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Hey beautiful patrons!! Happy October! I'm currently planning a small revamp of the patreon. I aim for all the listed changes to be in effect by November.  

The Prints Club tier is facing the most changes. If you are in the prints club please take the time to read! 

So far the Patreon patch 2.1 changes in the works are:

  • 🍃STARTING NOVEMBER, increase of prints club prices from $20 to $30; and JUMBO prints club prices from $75 to $80. This is because:
    - After shipping and manufacturing costs, I'm not actually making much money on them. I just about break even and have enough to buy the next batch! It's been awesome sending everyone prints, but if I want to keep providing this service I'm going to need to receive money to keep it sustained. It's a lot of work and it's really rewarding! I hope this is all okay, I understand it's a large price increase. No worries if you want to lower your pledge.
    - This change will take place in November for current patrons. New patrons in October will be charged $30. Prints will be priced up for everyone in November.
  • 🍃STARTING OCTOBER, prints club paper will be changed back from gloss to satin. This is because:
    - Paper is vastly more durable and edges fray much less easily
    - Paper is less reflective
    - The GSM will be lower, from 230gsm to 200gsm, but I believe this is worth it.
    - This paper is slightly more expensive, but not by much. Fortunately the new prints club price will cover it.
  • 🍃STARTING NOVEMBER, instead of being shipped at the beginning of the month, Prints Club Prints will be shipped at the end/very start of following month. This is because:    
    - At the beginning of the month a lot of pledges take time to go through. I'd like to wait for all pledges to come through before starting everyone so I can organize everything properly!   
    - New patrons join during the month, and I'd like to ship their prints alongside everyone's together.   
    - It gives me more time to make the prints after finishing the artwork!   
    - This change will take effect in November. Prints will be shipped at the previous normal time in October.
  • 🍃NEW $1 REWARD: Commissions priority
    - All patrons from now on will receive priority whenever commissions open. Exceptions are commercial work and commissions for pals.
  • 🍃REMOVAL of $1 youtube shoutout reward
    - I currently don't make youtube videos!  
    - However I'd love to again someday, and if I do I'm not sure I can dedicate a long enough section to shouting out 500 names ahaha. I'll think of something!
  • 🍃STARTING NOVEMBER, instead of new unique discount codes for each user, a new discount code will be implemented & shared every month.  
    - There are many discount codes now and it's become difficult to keep track of with the current system.  
    - However all current patrons will keep their unique discount codes and they will remain active. :)
  • 🍃New PFP and banner
  • 🍃Patreon tier images being illustrated

That's it for now! When changes get closer I'll post more updates for those affected. The October patreon poll will be coming up soon, this month's theme is boys!! Thank you for all your suggestions on the discord for who should be in the poll. Earlier I also shared the list of patreon changes on my discord - thank you so much for all your support & advice on the changes.

Please let me know if you have any questions about these updates.

-cravat xxxxxx


Carlos Trancoso

If I bump my pledge up to 30 now do I have to change anything next month?


No :) The new $30 tier is live for new patrons, but you can move to that whenever you like too. That's very kind of you!

Travis Hymas

These are all perfectly reasonable changes - thanks for the heads up!