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I've finally come up with the budding starts of a reverse AU! 

Aziraphale and Novus!

Aziraphale, refered to as "Phail" by the other demons never wanted to fall and got accidentally roped into the shuffle and booted out of heaven. He laments losing his angel status all the time. He is rather meeker than canon Aziraphale and though he likes to collect fine things, he isnt able to hang on to much of it as the other demons see him as an easy target for bullying. He hates having to perform temptations and has become quite reclusive in his efforts to avoid his demonic duties. He isn't always able to outrun his demon colleagues though, and they pressure him into doing bad deeds. His demonic animal form is a common pigeon.

Novus is a naughty Angel. He almost joined the original rebellion in Heaven all those millenia ago but avoided being kicked out or exposing his true feelings on how things are run in the domain of the almighty.

Novus is very good at acting the part in front of the other angels, but when their backs are turned he reverts to his true showy glamorous rock-star-esque self. He's cocky and loud and loves to live fast and hard. He's sick of being a goody goody and wishes to cut the ties he has with Heaven. 

Aziraphale and Novus' arrangements is that aziraphale gets to take on the blessings and miracles Novus is meant to do and Novus gets to indulge in some tempting in return. They find solace in eachother but also envy eachothers positions to a degree, perhaps missundersranding the cons of both their situations.





I am ... INTRIGUED! :)