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LGR - Thrifts [Ep.38] Getting Warmer

Join me as I go out thrifting, in search of games and interesting goods at various discount shops! Finally I can cut my own matboards once again, aw yeah. ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Here are the camera glasses I use: https://www.amazon.com/iVUE-Horizon-Camera-Recording-Sunglasses/dp/B00NAI092S Music is all royalty-free. Tracks used in order of appearance: "Branches", "Mining By Moonlight", and "Spy Groove" http://www.danosongs.com/#music https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/full_list.php



Nice thanks brother love the videos! Glad to support!


Oh my god those cameras! I would probably buy them all!


I just wanted to go to bed. Thanks for giving me an excuse not to do that. :D


Yay! Thrifts!


That PAL-enabled Video CD player looks like something TechMoan might cover, though he should probably stay away from the Mat Cutter. :D


Man it really sucks thrifting in the Asheville/Hendersonville area now, they seem to be shifting to more furniture and clothes. i use to find all kinds of cool games in the glass case at the lucky rock goodwill, then they got rid of it :( Oh and that RCA CED player was there when i went as well, i doubt they will ever sell it at that price but it was definitely cool


Funnily enough I bought a Sony NTSC VCD player a couple of years ago and it just displays everything as a mosaic of coloured (I suppose that should be colored - being that it's NTSC) blocks.

Joon Choi

Woohoo new Thrifts! Also congrats on the 800k subs!


Great episode! Hey, any memories of Nickelodeon 3D Movie Maker? It's a CDROM creative-type game from the mid 90's that I was completely obsessed with for a couple of years.


3:45 The toy keytar. That's a Rock Band 3 peripheral. And it only works with Rock Band 3 as that is the only one in the series that had keyboard support. The keyboard support was never very popular, but quite fun if you like that sort of game.


That viewer submitted Blasto jacket is fly as hell. 👌


Was just at a goodwill here and it remind me of your videos


On top of Goodwill stores you should look for flee markets and other second had stores. I would have never thought that watching a video of someone thumbing through random junk would be so entertaining.


Check out the older episodes, I've been to many stores beyond Goodwill! It's just that they're the most common thing here. Flea markets aren't really any option for me.


Yeah it's still there for $200 as of today. I'd be curious enough to grab it for like fifty bucks, otherwise eh, I'd rather have one that for sure works.


Congrats on the 800K subs man!


All the music stuff this ep reminds me - would you have a rec for a record player with self contained speakers?

Justin Dotson

Man that mat cutter was a steal. I would have been psyched.


The goodwills here seem to be going in the same direction. All the electronics, vintage knick-knacks and whatnot have been relegated to a wire stand in the back of the store. Everything else is food, unsold junk from other stores, and clothes, oh the clothes. However, through sheer luck, I found a new in box MS SideWinder in box, and a fully new Coleco Pacman desk arcade cabinet, in completely new condition, at some antique store. I picked them both up for like a few bucks and was stoked. Never thought I'd catch something good in a place known for selling bongs and incense. :P

Lindsay Michelle

The weather is oddly warm here, too, like it's spring. All the snow from our big snowstorm earlier this month where we got like, a foot of snow, all melted. But watch as it will snow again or at least be freezing because it's Michigan. Either way, right now we're stuck with horrendous potholes. Ugh. Anyways, that's cool you found a mat cutter so you can finally frame what you've wanted to for a while :) Practice your skills so you don't lose them!


I was worried about Thrifts, also congrats on the 800k subs :D


I've never seen one that's any good. Either the player itself isn't very good or the speakers suck; or more often both!


Sure was! Only thing it was missing is the tutorial video, but thankfully I had no need for that :)


Shame you didn't find much, but it makes the few finds that much better. That boxed civ 2 seemed really nice, and would have made my day if I found it.


If I didn't already have a Pentax Spotmatic, I'd ask you to grab that one for me! One of my favorite cameras. I just don't shoot film enough because I don't have access to a darkroom lately.


I wish thrift stores around here carried retro computer gear, here it's all women's clothes and kid's shoes.

Steve Skafte

Very cool on the Sharp camera, that was my family's video camera from 1995 onwards. Still have it, actually!


I think you mentioned it once in a video, but what software are you using to track your collection? I've started to end up with doubles so I figured it was time to start tracking when I have


That Realistic amp was awesome-looking! When I was building my record player setup, my dad found a different Realistic amp at Goodwill funny enough. Glad to see that they are still findable!


Been looking for a CED player for a while myself. Turned down a player and a few discs for 30 bucks a few years ago and kicking myself for it


That diorama looks like a knockoff of the golden girls ;)


Haha, same. I used to run across them every six months or so, some really nice units with woodgrain and heavy metal construction. Regrets.


"Was that an electronic pink flower? Anyway..." Ah ah ah that was perfect! The contrast between the 2 objects was impressive. And I really asking myself what is the purpose of that electronic pink flower now.

Alyxx the Rat

It's so sad when you find something cool and it's either not working or overpriced. But hey... least you got a new webcam.


Always awesome to watch a new episode of Thrifts.


Omg Thrifts! Nice stuff there. Here in sweden you can thrift old socks and some ds games but that is all. We got our kind of goodwill called Myrorna. But it is most clothes and old training gear lol. Going to visit USA for my first time next year with my family and are going to check every goodwill i find on the way! :D


I'm not even lucky enough to find piles of pubes at my Goodwill, so these videos always cheer me up.


wathcing this at work with a cold breze blowing in from the bay door and i at one point said "FUCK YOUR NICE WEATHER", we had 1 nice day so far and it was on a tuseday, but the time i got home from work i was to exhausted to work outside. its just cold or rainy or both... supposed to snow next weekend.


Clint...... Have you lost weight?


You always run across the coolest keyboards. I never find anything like that in thrift stores around here.

Peter Metzger

oh man, I super much love Civ II! wish I lived closer so I could grab that Gold Edition


Love this guy


The lens could have been a pretty good deal. Seemed like it was not scratched but just had some fungus on the inside. This is can usually be cleaned up pretty easily.


The VC2 receiver was a good old trusty piece of broadcast gear in the analog days!!!


I always think of you when I see them, too! Guess it's a perk of being in a musically-inclined city; heck even the Moog Music HQ is just down the road from these stores.


It seems to have been a kind of lamp but yeah, was distracting me the whole time so I had to address it :D


At the risk of sounding weird, I saw that fanny-pack amplifier and immediately thought of The Lizzie McGuire movie of the early 2000s. The first and last time I EVER seen one in action. Also warm in GA. Gotta love A/C.


9:38 Did anyone else think that was Bubbles for just one second? LOL


a realistic something? Wonder if there is also a company called unrealistic, for all your unrealistic expectations.


Seems that many GW's have changed their formats. And become the dumping grounds for tons of Target "Salvage." The one near me has piles of Christmas Tree Stands with the ubiquitous Target SALVAGE stickers on them.


Asimov's Sci-fi is still running, I have a subscription :)


cant wait until ep 39 love the series


When you said "Nope" at the beginning, I was *certain* you were going to tell me it's a Tide ad.

Evan B

I lost it at the 'pubes' piles.. My God.