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UPDATE: A patron mentioned that I kinda forgot about Michael's breast growth near the end of the story. I've now added a final cup size and a mention of more breast growth earlier. Be sure to download the updated file for your records.

Poll Results: Male and female to herm won, Naga and Feline/Dragon hybrid won, "Guy meets his college bestie's mom" tied with "Guy meets his favorite only fans performer." This story is the result of those votes!

Michael's never been to a hot spring and is looking forward to a nice cozy dip while he's vacationing in Taos. Rebecca's trying to enjoy having the hot springs to herself, but her Tail-Virus-fueled libido is throwing a wrench in her nude relaxation. When Michael meets Rebecca, he realizes she's his favorite OnlyFans performer while she realizes Michael's her son's college bestie. Due to the throbbing between Rebecca's legs, awkward familiarity quickly leads to erotic entanglement. By the time they realize Rebecca has the herm strain of the Tail Virus, Rebecca's got naga equipment and Michael's feeling some tenderness behind his balls.

Tail Virus Hot Spring Encounter
By Zmeydros
(Edited by Sarahvixen and WolfLeah)

Above the gorge were fan-like clouds guarding over care-free, white puffy clouds. The gorge's stark, dark reddish-black stone walls went nearly straight down to the Rio Grande river. Back the way Michael had just driven was a smaller canyon that joined the Rio Grande Gorge making a T intersection. The river that carved that canyon had crystal clear water and was lined with trees and sandy banks. For the most part, the banks of the Rio Grande were far less hospitable. They were covered with craggy, knee-high rocks and had there not been smaller rocks and sand in the mix, they would've been untraversable.

Michael kept driving toward the yellow-gravel-covered John Dunn bridge which crossed the Rio Grande. The ancient gray steel truss bridge where the I-beams across the top had triangles cut out of them in sections, creating a zig-zag pattern. It looked ancient. It was a smooth drive, however, and Michael hardly noticed the bridge as he drove over it.

Had he remembered to bring his swimsuit? All his boxers clearly said "HANES" on the waistband and were unlikely to fool anyone. The moment he stood up to get out of the car, he shook his head and chuckled at himself: he'd put his swimsuit on before he left the hotel. That's why it felt like he had the world's most uncomfortable boxers on. Whoever had designed the mesh that went on the inside of a swimsuit must've enjoyed getting chaffed.

Taking a long sip from his water bottle, he put it in his backpack and locked his car. Ahead of him was a concrete barrier that stopped cars from trying to enter the old switchback gravel road that went up to the top of this side of the gorge. If the woman at the hotel counter was correct, the path was at the end of the first switchback.

It was a twenty percent grade and he could feel it in his calves as he walked up to where the switchback turned to go the opposite way. He was now higher up than the trees that were growing at the bottom of the gorge and he could already see the footpath leading to Black Rock Hot Springs.

The path sloped down toward water level and there were lots of those large black rocks and boulders that lined the gorge all over, but the footpath was relatively flat and free of them.

When he was only about fifteen feet above water level the path appeared to dead end at a beautiful bush that had light pink, paintbrush-like flowers. When he reached that bush, he saw the path took a sharp left toward the river bank. It was a pretty steep descent, but he managed alright. For the next part of the trek, he was forced to walk on the tops of jagged rocks along the river bank or risk stepping in water-logged sand.

The Rio Grande was rushing just off to his left side and the steep wall of the gorge was to his right. None of the rocks he was walking on top of were loose or slippery, so he made good headway, getting close to the spring.

* * * * *

Rebecca sighed as she let go of the last bit of tension in her shoulders. The sun was only high enough to light up the top third of the gorge on her side of the river. The chill of early fall was contrasting the warm waters of the hot spring beautifully. Geothermally-heated water rose up at a lazy pace, warming her powerful calves and thighs before reaching her wide hips, soft belly, and big, motherly tits.

She couldn't help but smile. It had been ages since she'd just relaxed by herself in the nude. While it was a nice feeling, and she had enjoyed the first twenty minutes of her dip in the hotspring, today wasn't the right day for her to just chill alone. What had started as a tingling in her clit and inner labia was now an aching emptiness that reached deep inside her.

Oh how she wished she'd brought one of the massive Bad Dragon dildos she used in her videos. Damnit, the idea of someone discovering her in the middle of riding one was turning her on.

"NGH!" She squeezed her legs together to stop the rising water from caressing her snatch, but it did nothing to stem the need welling up within her.

Closing her eyes, she breathed slowly and worked to get her mind off of sex. Relaxation was the goal, after all. With each breath, her clit throbbed powerfully. Within a half minute, she swore it was swollen. She opened her eyes and spread her legs apart, wondering what the hell was going on.

With a shaky hand, she reached down and lightly touched a finger to her clit. White hot pleasure shot through her, making her back arch. She let out a surprised, squeaky moan and immediately moved her hand away.

* * * * *

Michael was almost there when he heard a strange squeaky screech. After looking at the sides of the gorge and the surface of the river to try and find its source, he decided it was some sort of strange bird he couldn't see and continued toward the spring.

Just a few more steps across the jagged rocks that made up the bank of the river and he got his first glimpse of the hot spring. It was a pool of clear water, about ten feet across and four feet deep, where people had filled in the spaces between the reddish-black boulders surrounding the pool with large rocks, to limit the amount the spring water mixed with the river water that was flowing right next to it.

His eyes widened as he noticed a gorgeous, forty-something woman, sitting against a boulder that made up part of the south wall of the spring. There were no visible straps or other signs this woman was wearing a swimsuit. Blushing, he turned around to head back and let this woman enjoy her skinny dipping in peace.

"Hey, aren't you Jacob's friend, Michael?" She was squinting a bit to see him without her glasses, but she quickly recognized his brown wavy hair, Zelda Triforce backpack, and close-trimmed stubble. She'd only seen him in pictures her son had shared of Facebook, but his style was pretty easy to spot.

He spun around. There was something very familiar about her, something that worried him.

"I'm Rebecca, Jacob's mom, and sorry about the nudity. People recommending this hike to tourists often leave out the part about this being a clothing optional spot for the locals. Ever since I moved here, I've been taking advantage of it." She smiled calmly.

Michael took five steps closer before he realized where he'd seen her before and stopped in his tracks. His heart started to race.

"Wait." Her eyes darted from his T-shirt to his face and then back to his T-shirt. Then her head tilted. "Are you N7Stunt_Pilot?"

"N-no. What? Who's that?" His back started to sweat.

"Hon, your T-shirt has the same Minecraft meme that's on your OnlyFans user profile."

"Sorry, if I'd known you were Jacob's mom, I would've steered clear." He leaned on a rock, dizzy with embarrassment.

"I'm sure Jacob will have a fit, but he'll get over it. My OnlyFans helped put him in college, after all."

"That's fair."

"Thanks for all your comments, by the way. You've always treated me like a person first and I really appreciate that." She stretched, exposing her breasts to him.

"You're wel--oh geez." He turned away, his crotch tingling as his prick came to life despite the embarrassment. The teardrop shape of her breasts was exceptional.

"Why don't you join me?"

"J-join you? Like in the water?"

"It's not like I'm showing you anything you haven't already seen."

"Okay, that's a good point." Even with that said, he still hesitated. "I just don't know why I still feel like a creep."

"Jacob has said so many good things about you that I can't imagine you're a creep. My own content turns me on all the time and I wouldn't make it if I didn't enjoy it myself."

"When you put it like that, it doesn't sound so bad." He took a couple deep breaths and started walking toward the spring. It was really awkward that she was Jacob's mom, but this was the chance of a lifetime and he would be an idiot to turn it down.

"I'm glad you've already seen me naked. Makes things way less awkward." She sighed, moving her hands through the water. "Almost makes up for you being Jacob's friend."

"Heh." Setting his stuff down, he tried to keep his wits about him and not freak out even though his heart was pounding in his ears.

As he worked on getting his shirt off, she asked, "So, are you and Jacob dating?"

"Nope, I'm mostly not into guys." His hands moved to his belt and undid it. A brief wave of nervousness hit him and he had to take a deep breath to stop his hands from shaking.


"There's been only a couple guys I've been attracted to and I have no idea what's up with it." Blood rushed southwards as he saw her belly and hips through the water.

"That used to be how I was with women, but then one of my best friends married a trans woman and I suddenly learned a lot about myself."

"Jacob's father was okay with you, uh, learning about yourself in that way?" As he pulled down his pants, he realized he'd forgotten to take off his hiking shoes.

"He had some exploration he wanted to do as well. Petite women have always interested him and, well, I'm curvy all over." She hefted her breasts, showing them off.

"He doesn't like your breasts?! They're fucking gorgeous!" He couldn't look away from her tits and was fumbling with his right shoelace.

She laughed. "It's not like that, he just has more than one body type he enjoys."

The shoelace finally gave in to his fumbling and he managed to get his right shoe and sock off. Then he worked on his left shoe. With both shoes and socks off, he pulled his pants off and set them on top of the pile of clothes next to his backpack. Now he was only in his bathing suit and the crisp cool air was making his nipples harden while he got goosebumps.

"That makes sense." He fiddled with his pile of clothes, making sure they wouldn't topple over.

"Mmhmm, we even get to chat about our sexual escapades. It's nice."

"I'd love being in a relationship like that. It sounds so human." Since he had a small tent in his suit, he backed toward the spring, acting like he was holding onto the rocks to keep himself steady.

"That's a really good way of putting it. I know open relationships aren't for everyone, but it's so natural for humans to want to explore and have new experiences. Especially if they've been doing the same thing for several years."

"Well, this is a very new experience," he said as he put one foot in the water. He'd never been in a hot spring before and the warm water was so welcoming that he practically jumped in. The sand under his feet was very soft and wonderfully warm. He could feel the water from the spring rising through it, making the hairs on his legs and arms sway.

"Isn't the water great?"

"Yeah! It's incredible." He smiled, glancing at her.

"Feels even better in the nude." She leaned back against the rock behind her. "Just saying."

He laughed.

"So, do you have any questions?" She grinned. "Extra points if they're lewd."

He wasn't sure if it was the water or just time, but he was starting to feel a lot more comfortable. "How did you get started making videos?"

"You still look a bit cold. Come over here, it's even warmer."

He stepped closer, only a foot from her now. It was indeed warmer, the current from the hot spring water even stronger in front of the tall rock she was in front of.

"I bought a Bad Dragon dildo that was too big and was determined to see if I could get it all in. When I finally managed it, I shared a video to the Bad Dragon forums and the responses I got were full of horny awe. Sometime after that, I heard about OnlyFans and decided to see if I could make some money. You know the rest."

"Did you meet Claudia through your OnlyFans?"

"No, I actually met her on my first trip to a lesbian bar." She laughed. "It was the dumbest pickup line, I told her she'd make my OnlyFans explode if we made a sex tape. To my surprise, she said sure." She was blushing and her hands were moving below the water, near her crotch.

He laughed.

She moaned and bucked her hips.

Just hearing her moan got his prick surging toward full hardness.

"Sorry, it's just, her giraffe tongue and horsecock are better than any Bad Dragon dildo. The Tail Virus gave her one of the most gorgeous bodies I've ever seen and her herm energy is through the roof. It's no wonder her OnlyFans has more followers than mine now."

"I follow her too and yeah, she's amazing." He fidgeted, shifting his weight back and forth. His shaft was throbbing so hard, it felt very tight down there. "Did you help her get started?"

"Yep, and I'm very proud of her." She abruptly pulled her hands away from her crotch, bumping his erection by accident.

"Gah!" he cried out, having his dick slapped.


He shook his head. "No, I'm the one that should apologize."

"For getting hard when you're standing next to a pornstar? Don't make me laugh."

"You're making it hard for me to stay embarrassed."

"All part of my plan... Actually, could you do me a big favor?" She bit her lip. "Like, a big big favor?"

"Oh? What is it?" He tilted his head.

"I desperately need to be dicked and I can't stop thinking about how much you look like my first boyfriend. He was so handsome..."

"I look like your first boyfriend, and what?"

"'I've been desperate to have someone inside me all morning and you're even hotter than he was. He had a bit of extra weight around the middle and hair just like yours. The way you're both so shy, but also hornballs: it's so sexy." She grabbed his dick and squeezed. "So, what do you say? You wanna fuck a pornstar?"

"NGH!" His heart was racing as he saw her half-lidded, lust-filled eyes. He'd never seen a woman want him this much, need him this much. His cock ached in her hand. "I-I, maybe I should--

"Please?" She licked his neck and then lightly nipped it, growling with lust.

"Hah! Fuck it, yes!" He scrambled to get out of his bathing suit, concerned he'd lose his nerve if he waited a second longer.

She grabbed his shoulders and wrapped her legs around him. Then she kissed him as she lowered herself onto his dick, not even needing to look to line herself up. Her pussy was so wet it didn't matter they were fucking while mostly submerged. There was a bit of friction just as he first started to enter, but then it was smooth as silk.

He could see her breasts bouncing, her deeply pleasured expression where her eyes were nearly closed and her mouth wide open, but with a bit of a smile. The way her velvety passage gripped him and her clit dug into his groin every time he was hilted in her was almost too much. Being inside her was even more magical than he'd imagined.

"H-how are you so tight?"

"Kegel exercises, baby!" She clenched around his dick and rolled her hips.

At first, he moaned loudly, but then he noticed something odd, two separate pokes from the area where only one clit should've been. "Do you have two clits?"

"Mnngggh! I have no idea what's happening, but I can't stop!" Grabbing onto him, she started bouncing on his dick faster. "I need this too bad!" Her skin felt smoother in her groin area, more slippery: it almost felt like scales.

He froze as he felt her clits pulse, growing longer with every bounce of her body. "Do you have the Tail Virus?"

"Maybe? Please don't stop! It's too late for you anyway, I can feel your dick changing." She kissed his neck, her tongue forking and lengthening as she did. "It feels so damn good."

"HA--AAAH!" His cock was getting little ridges on the underside while the head was tapering, sending jolts of pleasure up his spine.

A tingling behind his balls got him to gasp. The feeling of her two-inch clits growing larger and pressing against him was now making him ache deep in his abdomen. That ache got worse as the tingling behind his balls became a pulling sensation.

"Can't believe I'm growing two dicks!" Her dicks were over three inches long and she was purposefully rolling her hips while she rode him to thrust them against his abdomen.

"Oh God!" he cried out as a new sensitive nub formed just behind his balls.

Cum gushed from his dick into her depths, his whole body feeling warm and sensitive. It was a very sharp, almost brutal orgasm that made his body seize up. But then he started thrusting wildly, the pleasure feeling like a wave of ecstatic chaos.

"Yes! YES! YESSSS!" Her nose flattened into her face as a reptilian snout pushed out. Scales traveled up her neck as her orgasm reached its peak and her pussy undulated around his dick.

Because he was in the middle of cumming, he couldn't freak out about the enlarging of his nipples, swelling of his chest, or the drastic changes to his dick. The ridges along the bottom became much more defined. Ridges forming along the top, bumps along the sides and at the base of his cock head formed, making his orgasm last forever. His shaft got bigger too, reaching deep into her cunt as its girth increased.

Then, as his orgasm subsided, there was this bulge at the base that was forming and he couldn't resist popping it in and out of her. She screamed in ecstasy, her whole body shaking as it became increasingly hard for his knot to enter and exit.

Then he popped it in with one last push, cumming inside her a second time. They both writhed and yelped and screeched, their bodies continuing to change. His chest grew A cup breasts while his nose flattened and folded, becoming feline. His gums started to pinch, his face pushing outwards into a muzzle. The skin on his belly itched as lavender-tinted white fur sprouted all across it. Scales marched their way across her body, extending down her shoulders while her tongue forked and lengthened.

They were locked together, staring at each other, panting. His eyes were wide, his mind barely able to take stock of his furry feminization or her increasingly lizard-like appearance. She no longer looked like the adult performer he'd been obsessed with, instead she had this otherworldly beauty. The forest green and bluish-white rounded diamond patterning of her scales made a striking contrast to the reddish-black volcanic rocks around them. Her breasts had an even more perfect shape and even though her hair was disappearing, the snake hood pressing out of her neck and the sides of her head was framing her face nicely.

"Mmm, never been knotted for real." She sighed happily.

"Aren't you concerned? We both have the Tail Virus." He bit his lip as his neck tightened with worry. In less than ten minutes, his life had completely changed. He looked down at his now-b-cup tits.

"Nothing hurtsss, I have exquisite scales, and that was the best orgasm I've ever had." She shrugged. "I've wanted to get the Tail Virus for a long time, but never got up the courage to catch it on purpose. Everyone I've ever encountered who got it has been healthier and hotter after catching it. I don't even see how one could call it an illness. I'd never considered being covered in scales, but it feelssss amazing!"

A small smile pulled at his lips. The fur spreading across his belly and chest was so pretty. That light lavender was a color he never would've considered wearing, but wow did it look good. Maybe this wasn't so bad, after all?

He gasped as the tugging behind his balls gave way to an undulation inside him. His heart nearly stopped. Though he didn't know what having a pussy felt like, what he was now feeling deep in his abdomen and behind his balls had to be linked to the presence of one. Along with the sensation of the softly flowing water caressing his bare labia and clit, he felt a profound emptiness.

"You don't mind having two dicks?" His pussy clenched even at him just mentioning them.

"Are you kidding? Think of all the possibilities." Lightly caressing his breasts, she clenched around his prick. "Do you mind having these?"

The sensation of the palms of her scaly hands on his nipples made him shudder, in a good way. "Mnhhh! I don't dislike them."

"That's good, because they're probably going to get bigger. You're not as far along as me."

The thought of his breasts getting bigger got a long, breathy moan from him. A feminine moan that surprised him so much that he put a hand over his mouth afterwards.

She chuckled as she groped his ass. "Ooh, you're rounder here too."

He gasped, keeping a hand clapped over his mouth. His ass had been rather flat, now it felt so full, so plush. Just thinking about it, he was tingling all over.

"What about a pussy? Would you mind having my twin dicks inside you?"

"NYAAAH!" Now he was covering his mouth with both hands. It was the girliest sound he'd ever made, like something out of a cheesy hentai.

Grabbing his hands and putting them on her shafts, she said, "Stroke me, I hear the more blood rushes somewhere, the more the Tail Virus affects it." She leaned back, placing her hands on the rock behind her to give him room. "Look at me, I've had dicks for a blink of an eye and I'm already wanting to enlarge them."

Her leaning back tugged on his knot, making him gasp. It was so natural to stroke her cocks now that he had them in his hands. They weren't long enough to poke out of his fists yet, but ten seconds later, they were a whole inch longer.

She thrust into his hands, working his knot inside her while grunting and moaning. Inch-by-inch her shafts grew and the empty pangs deep inside him grew right along with them. Soon he was panting, his mind completely preoccupied by the sensation of her hard, tapered shafts gliding through his hands.

The palms of his hands became tender as he stroked, paw pads swelling up as his fingernails curved and came to points, looking more and more like cat claws until they retracted into his fingertips. Peach-colored fur dappled with white spots was spreading across the backs of his hands and up his arms. On each shoulder, he got a patch of silver scales that went several inches down the tops of his arms. An itch just behind his nose and in the hollow of his neck were followed by silver scales coming in there too.

When her dicks were over ten inches long, his knot popped out of her and his whole body was hot with desperation. His eyes locked on her cocks while he panted.

Standing back up and rubbing his tits, she pressed her dicks against his balls and his cock as it receded into his sheath. "Ready to get stuffed, girl? Do you want me to call you, girl? You're looking girly, but I don't want to assume."

Being called "girl" sent a shiver up his spine. "Yes!"

"Yes, you want to be called 'girl' or yes you want to be stuffed?"

"Yes. Everything, yes!" Michael's ability to form full sentences was on very shaky ground, but the rest of her was going full speed ahead. She needed dick and she needed it now!

Rebecca grabbed her dicks and held them together as she grabbed Michael's shoulder and maneuvered her. "Hmm, I'm not sure both will fit."

"Please try!" Michael spread her legs. Every second her pussy was empty felt like an eternity.

Some skillful movements by Rebecca got the tips of her dicks at Michael's entrance and then they both worked to get Rebecca in as deep as possible. Michael's cunt rejoiced at being stretched and the two tapered dicks created this ever-changing buffet of sensation. She was being stretched into different shapes down there, the deeper the cocks got.

This time, the hammering of Michael's heart had no anxiety attached to it. Pure physical effort was the source because she was instinctually meeting every one of Rebecca's thrusts, ensuring she was getting bred as hard as possible.

Tension at the end of Michael's spine was followed by the constant thuds of new vertebrae coming into being. Her tail thickened and lengthened at an alarming rate, fur spreading down the top while more of those silver scales filled in on the underside.

They were both so very close to going off when Rebecca's thrusting became very uneven. "Holy shit! My legs are stuck together!"


"GAAAH!" Her whole body writhed as the two thighs that had been pressed up against Michael merged into one. This single appendage lengthened dramatically. "I'm turning into a sssssnake!"

Her lower half started to wrap around Michael. It was muscular, scaly, and felt both erotic and scary. Michael squirmed in her grasp, feeling far more turned on than she wanted to admit.

"Ssseems like you enjoy being caught." Rebecca licked at his neck with her forked tongue. "I'm gonna cum ssso hard in you!"

"NGH!" Michael could feel her dicks pulsing inside him, getting even bigger. Her pussy stretched so much that Rebecca's fans would've been impressed, she felt on the edge.

Rebecca's hands rubbed Michael's tits as they got bigger and bigger, bouncing on her chest. Then Rebecca shoved as deep as she could, cumming hard. Michael cried out, throwing her head back as she got her first full vaginal orgasm. It made her jaws and her changing ears ache. She felt dizzy, like every part of her was warm and energized.

"Dammit! That wasn't enough. I can't deliver the cream filling yet." Rebecca resumed thrusting, determination clear on her reptilian face.

"Ahh! HAAAH!" Michael didn't know how, but Rebecca's dicks felt even better just after orgasm. And on top of this, Michael could feel her tits bouncing heavily on her chest. They had had to be bordering on D-cups and they felt so damn good!

Rebecca's naga coils worked Michael's whole body, cuddle-fucking her while Michael's snatch sent such sharp jolts of pleasure through her that her shaft pushed out of her sheath. Over the next few minutes, Michael's dick reached full hardness and she cared less and less about the girly noises she was making. Rebecca's tail kept growing, wrapping around Michael, until she was able to hook the end of it over Michael's breasts while holding Michael's entire body against her. Each undulation of Rebecca's tail felt like a wave traveling around Michael's body. The result was like an unbelievable erotic massage.

Rebecca's embrace was restricting, but also comforting. Michael had never been this much at someone's mercy. It was exhilarating, like giving someone else the keys to your brand new car. That trust was as powerful as the pleasure and it made her warm in a way nothing else ever had.

The smooth, leathery scales on the underside of Rebecca's tail squeezed Michael's nice round boobs while brushing across her nipples. Then she felt her clit fall perfectly into the V between Rebeccca's rock hard naga dicks and that was it. Her head flew back, her whole body gyrated aimlessly. Her huge dragon-like prick exploded between them, soaking her fur and Rebecca's scales with her cum. She felt the undulations of her brand new depths clearer than ever.

Rebecca made three quick thrusts before she hilted herself as deep as possible and hissed out a moan. Her dicks twitched powerfully several times and then the first jets of her jizz erupted from her cock tips. She shuddered, her long snake body undulating as she unloaded in Michael's receptive cunt.

The pleasure, the dance of her sensitive flesh against Rebecca's twin shafts as they filled her full, the way she was being held, it was perfection. She felt stunning, precious, whole. She grabbed onto Rebecca's upper half and held her tight. Their tits bounced against each other as they gyrated, icing on a beautiful, erotic sensory cake.

Time became uncountable. Both of them stayed like that until Michael's belly was notably round with Rebecca's cum and Rebecca was so deeply relaxed that she'd lost her tight grip on Michael. Michael didn't take the opportunity to get free. Instead, she kept holding Rebecca, keeping those cocks as deep inside her as she could.

Michael's pearly white cream was all over both of them, so when Rebecca pulled Michael in for a kiss, they shared the feminine, lavender and honey taste of Michael's cum. As they kissed, Michael felt her tongue split at the end and lengthen. Two pinching sensations just behind Michael's forehead were followed by ebony dragon horns, pushing out and curling like ram's horns. Through those last changes, including patches of silver scales coming in on the backs of her hands and feet as well as her knees and elbows, she just kept kissing.

It was fascinating to entwine two forked tongues like this. The kiss was mesmerizing. Michael loved how her feline whiskers and nose rubbed against Rebecca's scaly snake snout. She even loved the way her feline ears twitched in the breeze.

When they finally broke the kiss, Rebecca pushed Michael back to take a look at her. "You're utterly jaw-dropping. Even your dick is gorgeousss."

"Not as gorgeous as you. You have that whole naga thing going on." Michael was grinning while trying not to think about why she felt so good being this feminine. Why she was so happy about the prospect of being called "girl" and "she."

"I'll accept that, but I bet you'd get as much money as I'm going to, once I show off this new form on OnlyFans." She chuckled. "I'm sure I'll lose some of my current ones, but holy hell am I about to get a bunch of new ones."

"You're not bothered at all about being a frigging snake below your waist?" Michael's eyes darted to the coils of Rebecca's tail still loosely holding her.

"Hon, I have no idea how I'm going to make it back to my car, or get back home for that matter. All I know is that my life is a lot less boring now. I love the new me, and I'll figure out how to make things work." She thrust into Michael. "Mmm! Your pussy feels so damn good. My only regret is that I'm going to have to wait for a while before I can get hard again."

"NGH!" Michael's snatch gave Rebecca's dicks a squeeze. "You really think I could make money on OnlyFans?"


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!


Door matt

But first I need you to take me home. I don’t know how I can drive a car without feet. In return we can both go clothes shopping. You need to get your first bra and I need to find clothes that I can wear. I don’t have many dresses. -Rebecca I was trying to get an idea of Michaels final appearance but we never got his final bust size. All we know it is bigger than a B cup.


You make a very good point! I'll take a look at that section and see if your idea for putting the information there works well. I'll toss it in somewhere else if it doesn't for some reason. I'll let you know what I do. Getting on it right now.


Sure wish I could get some Tail Virus in my life to make a fortune on OnlyFans :D