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LGR - SimCity BuildIt Review

Gameplay and commentary on SimCity Build It for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. It's free, sure, but is it any good? ● Please consider supporting LGR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Twitter and Facebook: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews http://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews



Hmmm, with Maxis now closed down, will there ever be another proper SimCity game?


I almost want to get Simcity 5 just for the soundtrack. Maybe I can buy the soundtrack on iTunes. My favorite SimCity has to be 3000. SimCity 2000 was hard. And Simcity 4 was just hard to get into. I kinda want the latest Cities XXL game just for the city building...


Maxis hasn't made a proper SimCity since SC4 :) Really curious to see how Cities Skylines turns out though


I've got (not super high, but high enough) hopes for Cities Skylines, and I'm all ready for those hopes to be demolished upon release.


Is Sim City 5 worth playing offline as a casual, 30 minutes at a time kind of game?


Seeing this just makes me sad for the state of mobile gaming. I remember being incredibly chuffed with the earlier SimCity ports that made it out onto iOS, which felt like full, proper games - and none of this timer-infused mess. Watching this, I was somewhat digging the approach they'd taken, until the talk of timers came in - for those of us who can only get small blocks of gaming done here & there, timers are the element which most ruins gameplay. I'm not someone who wants to be at a games beck & call, rather just free to put a small portion of time when I can. Maybe I'm just too old for modern gaming :(


I legitimately like these types of waiting game games but only when they're not so obnoxious, i.e. Tiny Tower. When the paywall thing starts pushing up on you so close, you seriously can't progress without giving money, that's an awful fusion of greed and bad design right there. For shame. Also, thanks for bringing up Adventure Capitalist. I'd never heard of it before, so I went to play it at once. It's great.

Lindsay Michelle

Oooo a free-to-p(l)ay game! Your favorite! :D haha I admit, I played SimCity Social for a little bit before getting sick of it, along with a bunch of those Facebook games. A bit embarrassing, but hey. I'm kind of sick of F2P now... lost interest a lonnggggg time ago. And I feel like once you get burnt out from F2P, you don't really want to go back... ever. Closest I ever got to coming back was Cookie Clicker, which I played for a solid week (and doesn't have stupid popups asking for money).

Alyxx the Rat

Yay, a moneysink for my mobile that does nothing I can't do better on my PC... Wait people buy these things?


Take out a small loan and be able to complete a city. Or just buy Simcity 4 for five dollars on sale and mod it :P