any existing spare parts, and so on. Also me: Only $50? It's too stupid to not own!

Terry Lee

I'm pretty sure you can judge for yourself what your skintone might be. You don't need to pay $50 to answer that question. I'm sure you can approach a makeup specialist in a local store and get a better answer lol


It just tries its best to associate whatever color it sees with one of the skintones it knows, and then provides the same four results at the end.


Haha, yeah I expect they might end up selling out soon after this video goes up, if past videos are any indication. Now is the time for frivolous purchases :P

Nicholas Wilson

How interesting? And has this changed your choice of makeup, Clint? :D


are the results consistent? Like if you keep scanning yourself does it always do ultracool, or is it just a random number generator?


Clint, you're looking full of energy, man. Keep them videos coming, and stay well. ✌️


This reminds me of the lasers they have at beauty salons for like hair removal and veins, but I'm guessing way less powerful or you'd definitely have felt a zap.


I am endlessly amused that that thing can run SimCity.

Carey Brown

This is just awesome!!! I must have one!!


Shame on you Clint! Playing SimCity when you should be working... Avon will take that computer away! LOL!


Is there more oddware than usefulware out there? Keep these coming Clint!


This is one of the oddest things I've ever seen. First I have to say I'm surprised it works. Most Toshiba T1000s are dead because the battery leaks and destroys the motherboard. Maybe because this one is modified the battery is different? Anyway, I also find the choice of font the used to be really irritating. The screen on that machine is already too wide. And then they went and used a wide font, making it even worse. Also the entire purpose of this thing seems silly because you could have something self-contained in that light device that essentially could accomplish the same thing with a few indicator LEDs or a small calculator style LCD screen on the back to give a number of the result. I suspect, as you said, this was mostly just for show. On the bright side, this machine should be able to play Planet X3!


Hi folks... Excellent video as always... This is very odd ware indeed and more than a little gimmicky... By the way, guess what I found at work yesterday: <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ItWGnj7RdmkCMeXqbncEP5ttnpxoKkoL/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ItWGnj7RdmkCMeXqbncEP5ttnpxoKkoL/view?usp=sharing</a> <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1izDm7z7r_pF0wRPvDgLHfhsTytvHpKmj/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1izDm7z7r_pF0wRPvDgLHfhsTytvHpKmj/view?usp=sharing</a> It's just the manual and disks but I guess that's pretty cool in itself :-) Kind regards, Stephan


This kind of oddware never cease to amaze me. It brings back in time for sure. But it even makes me feel a little more than that. The confidence in technology of this era is kind of slightly dystopian to me and sometimes I just can't wrap my head around it! Awesome video thanks!


Sounds like it's juicing up a cap at first, indicating they probably used a flash bulb to illuminate the subject's skin. I wonder what came first, the Avon system or color-matching behind the paint counter? I'm starting to think it might actually have been this Avon rig, as I worked at Sears in the '90s, and nobody had color matching at that time. As silly as this is, then... Our walls wouldn't be properly color-coordinated without it. LOL