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Long story short, I’ve given myself a week or so to do them all from December 2019 to April 2020. I apologise for the extended wait and the lack of communication. I'll post everything on Discord/Twitter/Patreon as it's getting done.

Now for a long and boring apology:

Yet another, I hate apologising, not because I don’t think I’m wrong, I am, but because it feels like a cope-out to prevent people from being mad when they’re right to be. But staying silent until the work is done isn’t fair for you, you deserve to know what’s going on.

Since December 2019, I’ve taken many commissions because money and some of them revealed to be challenging my skillset quite a lot. Still trying to find my balance for giving Incubus Realms a stronger place, I’ve pushed a bigger update. It’s only by the end of April that I’ve realised that it had been 5 months I had left requests on hold, always thinking I could get back on them quickly after I’d have cleared up my schedule. I could have stopped registering more, but somehow, I always thought I’d be able to get back on them every month and that it wasn’t worth worrying people with it.

I want you to know that I am working, that I’m not bathing in your money thinking you’re a bunch of imbeciles that could wait forever while I’m scamming your asses. I know some artists do, but I don’t. I often receive messages of people apologising they must cancel/lower their pledge for whatever reasons and I'm just like "Dude, thank you for even considering giving 1$". Just the thought you have that my work deserves supporting it means the world to me. 

I lack a sense of priority and time so please, send me PMs when you feel left out. Not because you have to but because you have the right to do so as my patron. I’d rather you tell me your concerns so I can react in time, rather than realising too late you’re gone.

Lastly, I hope, with the lockdown many of us are enduring, that you’re doing good despite the situation. Don’t worry about me, I’m very comfy at home, with a lot of work to keep me company (and there’s my husband as well).

Sincerely yours,



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