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PushingUpRoses and I were recording various games together recently and, well, this happened. Ha. "Christina Aguilera: Follow Your Dreams."

It's really just such an absurd, silly program that I was kind of left speechless for much of this and don't know if I'll be uploading it publicly. But here's a version for you!

And if you'd like to watch us play through something a bit more enjoyable, here's the latest entry in our exploration of the 250 Games CD-ROM ;)


LGR - Christina Aguilera: Follow Your Dreams ft. PushingUpRoses



Benjamin Hester

The first rule of Inspiration Station is you do not talk about Inspiration Station!


Not your usual gaming videos dude, a strange one for sure, Christina definitely cashing in on the multimedia boom back then


10:01 Rule 63 Steven Universe (Or Nora, I guess) :O


Uhhhhhh.... wat.

Kris Asick

The capital letters on the main menu spelled out a subliminal message saying "FLOWERS FOR YOU" :o


surprised this isnt Oddware.... this is VERY odd. ill have to watch this later on today.


"You can't even make a video about this..." and yet you did and it was totally amusing.


I would have guessed that password anyway


i feel like watching this is going to get me on some sort of list....


PushingUpRoses Whoooo!


You know, sounds menu elements make when you hover the mouse pointer over them sound more like something from a sci-fi robot game than some weird pop-star-themed game for teenage girls.

John Madigan

Even if this video was all farts, I'd still watch


Nothing like a really lame and annoying game that makes itself even more lame and annoying by having really long winded and mostly useless spiel that seems to go for ever even though it could probably tell you what you need to know in half a dozen words instead of stretching it out for what seems like an eternity slowing down the gameplay just cos it knows if it didn't, the game would be over in a matter of minutes if of course you haven't already ripped the cd out of the pc and smashed it on the pavement outside cos it just got so annoying as it didn't know when enough was enough. :) Great vid btw.


Next up: Spice World for PS1!


Oh how droll. ;) Yes, there is nothing quite like one who loves the sound of his own voice. Course, LGR's got such a nice voice...


10/10 did laugh a lot :)


17:10 Teenage Wasteland. Excellent catch on the Wankel engine. :)


This is a *great* game! So worth spending money on it.


What is a mile high chocolate cake? The world will never know.


I laughed way too hard watching this video.


What? You're not the happiest girl right now, Clint?! 😂


xD Bahahahah but you love Xtina?? Right? Right? Or are you a B. Spears kind of girl?


So, I think I have an idea how you can use part of this- make a video on activity centers and include this. Activity centers were definitely "a thing" at one point.


I DISTINCTLY remember a friend of mine owning a Pokemon Red Activity Center, and I owned a Pokemon Blue Activity Center. Not to mention all those Disney "interactive storybooks", whatever they were called.


I had never heard the name "Xtina" before this video, but now that I have, the character "Sextina Aquafina" in Bojack Horseman makes a whole lot more sense. :D


I'm not gonna be told to follow my dreams from someone I don't enjoy listening to... that would be like getting advice from OneDirection... XP