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LGR - Wing Commander - DOS PC Game Review

Taking a look back at the 1990 space combat game that redefined the genre, Wing Commander! It may be a tough nut to crack in terms of getting it to run correctly, but it's worth it to play this Origin classic. ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music used in order of appearance: Time For Spring 1, Wing Commander Adlib OST https://player.epidemicsound.com



Thanks for more content for me to consume!


Love the video! Hope to see you do a Starflight vid one day as it is my favorite game of all time. :D


Ooh can't wait to watch this one! My favorite dos game!


muh f**kin wing commander... the only reason I dump money into Star Citizen. This also makes me wonder if Clint will do a SC alpha vid as a contrast and commentary...


Awww, Clint! I just changed my underwear!


Yes yes yes! Would you consider a Wing Commander series? I don't see enough love for say Wing Commander 2!


oh yeah about time baby! :)


Wouldn't the soundtrack sound better under Roland emulation? Thanks for your wonderful content!


Man i would've loved that as a kid! especially with the joystick.


Games like these make me wish I had a flight joystick...


Memories of trying to play this on my friend's 386 16mhz 🤣


An honest to goodness classic. I never did the Secret Missions, but I always, always loved that main campaign. Bit of a shame it's so fiddly to get the speed right with DOSBox though… as it's wrong to play it on anything but a DOS PC. Well… maybe the Amiga CD32 one (seeing it's the only other version to use 256 colour graphics ;) )

Troy Wilkins

I have to admit, I was never able to get into this one back in the day. I preferred to play one of the games that was a big influence on it - Star Raiders on the Atari 400, which for me at least, was much more fun.


Would have loved to fly on the Kilrathi side. But at least i can conquer the galaxy with the Mrrshan and be the Master of Orion (2). ;)


Great video !! :D


What great memories. I had an Amiga 500 at the time, but when I saw this game on a friends 386 with a VGA card, I pestered my mom so long until I got a 386 as well. Thanks for the great video


Great overview of an awesome game. The one thing that bugged me about Wing Commander was the box art - the screenshots were deceiving - they looked way better than the actual gameplay. I remember calling Origin asking if there was a way to activate better graphics in a setting somewhere! Wing Commander 2 would be a great followup. Not only was there the game but they also sold a speech pack for an additional $20-$25 or so. Lots of floppies and a ton of hard disk space!


This was one of my favorite games in 1990. I played it for almost a year straight on my 286 / 16 Mhz. And it ran fine on that hardware, even though some of the extra animations weren't available due to memory. Interesting thing is, I've never played it again because, as you mentioned, the software just does not work properly on newer hardware. Even when playing on my 486 laptop, it plays too fast. I really don't get why they couldn't have coded something in there to keep the timing more accurate being that even during that time it was common for PCs to run at different speeds. I never tried any of the sequels. On a side note.. I guess I'm one of the few people that really liked the Wing Commander movie. Sure, not every single scene, but as a whole I thought it was pretty good.


Now please do BC3000AD


Haha, same reason I dumped into SC years back. Really hoping that turns out well when it finally releases in 2056.


No need for emulation since I have the real deal. But yeah, while it sounds awesome, I feel that the Adlib sounds more nostalgic (and personally, a bit cooler.)


It's never too late to delve into the world of awesome flight sticks. They're fun, even vintage ones :)


I'm curious if the cache-disabling method I used on my 486 would work for you as well! I used the program SETMUL


Now that's one I've never played, and mostly what I know about its infamous history of development hell that delayed it for so long. Could be a fun video.


Thank you! And yeah the box art is a *bit* of a misleading thing since it appears to be made from a photograph of a CRT, but it is indeed using the in-game assets! Albeit in a very flattering way ;)


Has there ever been a WC game where you play the Kilrathi? I'm not familiar with the whole series


My original box is signed by Chris Roberts... one of my favorite pieces in the collection


I have consumed your content and it was amazing, thanks for the great content and I received my floppy yesterday in great condition, thanks!

Lindsay Michelle

I thought this was a belated Star Wars day video, but turns out this is not a Star Wars DOS game, haha. But I feel ya on the "not having as much time anymore" thing - but at least makes you choosier on games you feel are worth your time!


I had this running on a 386sx16 no problems. Some of the cinematics were a bit slow, but the gameplay was fine.


Thank you for this! Wing Commander is one of my favorite series of all time, and it was very influential for several reasons. You should cover WCIII and IV as well, as at the time they were actually the most expensive videogames ever produced and featured an incredible cast of actors. Also, without Wing Commander Privateer there would be no Star Citizen today...


Sweet! I never got to play it back then, mostly because I only had a 286 and later I didn't bother getting a copy. But man, you're gonna get a lot of comments or questions why you didn't use the MT-32 ... since this is one of the most requested games out there when showcasing that MIDI-module. ;) Anyway, classic LGR material as usual! Thumbs up! :)


Yes! You finally did it. Wing Commander. :)


I'm adding a brief mention of the MT-32 in the next draft! But yeah, this is one of those where I actually prefer the Adlib for whatever reason. Plus, I don't know anyone that played it with an MT-32 back in the day, so it seems more nostalgic/appropriate to me :)


That is a game I really wish I had the time to get into and play. It looks absolutely amazing.