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It's been probably fifteen years since I've played this.
Annnnnnnnd it's still addictive.


LGR - Snood PC Game Retrospective

reviewing the game Snood from 1996 - 2008



how do they know its 50 mil players


I love that mid 90's asthetic. Pixelation, low resolution, nightmare inducing red piece and all.


Wow, this game came up on Realarcade years and years ago. I only briefly played, the aesthetics freaked me out. That, and I think the game crashed or did something weird on my system at the time. Never played further.

Charlotte Grubbs

For some reason I could never play this on our home computer, but every computer at the college where my Mom taught had this installed. I still remember a friend and I happily ensconcing ourselves in a student computer lab and playing for HOURS while our parents were in class/meetings.


I wonder if that was a North America thing as I've never heard of the game.


Snood had me dangerously close to failing a few classes while I was in college. I might have to give it another try, and I'm glad to hear it's still around! Is David Dobson still involved with Snood LLC? I didn't see anything saying yea or nay on that. Thanks for another fantastic video!


You should do more reviews of early/mid 2000s shareware. I would love to hear your thoughts on, say, Popcap's early games, Collapse, or even a fullblown retrospective of Realarcade and its competitors at the time.


Oh, my GOD, RealArcade! RealVideo! So many memories! I remember a time where every darn video on the web was ".rm". Is that thing still around?


From my research on this video, that seems to be an astonishingly common story for the time. And I'm not sure if Dave is still involved directly, but he's certainly still around on Twitter talking about Snood stuff!


I absolutely plan to cover some early Popcap stuff in the future, there's a ton of fascinating stuff to cover


Wow, I played the original Snood shareware back in the mid-90s. It wasn't until years later when I saw the Game Boy Advance Version when I was bewildered to find that what I thought was an obscure title only I had ever heard of was now mainstream. Kind of like being a hipster, but replace snobbiness with confusion.


I had Centaurian! I... have absolutely no idea where I got it from, though, since I had no usenet access and no mac stores nearby. it and Glider were some of my favorite games

Alyxx the Rat

Wow, how have I never heard about this? lol


With your enthusiasm and knowledge, it would sure be cool to see you interview some of these obscure game developers you track down, not to mention the benefit to posterity! (Doesn't everyone want to benefit gaming posterity?)


Can't say I've ever seen this game but I think I'll have to check it out. Just remember though that if I get addicted to it, I know who to blame when they come to take me away he he hoo hoo ha ha.


Ah, the old days of snood. Where did the time go, yo? Also, that’s mind blowing that fact at the end.


From the UK and never heard of this, must have passed me by. Probably a good thing as I would have played this to death.


Now I remember Bust-A-Move/Puzzle Bobble but haven't heard of this updated clone.... Fascinating. I was very busy with shareware on the Mac, too. Like the Journeyman Project. Unusual that I missed this. ;D


I don't think I have ever heard of or seen this game before. Wonder if it's popularity didn't make it to the west coast.


I remember this haha. Played it as a kid, I love that blue face! Awesome stuff man.


As someone who is both into retro gaming and vintage fashion, I knew two of the definitions of snood, but I did not know it was also the name of that weird fleshy forehead protuberance on a turkey! #TheMoreYouKnow


great video !!


Amazing that I've never even heard of this until today. However, I've seen tons of similar games.


Not my kind of game, especially with all these clones poping up all over the place. I am looking at you, Bubble Witch Saga and your pesky friends on Facebook. :3


Wow. Never heard of this before.


Wow, someone else actually used RealArcade?

Michael Vokabre

And this is how i learned about Snood, totally missing the game in past years. Considering how much time i spent playing Bejewelled on Win XP, i am slightly worried what will happen if i download Snood.


Snood Plus is still on the MacOS App Store... and it is still ten bucks!


This is how I learned about Snood as well! I was into Puzzle Bobble/Bust-A-Move at the time, but never heard of Snood.

Robert Butler

This looks like an equal parts ridiculously weird and awesome game.