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Hi babes!

The prints club cost is going to be raised from $17 to $20 per month, starting May 2021

This is to keep up with various rising costs of the supplies & services I use, along with the recent improvements to the packaging from this year (I hope you guys are digging the cello bags btw - they're biodegradable)!

  • The tier is now listed as $20.
  • You don't have to raise your pledge yet! Please raise it in May so that you aren't charged an extra $3 for this month. Don't worry, I'll be sending everyone a DM reminder when May starts. :)

Thank you so much everyone :) Hope you're looking forward to more art this month, and please let me know if you have any questions.

-cravat xxxxx



Oh please your prints are priceless. It's just a pleasure to be able to buy them

Travis Hymas

It's a pretty minor raise on our end - if it makes it easier on you, no problem!