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Hey!! Im stuck away from home right now - my car broke down! I'll be using the funds from you guys to buy it a new battery, thank you so much for that. Because of you we can get the problem fixed right away. 😭💖

I'm aware there are a lot of you who need a message from me, either your welcome message or we were in the middle of an important conversation!! I'll be messaging hou guys once Im back home. 💖 Hopefully tomorrow!

Thank you so much for your patience!
-crav x

EDIT: Back home now! Thank you so much for all your kind responses!! I was totally fine, we just had to replace the car battery. Thank you all again, I couldn't have got it replaced without the funding from patreon!!!



Don’t worry about it, just make sure you’re safe!


No worry, safety first, replies later, atleast thank you for telling us from what happen to u rn <3