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It's a looong TF orgy story with lots of fun sex and it has taken me a good while for me and my beta readers to go over it. It'll probably need to be read in multiple sittings, a good way to test one's stamina!

The next step is to port the current draft into the four species that got the most votes. Here's the voting results on both sites added up:

First, since I already started with Mustangs, I'm going to make tweaks to create the cow and laquine versions. They'll be the easiest to create. Then I'll make the dragon version, then I'll make the naga version. I'm thinking I might release all the versions at the same time.

Here's the story description so you don't have to go looking for it:

During his business management career, Coach Roberts was working for fortune 500s. Not willing to fade into obscurity during his retirement, he's formulated a plan. With the help of Kamberlan Genomics, he'll turn both the teams he's coaching into state champions.

Given the non-peer-reviewed articles Kamberlan Genomics provided, Coach Roberts thinks there's minimal risk to the eight seniors he's picked for modification. But he's no scientist and his planned secret gene splicing lock-in becomes an orgy of gender-bending transformation. By the end of it all, these seniors will look a lot more like pinup models of the team mascot than High School athletes.


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