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Happy almost-Thanksgiving for those of you that celebrate it! Even if not, here's a midweek bonus LGR video for you.


LGR Thrifts BONUS Episode: Making Thrifts

I'm often asked things like: Why aren't there more Thrifts? What do you use to record them? How often do you go thrifting? So in between normal LGR episodes, here's an extra one to answer those! ● Here are the camera glasses I sometimes use: https://www.amazon.com/iVUE-Horizon-Camera-Recording-Sunglasses/dp/B00NAI092S ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews



Clearly you need to do a live tour, visit a number of cities, and go to the thrift shops in those towns. :)


I've done that in several past episodes with VERY mixed results. Typically I have way more luck here at home.


Sounds like my experience. Go to a couple thrift places and maybe find 1 or 2 odd things, mostly saying to myself "Man that's ugly!".


I appreciate all the work you put into the episodes. I know when I first found your channel, I binge watched Thrifts. It’s what convinced me to subscribe and eventually become a Patron!


Haha I knew it was like that. There’s people complaining about that? Most of the time I don’t find anything in the 3-4 second hand/thrift store in my town either. Did get lucky with the iMac G4 months ago and the Commodore calculator I found today but often there’s nothing interesting. :)

Joon Choi

Thanksgiving came a day early!


Totally get your process Clint, I go months without finding a single goody sometimes at the charity shops here in old blighty, if I were to make a show like LGR thrifts it would likely be years between episodes :D

Lindsay Michelle

Always like to see behind the scenes - never ruins the magic for me, just makes me more appreciative of your content :) Now you have another video you link people when they ask you over and over about what you use for a camera for Thrifts and why you "never thrift anymore" :P Oh, and Happy almost-Thanksgiving to you, too!

Thomas Fuchs

OMG your thrift stores are so much better than our thrift stores (I'm a bit north of Philadelphia). Our electronics sections mostly consist of broken headphones that smell funny.


The most important reveal in this entire video is definitely the woodgrain phone case. Not that that's any surprise. :P


That footage describes every thrift store I’ve ever been in ever. Maybe one time five years ago I found something I needed. My mom likes them so I go with her as a time waster before going on to the next errand. Thanks for all the hard work, though!


US thrift shops are miles better than those we have in the UK. Don’t find much in the way of vintage computing in a charity shop here, maybe the odd game for a pound. I Have better luck at boot fairs (bit like a flea market) and gifting websites such as Freecycle. Ebay is becoming a rip off for 8-bit stuff now


I like going to stores like that, but I mostly go to flea markets (sadly less then a few years ago) and yeah, it is mostly nothing, you have to be patient and persistent and then maybe you'll find some good stuff. I've found some awesome stuff in flea markets and when I tell to fellow collectors or colleagues they say "Wow!", "I'll go too" and then they are disappointed after the first flea marketing, because they didn't find anything and well that's how it goes :D I had some months when I didn't even find anything, not even one single gameboy game, but then I hit the jackpot :D You just have to wait and go again and again and maybe you can find gold


Yeah, it seems that most people that are commenting about the big time-gap between thrifting installments truly don't understand thrifting. For me, it's 85% coming out empty handed because it's all junk, 10% awesome stuff that I really don't need or simply can't afford, and then there's that 5% that's the actual sweet stuff that's priced just right. Getting that 5% can take days or weeks. It's not an instantly rewarding pasttime, but when it does, it's totally worth the hassle.


I think the fact UK charry shops don't like to take computer stuff doesn't help. They just don't want the comeback. Many years ago I was trying to unload quite a few big box games (!) and none of them wanted them. I think it was on the basis of they didn't want any comeback on them. Same goes with electricals - there's a few like British Heart Foundation and some of the local ones who will take it, but only if they have the ability to do PA testing on it, to ensure it's safe. Long and short of it is most of the decent computer stuff ends up down the dump. They are now tending to divert stuff that looks good for resale, but even then I think it's a bit of a lottery. I want to check our local dump's shop to see what they have, but I daren't for fear of what piece of junk I'd end up hauling home.


neat video. I had already suspected everything worked pretty much like you said, so no huge surprises. Still interesting to hear you talk about it. I've thought about doing a similar episode myself for how I do some of the things I do, but I'm afraid I'll "ruin the magic" so to speak. :-)


Yeah, thrifting is a huge crap shoot. It's quite addicting though, given the gems that pop up from time to time. What hurts the most is when I find something I've been looking for or wanting, but it's priced waaay too high. I've tried to haggle a few times, but most stores aren't open to that. Anyway, thanks for this video, makes me want to get out to some thrift stores and see what there isn't. ;-)


I definitely have to agree with all the comments. I dont think people who have never tried thrifting realize it's most just misses with a few good finds every now and again. Unless you like like collecting EA sports games. Then you'll have tons of success


Oh I completely understand how much thrifting can be a crapshoot where one day you will hit it lucky and others nothing. But on the other hand I feel that way when shopping in a local regular store. I often go in for an item and come out empty handed as "that item is only sold online" or sorry we don't carry that and I usually have to drive for a half hour to the next big city to even look at stuff that is more specialized especially for computing parts. Brick and mortar stores are going the way of the dodo and postal service is way too flakey especially if you are ordering stuff from overseas or even from the US.


Makes sense -- roughly what I thought you were doing but wow, every other day visiting some of the stores! Does much change within 48 hours or are you just going on the off-chance someone has just dropped off something awesome which would be grabbed immediately?


Part of what makes LGR Thrifts so magical is that you DO take the time to go all the time and get all those different clips. There is only one thrift store withing about 45 minutes of where I live, and it has the smallest "electronics" section I've seen. It is literally part of the dishes and like hair dryers. So When I go, yeah, I get about the same 4 minutes out of a visit, but often find nothing. Though I DID find Putt Putt and Pajama Sam yesterday. So thanks! I look forward to seeing more, knowing the finds await, we just gotta be patient.


Quite enjoyed this little tidbit - I always enjoy Thrifts when it pops up, and I always love seeing bits on peoples processes. I can't imagine that it's easy with how long it takes to collate enough footage to make an interesting episode.


I think my favorite way of playing old games, especially old windows games, is to make them run on a modern windows somehow! I mean not via emulation or virtualization I mean trough getting the fucking game to start, preferable without compatibility mode. And while this does not really work for all games I've got some games going most people didn't even try. The benefit of that is, I mean, I never know an African Swallow would be that fast, a year in simcity 2000 is like some microseconds. Btw. does anyone know how to shut off that nagging budget panel that pops up every year?


It's nice to see an illustration of how difficult it must be to put these together. I think, if anything, it ADDS to the fun; knowing just how difficult it was to make happen. Some things should remain mysteries, or at lest mysterious enough to suspend disbelief, but this is a perfect example of detailing the subject in a way that that won't alter someone's ability to imagine the trips however they like. I hit thrift stores a lot, so I know how it is. When I watch a "Thrifts" episode, though, I let my mind go to a place where you walk in and there's always something cool waiting. Of course, it's obvious that's not going to be the case, but so long as a viewer can know what's actually happening while still imagining it their own way, you haven't affected their impression negatively at all; indeed, you've given them another level of appreciation. An example is "Christmas Clone". Obviously, everyone suspects you don't have a holiday-obsessed single-word vocabulary dopelganger, but it doesn't stop us from pretending it's real and looking forward to it every year. :)