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Hi again,

It looks like this UK COVID lockdown will last for at least a few weeks. During this time I'm not allowed to leave my house for reasons other than essential ones, and all non-essential businesses must close (including me)! This means this month's print club prints will be delayed by a few weeks at least.

Since I don't have to go anywhere to draw, I'm still doing my art as usual though ahah. It's just the print club and shop that are taking a hit!

I'm so sorry about this delay! Especially to all the new members who joined the prints club this January!

I understand the wait is very long! If you would like to be refunded, please send me a DM and we will sort you out :) Otherwise, I will hold onto your order until I am able to ship it to you.

I know this isn't a very positive order update, hopefully it will all be resolved sooner rather than later.

Thank you all so much for your patience,

-cravat x



Sorry to hear that. Stay safe and we’ll be patient!


Stay safe.