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Spooky DOS game time!


LGR - Personal Nightmare: DOS Game Retrospective

Aw yeah.



Our titular host slam dunks it again. (I went for the boob joke as soon as it ended and I'm only sorta proud of myself)


Apparently the ending is just really, REALLY specific about what you have to type in. It'll only accept "THROW WATER AT DEVIL" and nothing else. Fun review, made me laugh several times at your wacky jokes and observations :)


This is the kind of game that has the exact visuals that would have kept me up at night as a kid. Particularly anything running at the player from a distance away (like the dog, sink devil, or vampire), as well as the very well-drawn but still really unsettling HUGE faces from the death or corpse scenes. Anyway, this video is VERY well done. I love that you're incorporating more comedy material. It really makes it much more enjoyable than just sticking to straight information and gameplay. Keep up the good work!

Alyxx the Rat

The devil always lives

Ryan Kelly

The Slayer joke/clip and pan/cut was friggin hilarious.


"dramatic re-enacting" I laughed hard. Well done!


"Playtesting - Simon Woodroffe" - who went on to write/name Simon the Sorcerer (Adventure Soft - 1993) (sorry if you mentioned that in the video and I missed it!)

Kris Asick

So... from what I'm seeing, they literally licensed the character of Elvira just to try and boost sales? Pffft, Amateurs. They needed to take lessons from the two pinball machines featuring Elvira! ;)


Great review!


Definitely excited to watch this. I love Horrorsoft’s later titles but I always found this one nearly incomprehensible.


Nope, that doesn't work either, it was the second thing I tried. Seriously, I tried several dozen combinations, save games, verb choices, and other versions of the game over the course of a couple hours. Not a single one works with the DOS port that I've found.


Adventuresoft was talked in the beginning of the video, but yeah I didn't talk about their legacy since it goes beyond the scope of the episode :)


Preeeeeeetty much. It goes so far out there to be confusing that at one point I was curious if it was intentionally trying to be a farce of the genre.


I guess you're not familiar with the games that came after this one then?


Upvote for "Eerie Ambience".

Jason Wellband

Oy vey. I remember Elvira and the big boobs from when I was a kid... IMO, this game goes in the awesomely bad category. Sounds like it was playing Enter Sandman at the beginning? How'd you get that sounding so good out of an old IBM PC? ;)


"Adventure gaming, blue balls" - LGR 2017

Joon Choi

I'm finally getting around to playing Thimbleweed Park this week (enjoying it on casual so far) and this video has made me realize how awkward and difficult old adventure games were and how much I appreciate all the advancements in game design over the past 30 years. I would delete Personal Nightmare over the 'devilish' inventory system alone. Anyway another great video Clint!


I love Elvira!!! I remember going to a theme park, and they had that 3D Elvira ride bahaha So cheesy but fun!!


Didn't know about this game at all. Super interesting watch. I played Elvira 1 & 2 on the amiga, and those were packed with atmosphere. This looked pretty atmospheric too.


Nice video, that is what I paid for!


I was inspired to finally play this game and just...wow. Even with a walkthrough, the UI is so clunky and unintuitive that it’s nearly impossible. Still, the horror elements worked pretty damn well, even if the end of the game is bugged. There’s something about low-res horror art that has always been creepier to me than “realistic” modern 3D graphics. May just be the kid in me remembering when things were scarier to me.


Great review.. I've never heard of this game. Sounds like I didn't miss much! I agree with you, that I miss the 16-color graphics of EGA games.


The devil still lives... That has to be my new favorite line that Clint has ever said.