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Requested as part of the new Crazy tier. <3 I hope you like it!

Patrons will get:

  • 4K WIP shots
  • 4K final image
  • Desktop wallpapers
  • .sai2 layer file (raw artwork in its original format, only accessible in paint tool sai 2)
  • .psd layer file (layer file accessible in other paint programs)

This art will also be available as a print reward in August! I'll make a small announcement post about the August print club prints soon.

Also, I should have mentioned this sooner, but recently this Patreon hit 1k. I don't want to be superficial about things, but for the longest time my dream has been to make a living by doing the drawings I love so much. Even 1K per month seemed like a crazy dream. When I saw it, I cried a little. ;-; Thank you everyone for taking me this far. Let's keep going!

-cravat xxxx




Love it!! Can't wait for the background. Melia is one of my favorite characters in anything


thank you so much!! I'm glad you're excited, I'll try and make some cool options ,':)


Melia Antiqua is the love of my life. The strongest character I've ever known. She's the bestest.