LGR - Streets of SimCity 27 Years Later (Patreon)
Revisiting Streets of SimCity 27 years later – or really 14 years later for me! Yeah the last time I covered this on LGR it was 2010 when the game was 13 years old... it's now 14 years later so I think it's high time for a revisit!
It's crazy to look back at that old video and what the channel was back then. For example, when the original review of this went live in 2010, the video got a grand total of 240 views the first day and about 1,000 in the first month! And for me that was spectacular, heh.
But yeah, both the channel and myself were still underdeveloped when I initially covered this, and it should be no surprise that I left a lot unsaid and did not do the game justice. Now, whether it not it deserves justice is debatable, but I personally think it's worthwhile despite how utterly broken it is. There's really something oddly special about it. And after finally making my SimCity 2000 30th anniversary retrospective last fall and seeing the huge number of people bringing up Streets of SimCity in the comments, I felt it was finally time to dedicate myself to making a much beefier video about this flawed jankfest of a game.
So I hope you enjoy and have a good week! Not sure what video's next but it'll certainly be something a bit simpler in scope after spending two weeks tackling this one.