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Just wanted to wish you a happy holiday and thank you for a fantastic year on Patreon! Lots of great birthday wishes too on the 20th, so those are all much appreciated. I hope your patronage has been worthwhile for you (though I know it's mainly the early viewing as the main perk right now) and if you requested signed floppies I hope they arrived in good shape :) I've had a ton of fun getting more direct feedback from the super-engaged viewers and supporters here, and I can't wait to see what happens next year. This has been a huge boost for the channel, and I've been so excited to start new shows (LGR Thrifts, Tech Tales, etc), tweak my video style a bit, and grab some excellent new equipment, software, and even a new filming location thanks to you! So thank you once again, you've helped keep LGR something I love to do and ensure that it's not going anywhere anytime soon whatsoever. And that's awesome. Best regards, Clint/LGR




The early viewing is great, but it's simple things like this that I like the most about Patreon. It allows us common folk to personally connect with our internet celebrities in a way that Facebook, Twitter and YouTube can't. I look forward to the next year of your (and PNR's) Channels, and all the things you can show us, and I am glad to be able to support it. :)


Thanks for all the great videos you've put out this year Clint, the adventures in Thrifts and diving into the past with Tech Tales has been a blast, and I look forward to seeing more in the new year. LGR's one of the few YouTube channels that I've been watching everything out of for the past couple years, and I always look forward to new videos regardless of the show type. Here's to better hardware, a better show format, and just plain more LGR. Happy belated birthday, by the way! I had no idea the 20th was your birthday. Hope it was a good one, and enjoy your holidays!


Merry Christmas / (Belated) Happy Birthday, Clint! Have a great holiday season and thanks for all the great LGR videos this year!


I love the early viewing with a passion, but I also like to support one of my favorite YouTubers. Merry Christmas to you as well :D

Alyxx the Rat

Merry Christmas, Clint! Lots and lots of love from Norway from a fellow PC gamer. I've grown very attached to you and your show ever since I discovered you and think you're doing something unique and important that I feel proud of supporting here on Patreon (actually you're the only guy I'm supporting on Patreon so... take that as a sign of how much I appreciate you and your stuff). I grew up on DOS games. Didn't play much of consoles at all and never have. I've never really connected with other game reviewers who focused on console games. So when I found you, it just clicked with me big time. Seeing you talk about Duke Nukem, classic Apogee titles and other obscure PC stuff just made me realize how rare it is to see that stuff on YouTube and I cannot stress how much of a nostalgiagasm I get from it. Rock on, dude! - Alyxx


Thank you for the thank you clint, and thank you for the wonderful content! Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas to you! Really enjoy your videos and looking forward to what you'll do in 2015!


Merry Christmas LGR. And happy late birthday. I had no idea it was on the 20th. I'm glad this year has been great. It makes me happy that our contributions are going so far, it really shows. You are very talented. To another great year!


Merry Birthmas! Err, I mean Happy Belated Birthday and Merry Christmas! Hehehe And Thank You for being such an awesome friendly person who makes awesome videos!


I've never been one to back anything on Kickstarter or any other site like that. This time, I felt it was the right thing to do. I really enjoy your content and I can clearly see that you are making the show better. You are also grateful for what you have been given. I am looking forward to see what you do in 2015.


Thanks tomyou for putting so much energy in all of this! It's your passion for video games, the witty commenting and the love for the weird and forgotten that motivates me to encourage you. I don't know a thing about the games to you show. I never knew what a commodore or an Atari was before listening to your shows! Keep on rocking, Je t'appuie à 100% Sincerely, Sabrina


Merry Christmas LGR! May your conventional RAM be plentiful, your sound effects be digitized, and the mistress of magnetic media be merciful.


And thank YOU, Clint, for providing us with such awesome content for so long and - most importantly and impressively among your peers - so consistently on time. It's shows like yours that make my week entertaining, and they have a habit of making me laugh out loud and marvel over the stuff that I remember as a kid, that I had to pass up as same, and that I never knew about even though it came about or was there at the same time I was growing up.


Merry Christmas (and a rather belated Happy Birthday)! Hoping you have a nice chilled holiday, and can't wait for everything you've got coming up in 2015!


Thanks for this Clint. It's been fun supporting You. Merry Christmas!


Thank you for all of the great content that you have been posting in a rather dissapointing year for YouTube. While many other channels have grown lazy, you continue to provide us with great videos on a weekly basis. Cheers to 2014, and here's to another great year of LGR for 2015.


Merry Christmas, LGR! Looking forward to all your videos in the new year!


Merry Christmas to Everyone!


Shit yeah! Cheers Clint! :D