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LGR - Thrifts Episode 37

Let's go thrifting!



Yesss :D


I enjoy that naming of things like "Thift".


Yay more thrifts!


Yeeeees new thrifts episode!


How much was that huge Zenith unit going for?


$60 <a href="https://i.imgur.com/5wuPvq8.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/5wuPvq8.jpg</a>


Maybe its just me, but I think your commentary on the random junk in goodwill is great. I live nearby, so I go to the same goodwills you do. Im always looking at random weird stuff and my first thought is what commentary you would make about it. Keep it up!


Why did I have a feeling there was going to be a new episode soon after that comments thing last week. :)


My mom used to have an Aroma Disk, or some variation thereof. Ours had more woodgrain though. Wish I had a picture.


this is the saddest haul I have ever seen


Fun to watch as always but what a lousy haul haha. Better luck next time mate.


Sad haul, but I'm always happy to see the journey there.


love LGR thrifts. and that music. say hi to the lucky rock for me.

Alyxx the Rat

That's how thrifting go...


Yes finally!!!!


Gah. Now I want to go thrifting again. The find pick up more into the spring I think you mentioned once correct?


Oh my god Clint that frozen pun !! nice one ,,,,


Its a dolphin table, my mom had the same one, the glass must've broke. The glass rests on the top of the suction cups above the dolphins, its a huge glass usually.


That picture of Omar Sharif looks like someone ambushed him at a restaurant and had the flash turned up too high.


Nice!! Keep up the good work Clint! :D


9:52 I think it is a dia projector and it probably is made of iron. We have tons of those from the GDR. Actually many schools and universities have those laying around in some rooms. I mean noone uses them anymore but yeah. I find it odd, they trash their cool old analogue cameras but they keep this old thing noone uses anymore because who has Dias. Yeah that is a thing, I wanted one of the old analoge cameras from our university but they just trashed them, hope someone picked them out of the trash. Are crazy about their shitty gear today which is not even 500€ per kamera but just trashed the old stuff like it was worthless. What a shame!. But yeah actually love dias, would make my presentations on dias if It was cheap enough.^^ Dias are so much more atmospheric than fucking powerpoint.


11:28 Clint! That is mostly the rubber between the membrane and the outside, which you have to expect with speakers that old. But good thing is they are easy to replace, bad thing is if someone used them to long with really bad rubber (worse than the one on those) the membrane can be damaged, or so I've heard. Have a friend who had that and just let them replace it, but it is super easy to do it yourself.


the projector you saw was designed for slideshows, I think

Lindsay Michelle

Serious question: I know you had a smaller haul due to your lack of luck this time around, but are you purchasing as much stuff as you used to? I know you've expanded what you collect somewhat, but I'm sure you've acquired a lot over the years since Thrifts started, even things you've bought online, making your collections more complete. Just not sure if that is a factor in more spaced out Thrift episodes/smaller hauls...

Steve Martin

Clint, after watching your behind the scenes video, I had to ask, when you put on the camera glasses, are still wearing your glasses or do you take a hit in your eyesight to film inside?


I’d have been all over the autodesk software. Really cool find.


What kind of Goodwill just puts crap in blue boxes? The local ones I have are just messy, but at least they aren't as lazy as that. I also forgot already that becoming a backer means I get early viewership of these videos. lol


I used to use that same logitech mouse for years and years back in the early 90s. You know I've gone all stalker and I've looked on Google Maps for your neck of the woods a few times and tried to use satellite view to figure out which goodwill has the lucky rock. I don't know why I want to know, but I just think it'd be cool to see. But I've searched all of the goodwills in that area and none of them seem to match up. It's kind of like a game. In order to get satisfaction, I want to find it on my own... but maybe you could give me a hint of some kind?


Pretty much all of these are just south of Asheville NC, and the one with the lucky rock is right beside the main railroad :)


Well, all the stuff gets thrown away if it doesn't sell at that store, so there's not much reason to treat it with care!


I'm nearsighted so I just go without glasses when thrifting. I'm pretty much only looking at stuff up close inside stores!


I try to purchase less these days since I've got more than enough stuff, yeah. But I also just find way less than I used to, due to living farther away from these stores since I moved, and possibly because many more people are thrifting in these locations after seeing Thrifts. I know I get recognized almost every time I go thrifting now.


I love collection all the AutoDesk and Adobe stuff I can find. I wish I could run across those at my local Goodwills.


Just four words: Clint's beard is BACK!


Can i ask what video glasses you are using? Does anyone ever notice?


I take it you missed the behind the scenes video the other day? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSAkiNnHljI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSAkiNnHljI</a>


I was just thinking to myself about the lucky rock… when suddenly: BAM! There it was. A bit of a shame the offering of warmth didn't turn up much, though I'm unsure whether or not the plague of emoji decorations will be an image locked in my nightmares or not forever more…


Those Cerwin Vegas bring back memorys just watched a video of one being redone with new surrounds.. :)


Hey Clint love the recent LGR Thrifts! It also seems that Goodwill is moving all of their electronics and games to their auction site now which probably depends on the demographics of the stores but most of the good finds now seem to be listed on that site. Have you ever thought about talking about this in one of your upcoming LGR thrifts episodes?