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Please take note I had a week of vacation during that month xx

What's been accomplished this month :



 Incubus Realms: 

  • Polishing the interaction framework
  • Events handling revision
  • Cleaning of all scripts for future proofing 
  • Generic answers for uncaught player input
  • Characters are now assigned a location for simpler tracking
  • Anthony can now be assaulted by the rats in his cell (also happens off screen)
  • More pertinent Stats UI
  • Fixed : The rats can now tell if you're part of the Rat clan
  • Memories updated
  • Fixed : Bad image registering preventing the Blur scenes to be displayed in some locations
  • Fixed : Bad variables registering causing the game to forget about them after reloading the game.
  • Fixed : Rat trading & Guards' quarters door knocking loops
  • Restricted contextual menu from going off screen
  • "???" Undiscovered completely redesigned for future proofing (Actions have now locations where they've been found or not)
  • Companions can now be summoned to interact with some elements of the scene (for now : Cell door, Guards' Quarters door, Fungus pods, ...)
  • Rodolphe (the rat king) now reacts to relevant items and companions he's presented with.
  • Rodolphe has now a lot of new topics to ask you and to ask him
  • Rebuilt the choices screen to implement an automatic strikethrough text on visited options.
  • Fixed CyrilSlimeScene not being added to the memories
  • Added a QuestLog
  • Currently designing a new conversation system

Timelapse :

Sorry for this long wait, I finally found a fantastic and free software for video editing (DaVinci Resolve).

  • Added 14 new Time-lapse videos (Werewolf Boyfriend, Cado, Bring your pet at work, Rite of Passage, Rites of Corruption, Pontiac Satyr, A Player's Tarot, Odin's Punishment, Knotted Chimeras, Bearfolk Breeder, A New Apprentice 2, The Upset Primate Deity & Eldricht's Temptations)
  • Created 18 individual posts for the time-lapse videos made but never posted. (They were in a dropbox folder but that's wasn't very appealing so I made thumbnails for all of them)
  • Most recent video have a soundtrack I composed and a better visualisation of the final picture(s).

Overviews :



Love how organized you are. GOALS


Hihi ... Aw thanks ! Even though it really doesn't come naturally to me, I love being organised. Besides I really want to annihilate procrastination out of my life haha