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LGR - eMachines eOne: 1999 Apple iMac Knockoff

The eOne is one of the most blatant ripoff computers from the 90s. Apple sued eMachines and got it pulled from shelves and banned from sale worldwide. Let's examine what made Apple so angry! ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music used in order of appearance: The Years We Had, All Is Good Again 2 http://www.epidemicsound.com



What are your sources for that? Because all I found was they PLANNED to do that but never actually did. Gateway for sure did this with the Astro, but it was an unrelated machine. And according to the lawsuits it wasn't just the blue color that set off Apple, because they also had the Sotec machines pulled in Japan and those were metallic silver and not translucent.


I saw one of these at a flea market years back and almost picked it up. It didn't have the "handle" on it, the seller noted it ripped off when he assumed it could hold the weight! :O


Haha, yep it is entirely redundant. Not really sure why they did that but hey, it's a nice option for lefties I suppose


as an owner of an original iMac, I feel threatened. Jokes aside, that's really cool that you got a hold of one. I had always wanted one, but there so expensive still


does apple own the judge? Seriously someone makes something similar and they sue them until they eventually win, or they just use some elses trademark like the iphone and also win the lawsuit. Apple seems to life by their own rules man!.


It's just business. Besides this isn't similar, it is a complete shameless rip off. Though with the problems it had in not sure Apple would have been too threatened


Oh, this is gonna be good.


I worked at a second-hand computer store back in 2000 and we got a whole palette of these things in. I'm not sure where they came from, but I immediately found out about the legal troubles. I remember not being too impressed with the design or quality either. However, they sold pretty quickly as I think we were selling them for about half price of what they sold for new a year earlier. So they were a pretty good deal.


At 4:55, you mention that those A/V jacks are for connecting the computer to a TV or projector, but the labels say Audio/Video In, not Out. Unless they're labeled incorrectly, it looks like you can actually use the screen on the eOne for external video.


You are correct! There's oddly enough nothing in the control panel about this and it only lists TV *output,* so it's possibly a driver issue. Will correct this in the next iteration of the vid, thanks! EDIT: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/WirdATQ.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/WirdATQ.jpg</a>


I'm going to try to stay off the Apple hate wagon today, but it does amuse me that even almost 20 years ago Apple was still charging more for weaker specs. What ever happened to costs less and does more? Random side note, where do you get your jewel case replacements for games? They are rather expensive on eBay for molded plastic


I kind of like the design of the e-machines had. those i'macs looked to "kids bedroom toy" like that they always looks out of place on an adults desk. But the lines and design of the e-machine kinda make it look a little more adult friendly.


Interesting, wasn't sure if they were able to offload the unsold stock or not since they were pulled from store shelves!


I just grab them from Goodwill! Not hard to find good ones there, usually for cheap, and often in large packs of new old stock


Wow, that's some prime junk you have. I love it! That Soundblaster "compatibility" is.. something, that's for sure. Kinda want to see more on these late 90s piece of junk PCs. :P

Mukul Kewalramani

Thanks for continuing to include the power up sequence/sounds! It brings back memories each and every time!


Well that was about as good a machine as I expected. I especially love that off-putting black plastic bezel around the CRT. The iMac G3s were super cute, but I remember disliking them at school because we had some older Mac all-in-ones at the school that seemed to run faster. Probably OS8 v OS9 or something. Nothing was as cool as the mini laptops we could check out! (eMates')

Brad Sparks

I used one of these when I was younger and very distinctly remember the RCA jacks being an INPUT only affair. They could work as output as well?


We sold these at Micro Center in the day.


Yep -- this was addressed in a comment above! <a href="https://i.imgur.com/WirdATQ.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/WirdATQ.jpg</a>


Do you have any recommendations for a windows 98 all in one? I like the form factor of this one but obviously this one isn't really a good option


That is a fantastically frustrated reflection during the Duke 3D music.


I've never actually come across one I'd call "good," haha. I love the Compaq Presario 425 I have, but it's a 486 for Windows 3.1


I'd love to have a look inside sometime. Hopefully you'll consider a follow-up video, even if it's just a 5 minute short.


Maybe if I pass it along to someone else, they can film it! But I attempted to take it apart and it was just a nightmare, it's almost like you have to destroy parts of it to do so. Plus I'd rather not mess with CRT housings.


Say what you will about Apple's overpricing for smaller features, but at least their stuff works properly. ... I think. I never actually used an Apple product.


Hah, I love these weird 90s PCs.

Bastien Nocera

Loved the iMac, my first non-x86 Linux machine. Yes, I was that weird.


A software degauss button? I think that's the oddest thing about this.


Everything is perspective Clint: I thought that was a neat Grab Bag (DN3D theme) remix this computer shipped with! Haha, I kid.


Now this is just interesting. I had an old eMachines Windows XP machine at work. Never knew they made knockoffs. They where typically very low quality budget systems. I could see them buying into Apple's look to sell more...

Nicholas Wilson

Well done for pronouncing Daewoo correctly! I know the eOne wasn’t a fantastic PC but I still want one for the late 90’s aesthetic alone. :)

Nicholas Wilson

Here in the UK the eMachines brand was licensed by DSGi (Dixon’s, Curry’s, PC World) but it was just used on their own generic, budget PCs, not actual eMachines products. As a result DSGi’s eMachines PCs were in direct competition with their own brand Advent PCs for some reason?

Lindsay Michelle

Well, I learned from this video that Apple has some pretty good lawyers. Thanks for the video to brighten up my sick day staying home from work :)


I'm really enjoying the power on sequences in these. Please keep doing them.


3:44 you say "both devices can be plugged into one compatible USB port." Did you mean "PS/2 port"? Just wanna make sure.


I did some research on this thing on my own in the past, and eMachines did manage to get it back on the shelves! What they did was replace the casing with generic beige instead of iMac ripoff bondi-blue-esque, and Apple didn't care; it seems their beef was having their aesthetics ripped off, not that it was an all-in-one computer. However even when relaunched, it still sold poorly for a lot of the same reasons mentioned in your video. Here's the thing I wrote in case you're curious: <a href="http://tumblokami.tumblr.com/post/139620905183/the-emachines-eone-released-in-august-of-1999-is" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tumblokami.tumblr.com/post/139620905183/the-emachines-eone-released-in-august-of-1999-is</a>


Duuuuude. Where'd you get the power bar?


The Gateway One reminds me of the Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh from the mid-nineties.


Looks nicer than the iMac in my opinion. :)


That Duke Nukem theme attempt is killing me hahahaha it sounds like the computer is drunk


The way that keyboard hooks up heartens back to old ADB keyboards, oddly enough. And... it’s utterly pointless to have that feature if there’s already two PS/2 ports on the back, but you know what, this keyboard would be perfect for my computer since it only has one PS/2 port.