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Greetings, all! For those that are interested, I'm working on a video about classic computer game expansion packs. Got to thinking the other day about how many PC games used to have physical expansions sold in stores, and how few of them there are nowadays, and that gets my nostalgia dripping. Anyone else's nostalgia do that? Is that creepy? Anyway, I've had requests to do more videos along the lines of the those that I did covering system requirements stickers and game publisher catalogs. So this is along the same lines, and on a subject that doesn't seem to be touched on very often. Heh, and yeah, I often work very closely to my self-imposed "deadline" for weekend videos, so that's why I'm not posting anything til now. Half the time I don't decide what I'm covering until a day or two before it goes up! The pic is a bit of a teaser of the stuff covered :) See anything you're familiar with? I hope you all enjoy it when it goes up in the next day or so! -Clint/LGR




Awesome to see Syndicate American Revolt up front!


age of empires hiding in the back xD i played that game soo many times!


Ah expansions! The first one I think I ever owned was Ghost Bear's Legacy for Mechwarrior 2, I got it for Christmas the year it came out. More recently though, I came across a boxed copy of Descent: Freespace at the local thrift shop, which was already cool enough, when I saw the Silent Threat expansion sitting right behind it. I nearly wet myself! Looking forward to the episode Clint! :D

Alyxx the Rat

Great, really looking forward to this episode. I certainly remember expansions and it was pretty much DLC before DLC existed, though higher priced and some would argue you got more for your money (depending on the expansion). Some of my favourite expansions are the Quake mission packs, Duke Nukem: Plutonium Pak, Half-Life: Opposing Force and the SiN expansion pack "Wages of SiN" which added a bonus episode AND made you able to use the gameplay changes in the vanilla campaign, such as dualwielding mags (hell yeah!).


I can not wait for this man...


These curiosity/old stuff are really among my favorite episodes, it's great to know every weird thing that used to be available in the past, most of which I've never heard about before!

Justin Dotson

I remember when I first saw an expansion and was confused. I was all nintendo and snes and then got into pcs in the early mid 90s. It was mind blowing.


This is the stuff... Syndicate had add-ons? Did not know that.


one of my personnel PC mysteries involves an expansion pack. "The Colonel" the supposed expansion for Twilight 2000. Its very poorly documented online and I cannot find any proof it was sold retail or any specifics on what it adds to the game except "possibly more weapons and tanks". I've never ever seen any physical copies of it either box or floppies or versions of the regular release stating the expansion was included. I went so far as to talk to the head programmer of the original game, Don Wuenschell (a super nice guy btw). He unfortunately had left Paradox by the time the expansion was released but he couldn't recall even after going through some of his old stuff if it was released at retail on online only. the game came out in 91 so I don't think the buying expansions online was a big thing then. Glenn Dill was the programmer of the expansion but i've been unable to contact him.


makes me wanna edit my config.sys


I used to always want to be a box art designer. My favorite part of your videos is the box art. Look at the lovely expansion boxes. They're going extinct... Screw the whales. Save the game boxes.