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LGR - Tiger Electronic Baseball Review

Remember those cheap LCD handheld systems in the 80's and 90's? They didn't all totally suck, believe it or not! ● Please consider supporting LGR on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Twitter and Facebook: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews http://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews Music featured is: "Rhythm Changes" by John Deley "On My Life" by Letter Box https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music



Oh please where are those jazzy intros from you have here and for this 'mericane and Ashlay (Or whatever the name was) I love this jazz, uhhh yeahh!.^^


No GameBoy! D: What-what!?


Always linked to in the video description :) If it's not there, there it just comes from the game.


I own a few Game & Watches. I have Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Hockey, Super Mario Bros, and Snoopy Tennis. The only other LCD game I own is a Barcode Battler, and if only I can find the cards for it I can show the world what a pile of crap it was!

Alyxx the Rat

I know these LCD games seem like crap nowadays and even was crap back then but man... as kids we didn't care, it was timewasting on a hot summer day...


Out of boredom did you ever use your Tiger games as Dominoes or stack them up as pedestals or other shapes? I can't be the only one who did that.


Haha, can't say I ever did that. Then again, this was the only one I ever owned until much later on

Kris Asick

I had a Gameboy a few days before my first NES and TBH, I loved the thing more despite the greenscale graphics because I didn't have to share a TV to play it and could play it anywhere I wanted to. Plus, the rental place we went to rented portable games so I go to try out a whole ton of them without having to "buy" that many. :3

Lindsay Michelle

Oh Tiger handhelds... I had a few that were Disney-themed (and may still have them... I'll have to check when I get home, haha). I even had the first three generations of Game Boy throughout my life, but I didn't get my first one after I was pretty much over the novelty of the Tiger games, which probably didn't take too long. :P


I had a Tiger handheld, it was some kind of futuristic sci-fi beat them all. As a kid I didn't know it was crap and I HAD to beat it. But once the novelty of it had passed I returned to my Amiga 600. ;-) PS : Oh cr*p you're under $ 3k now. O_O I've been watching this number go down little by little since months. I wish it would go UP instead !


We had a few Tiger games in my youth. The only ones I remember was Batman Returns and Ducktales. They are really lame to look at now, but when I was young they were awesome and we had alot of fun with them. Then me and my brother got our own Game Gears and the Tiger games were put to the side...

John Kinsman

I remember playing a Sonic the Hedgehog 2 LCD game and had absolutely no idea what I was doing!!

Steve Martin

I love that you suffered with a Packard "Hell" just like me at the same time! Plus, my birthday is December 25th, haha! I feel your pain.

Steve Martin

However, I did get blessed to have one of these in the early 80s: <a href="http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Entex/BaseB.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.handheldmuseum.com/Entex/BaseB.htm</a>


I never owned a Tiger Electronic handheld, maybe because I always had handhelds growing up. Even back then I knew they were usually crappy. Imagine my surprise when some time between 97-00 I went in a Rite Aid and they still had some for sale. I had never seen it before and I couldn't believe Mortal Kombat Trilogy was made into a TE handheld game! I know it probably sucked but I've always sort of wanted one since I started game collecting about four years ago.


It took me a few minutes, but I recall having something similar as a kid, except that in was a tetris game and God, that made me feel poor. It screams cereal box goodie, doesn't it? It's a little piece of wonder.


Ahh, you're a December birthday too? 22nd myself. And to this day I get the sense that most presents I get during that period of time are "Birthmas Presents." Great review Clint!


I had a Paperboy unit as a child. Never liked it too much, or took it with me to school, but it was a thing.


I have the exact Game &amp; Watch you showed! I also had a GameBoy back in the day, but that's it. Couldn't afford a SNES until much later. So I played a lot of these LCD games. Have you seen the one that has a headset with red light that projected onto an eyepiece? It made me think of a primitive VirtualBoy. Oh, here it is: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-Zone" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-Zone</a>


I still played the hand held version of Yatzee on a regular basis. I have had several versions over the years. I just wear out these games.


I remember this! My grandmother got it for me as a birthday gift and found it awesomely fun.


To be honest, the thing that really drew me to that little device in your video, was Skeptical-looking Pitcher's 'stache.


Aye. And when they told me specifically that "this is for both your birthday AND Christmas!" it just made it all the more... great.


Wish it would go up instead as well :) But yeah, always goes down after the end of the month. People adjusting their pledges and such.


I had game and watch games in my childhood in the 80s. back then not everyone had a computer and computers were expensive ( I eventually got a commodore 64 and soon after my bigbrother gave me a brand new commodore 128D).. Everyone played game and watch on the 80s.