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Greetings, all – it's been a minute! Things have been kinda nuts lately, in no small part due to conventions.

My brother and I spent a full week in New York both hanging out in the city and then as a guest at Long Island Retro Gaming Expo (expect two videos from me about that soon, one being a travel vlog and the other a more conventional convention video.) And as I type this, I'm preparing to travel to Hartford, Connecticut for Retro World Expo! Won't be doing a video there, I'm just making a standard LGR appearance with a table and some merch, hanging out with anyone who stops by. So it'll be a far less intense event but still – it's another bunch of days I won't get to work on videos.

But hey, in between working on convention videos I've put together this 90s digital camera retrospective! I always enjoy doing these and since I was headed to NY anyway, I figured I'd take the opportunity to photograph somewhere different than usual. The SD4090 is a surprisingly enjoyable digicam to use and the video was fun to put together, so I hope you enjoy! If nothing else I was just happy to work on anything other than convention footage after looking at only that for two weeks straight, haha. We ended up with like 6 hours of footage and it's absurd...

But now it's back to the convention video editing grindstone for a couple days, as well as attending RWX this week. Oh and the July Wrap Up for $5+ supporters will be up soon, too.

Thank you as always for your support! It is especially appreciated during these weirdly-scheduled months where I can't post as many videos as I'd like.


PanaSuperDiskCam early edit

an LGR thing.



A friend of mine had a LS120 drive in his PC and i was a bit envied at the time. By the way, sadly can't find a single SD4090 on German Ebay. -.-

Alex Weiss

Oh man, the dick pics part got me. 🤣