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This is a very polished draft that might not change before release unless one of you finds something in the next couple days. :D

Clarissa asks Fiona to use her phasing power to help with a semi-urgent issue. To help, Fiona will have to draw on her power in a ways she hasn't even attempted yet. To reward her efforts, Rinny and Clarissa come up with a rather devious plan that leaves Fiona desperate with lust.

DRAFT - Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 10
-> Ghosting For Keys
by Zmeydros
(Edited by Tiliquain and UBA)

When Clarissa imagined her ideal self, she probably hadn't thought much about running. The erotic comedy of seeing her gigantic bosom, udder, and balls undulate as she jogged toward us quickly helped me forget about my sadness. I wiped my tears while Rinny watched her with a look of amused concern. Her eyes were wide and her lips were curved at the edges of her muzzle.

Right before Clarissa reached us, a clump of grass got caught on her hoof and she stumbled. I reached out to catch her just as she got her other hoof under her, but that didn't halt her momentum and she crashed right into me. I yelped as we both fell to the ground, her on top of me.

The grass and Clarissa were both soft enough that it didn't hurt much even though her weight was bearing down on me. Getting her arms and legs arranged, she rubbed her sheath on my upper right thigh through her overalls. Her overalls were made of thick denim, but the sensation of her package against me still made me feel warm.

Just before she lifted herself off me, she caught me staring at her and kissed my lips. Feeling her smooth cow nose against my canine one, I kissed back. Rinny laughed at the way my tail was thumping against the ground while I kissed my not-quite-girlfriend.

Clarissa broke the kiss and stood up before offering her hand which I took. She spoke while she easily helped me to my feet. "Do you think you could help me? I locked myself out of my car."

"Wouldn't using a hanger or something be easier?" I blushed. I was still naked and the tip of my dick was sticking out of my sheath for all to see.

"That makes the car alarm go off and hurts my ears. I think all the animals hate it too."

"Yeah, lots of sensitive ears out here." Rinny nodded. "Why not give it a try? It's a good use of skills you've already developed."

Narrowing my eyes at Clarissa, I tried to read her. "Did you lock them in there on purpose?"

"I wish I had, I'd feel a lot less stupid." Clarissa laughed. "When I grabbed the bubble tea holder thingy yesterday, I set them down on the seat. They're still there and Glenda's waiting on me to get a couple things for her from the store."

"Oh, running favors for Glenda, are we?" Rinny said in a teasing voice. "Are you that desperate to see what's under her apron?"

Clarissa rolled her eyes. "I suggested she make pizza from scratch tonight since Fiona's never had her pizza, which is outstanding, and she said she'd make it for us as long as I made a store run for her."

Rinny chuckled at Clarissa's eye roll.

"Isn't she in a committed relationship?" I tilted my head.

Clarissa smirked. "Okay, important detail about Glenda: she's in a very open relationship and lifting your tail around her is risky if you aren't in the mood for stuffed crust."

Rinny bust out laughing.

I would've found it funny if my pussy hadn't clenched so hard. I'd definitely gotten a hint of that energy from her when she was teasing me at breakfast. "So, where's your car?"

Clarissa glanced at the two inches of dick that had made it out of my sheath and then turned back the way she came. "Follow me."

Rinny and I followed close behind, both of us stealing glances at Clarissa's incredible rear. We passed Milena's barn and a silo before getting to Clarissa's old gold compact. On the way, I thought about the fact I was walking around naked, but I quickly realized that I'd be naked the moment I tried to phase into her car anyway.

Sensing both of them staring at me, I thought about what I was going to have to do. There wasn't enough room in her car for me to rematerialize standing up and I'd be blind while I was intangible. I went to the front of the car and put my paw-padded feet down, one in front of the other, while looking at the driver's seat.

"What are you doing?" Clarissa took a couple steps toward me.

"Something very smart that I should've thought of," Rinny said.

"Not that smart, I'm just thinking I'm really useless when I'm blind." I backed up and then stood next to the driver's seat before crouching, trying to get my butt to the level it looked like the seat was at.

"Clever girl." Clarissa grabbed the base of my tail to help steady me.

I moaned at first, but then I used her support to get my butt to the right height and keep it there for a moment. "Let go for a sec."

Clarissa let go and I concentrated on how it felt to be in that position.

Standing up, I closed my eyes while imagining a column of bright light shining down on me. "Okay, here goes." I didn't fight the spicy tingles, I encouraged them to spread. Before I knew it, I was in the darkest dark there was while sinking into the ground.

I reached out with my hand and felt the outer metal shell of the car door. It was thin, but it felt more like melted chocolate than molasses. The plastic behind it felt like warm honey and was much easier to push through. The wires made harder spots, almost like nuts in moist bread or berries in a muffin. Feeling around with my arm, I found the seat. The upholstery felt like water it was so easy to push through. The metal parts inside it were as hard as the outer shell. Knowing where the seat was, I took a step through the outside of the car and felt my thigh pass through the metal ring that was under the fake leather in the steering wheel.

Visualizing where the steering wheel was in relation to the seat, I tried to get into the correct position. It was dastardly hard. Without anything to grab onto, I just started falling right through the seat when I was getting into a sitting position.

My lungs were starting to burn and my heart was racing, but I still kept trying. I knew I could push off of the ground to keep myself from falling through it, so I tried to do that with the back of my thighs and ass as I sat down. It was such an awkward process with no handholds, though. I had to push off of the seat when I was already falling toward it or when it was rubbing against my thighs and the steering wheel was sticking into my pelvis and abdomen so I couldn't risk fully materializing.

As the burning in my lungs became unbearable, my head started to ache. I quickly stepped out of the car and focused on coming back slowly. The sensation of suffocating won out, though, and I popped back into existence fast enough that I ended up six inches off the ground.

Clarissa grabbed me out of the air and hugged me against her while I caught my breath.

"How'd it go?" Rinny's head tilted.

"I could find everything, but sitting on the seat and not rematerializing while the steering wheel was inside me was impossible." I took a few more deep breaths.

"Remember when you were only phasing out part of your body? What if you just rematerialized your hands so you could grab onto something for support?"

"I guess I can try? It's different than what we did earlier, but I might be able to do it."

Clarissa let me go. "Probably should try it right now while you're not in the car."

"Good idea." I took a few steps away from Clarissa and focused until I went intangible. Then I moved all my focus to my right hand and clenched my jaw as I tried to feel that pushing sensation that normally originated from my center, in my hand.

I felt like my hand was a balloon full of pressure and when that pressure exploded, my whole arm came back with it. It felt so strange. I couldn't see my arm, but I could feel the slight breeze tossling my fur. I had to grit my teeth and hang on to that pressure in the rest of my body. My arm started aching and tingling after about ten seconds and I wanted to breathe again, so I let the rest of me rematerialize.

Clarissa's hand on my shoulder was all it took to steady me. "That was really weird, like anatomy gore."

"Yeah, we could see an uneven cross section of your arm. Was straight out of a horror film." Rinny was grimacing.

"Huh, I guess that makes sense." I shook my arm, trying to get the pins and needles sensation to go away. "I don't think my body likes being partially materialized for long."

With one of her pointy cat ears folding down, Rinny thought for a moment. "It probably screws up blood flow and other stuff. Don't rematerialize your head on its own, just to be safe."

A chill ran down my spine. "Well, my arm's fine now." I opened and closed my hand a couple times.

"Try a couple more times, try to only get your hand to come back."

Clarissa's tail flicked. "How about you only do it for like, five seconds, just to be safe?"

It took four tries, but I eventually only materialized my hand and my wrist on both arms. The amount of concentration it took was insane.

When I dematerialized and got in the car again, I managed to grab the steering wheel and get in a better position. It was incredibly hard to sit on the seat, though. Every time I tried, the upholstery passed partially through my skin and I had to lean forward to avoid it, which put the steering wheel in my chest. I dematerialized my hands when they got numb and took a moment to think. The roof of the car was passing through my chest and the floor through my shins while the steering wheel was through my pelvis. It felt kinda claustrophobic, like having physical objects encroach on my personal space.

My lungs were just starting to burn, but I did my best to ignore that. As I thought, I started sinking into the ground and had to focus on pushing against it with my feet. That's when I got an idea: I rematerialized my hands, grabbed the steering wheel, and then sat too far into the seat. Partially rematerializing my ass in the seat the way I pushed off the ground with my feet, my butt rose to the surface of the seat. Using that extra point of contact, I pulled my feet up through the floor, moved my chest out of the steering wheel, and then slapped the steering wheel to the beat of an 80's synth pop song. That tempo helped me keep from rematerializing too fast.

Popping back into existence in Clarissa's car, I immediately realized it was a bit toasty in there from the sun. Then I jumped as I heard two joyous hollers from outside of it. That's when it hit me: I'd done it!

Happy tears wet the fur under my eyes as I stared out the window at Clarissa and Rinny. My power was officially useful and not just horrifying. Clarissa was giving me an excited thumbs up while Rinny was giving me applause.

I was shaking so much that I was practically vibrating. It felt like I'd run two miles in under a minute. My heart was hammering in my chest and I was feeling a hundred thousand shades of emotion all at once. My fear of failure and my joy from success were in there along with terror and the leftovers of frustration from the learning process. I was lucky I was sitting.

After a couple more tears and a few deep breaths, I noticed Rinny and Clarissa whispering. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but judging by their grins, everything was fine.

Grabbing the keys, I put them in the ignition and turned it just far enough to engage the battery. Then I rolled down the window. "Clarissa, do you know what sets your alarm off? My parents had a car that would go apeshit if anyone opened the door from the inside after it was locked for a while."

Her cute cow ears turned toward me before her head. "Toss me the keys and I'll unlock the door from the outside, just in case."

I threw them at her as best I could, but they went toward Rinny instead, who snatched them out of the air with her kitty reflexes. As Rinny handed the keys to Clarissa, I rolled up the window. Then, I got curious about something and dematerialized. When I stood up through the car, I walked straight forward. The frame of the car in front of the console felt pretty thick, like a good bit of melted chocolate. The engine block felt like molasses that was well below room temperature. I dug my feet into the ground and pushed. The moment I put my mind to it, the engine block got way easier to push through, but I was running out of air quicker.

Once I cleared the car, I slowly rematerialized, this time using the beat of something by Michael Jackson in the nineties to keep from going too fast. Before I could think about what song it was or even make it to the chorus, I was back.

Clarissa had started the car and was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Are you trying to get run over?"

"Oh, whoops!" I moved toward Rinny so I was no longer in front of the car.

Clarissa drove forward and then stopped and looked out the window at me. "You did incredible and are a very good girl. Tonight, you're going to get a reward."

My tail was wagging so furiously that it was blowing the fur on my legs.

Rinny hugged me tight while Clarissa drove away. "That was absolutely amazing."

"Clarissa mentioned a reward?" My tail was still wagging.

"Yep! Let's go back to the guest house so I can help you get ready for it." Rinny grabbed my hand and started leading me to the guest house.

"Shouldn't we get my clothes?" I bit my lip, catching a rather potent, excited scent### from Rinny.

Her prick was starting to make a tent in her skirt. "Nah, I've noticed how wet and hard you get when you're on display. You like being herm eye candy."

I gasped as my dick shoved itself out of its sheath and my cunt quivered.

"That's it, girl, show everyone that incredible cock." She groped my ass.

"Ngh! FUCK!" My shaft was shoving itself out of my sheath while my balls and breasts swelled larger. Getting horny was ridiculously fun with the erotic way my body reacted to it. I could feel my sac stretching and then relaxing as it caught up with my balls and it felt like someone was groping my breasts with each of their growth spurts.

Rinny stopped in front of the emu pen where my clothes were lying. "One sec, I'm feeling like clothing's become quite optional." She set her witch hat in midair as if there was an invisible shelf there. Then she pulled off her witchy dress, balled it up, and tossed it like a basketball. With a snap of her fingers, it disappeared, leaving her in a pair of very-strained panties that had a clear outline of her flare.

I moaned as she pulled off her panties, making her thick, half-hard dick flick upwards.

"Fuck, I feel sexy today." She ran her hands over the six extra kitty nipples that interrupted her white belly fur. As they perked up, she squirmed.

I saw a drop of pre on her blunt cock head and fell to my knees, not wanting it to go to waste.

Grabbing my hair and shoving her shaft into my muzzle, she purred, making her voice vibrate. "You're such a good girl today."

My tail wagged as pre dripped off my prick, which was nearing full hardness while my snatch wet the fur between my thighs.

Draping her panties over my muzzle so I could enjoy her scent, she pulled her bra off. Then she draped her bra on my muzzle as well, chuckling as her tail flicked playfully.

I reached up behind her balls and gasped, feeling my fingers slip and slide across her slicked-up mare mound.

Her cunt winked, soaking my fingers with her wetness as she made a fierce thrust into my muzzle. Regaining her composure for a moment, she grabbed her panties and bra, balled them up, and then tossed them up into the air. Snapping her fingers, they disappeared to wherever her dress had gone. Then she retrieved her floating pointed hat and threaded her ears through the ear holes.

"Okay, that's enough for now. I have plans for you." She pulled her equine penis out of my maw.

My paw-padded fingers bumped her balls, making them swing as she stepped back. I couldn't take my eyes off them, or her dick, as I stood up. Then, I whined and lifted my tail, bending forward. It felt oh so good to follow that instinct despite how hard it was making me blush.

Rinny put her thick dick up against my pussy and rubbed slowly. "You'd like me to just take you right here, wouldn't you?"

"HAAAH! YES!" I pressed back, feeling her broad cock head start to spread my pussy lips.

Pulling her dick away, she chuckled. "Too bad, Clarissa gave me strict orders to not start without her. How about we go show you to Glenda in your full glory instead?"

"Please? Just a little? You don't have to go all the way." I gave her my best puppy eyes as I spread my pussy, getting my wetness all over my fingers. My balls hung even heavier between my legs. My cheeks were blushing furiously from me exposing myself in public like this, but I swear I was getting a high from it, like I'd had six shots of espresso and a foot-tall-stack of sugar packets.

She gave my pussy a long lick with her rough feline tongue, getting me to yip in pleasure. "That was your little bit. Now be a good girl and walk into the guest house with me so I can show you off." Her hand found mine as we resumed walking.

I walked funny the whole way, my clit so sensitive and swollen while my balls tugged on the front of my snatch from their sheer weight. Every step sent a wave of pleasure through me. I was in awe of how horny I was as we walked through the door. It even felt erotic to have Rinny's paw pads touching mine as we held hands. In the middle of enjoying that sensation, I heard a terrible sound: my cell phone ringing.

Letting go of Rinny's hand, I dashed over to my guest room and answered the phone. My chest was tight because I recognized the number and it could only be bad news. "Hello?"

"Hi Fiona, how are you?" The voice was crisp, masculine, and nasal.

Doing my best to sound unenergetic, I relaxed my vocal cords. "Not as bad as before, but not great."

"This is Fiona, yes?"

My brow furrowed. "Yeah, is something wrong?"

"No, your voice sounds very different over this connection."

"Ahh, I've been getting that a lot lately. Might want to get my phone checked." I hadn't realized because everything sounded different with my canine ears, but having a muzzle changed my voice quite a bit. There was a unique echo to it and it was noticeably deeper than before.

"Perhaps you should." He paused just long enough for me to get even more anxious. "I understand you're ill, but if at all possible, I'm going to need you to be in the office tomorrow from one p.m. to three or four. Mrs. Bellagamba is going to be on site to look over the Albrecht collection and has asked for your assistance."

"Did you tell her I was ill and probably couldn't make it?" I'd found my spine somehow.

"I did, but she's flying back later tomorrow evening and doesn't want to leave without your input on the items in the collection."

"Okay, I'll be there," came out of my mouth automatically. Instant regret poured through me, my stomach twisting in my abdomen.

"Thank you so much. I hope it's not too much of an inconvenience for you and I'll see you tomorrow." I heard him write something down. "Let me know if any complications arise."

"I will. Goodbye Hammitt." My voice was rather robotic as I was still reeling from my caving in so easily.

"Goodbye Fiona and thanks again." He hung up.

I tossed my phone onto my bed and sighed as I leaned against the nearest wall.

"Are you okay?" Rinny put an arm over my shoulders. "You sounded really scared of him."

"He never sounds flustered or annoyed or happy. I can't read him at all and it always feels like he could just fire me the moment I'm not useful and he'd consider it a smart business decision. I swear he has no emotions about anyone other than his business partner, who he constantly compliments in front of everyone."

"I know that type and I steer clear if I can. I think I know why you caved so easily." Rinny patted my shoulder. "So, do you like your job?"

"Yeah, I do. I passed over a promotion so I wouldn't have to talk to as many rich dicks. I love just spending time learning about interesting artifacts and expensive dohickeys."

"But you still end up talking to some of them, it seems."

"Some of them want to talk directly to curators and that can be annoying, but I actually like Corinna. She nerds out about the history of the items as much as I do." I laughed. "We once drank an entire bottle of wine out on the balcony at work while talking about Roman bath houses. We were shitfaced at four in the afternoon and no one dared say a word about it because she represents one of our best clients."

"Wait, just how much time has this woman spent with you?" Rinny tilted her head as she looked at me.

"Hours and hours. She's probably my best friend other than Clarissa." I giggled. "She gets some wild impulses at times."

"Oh? Like what?"

"Well, when we were about to leave the balcony, she grabbed the bow that tied the front of my dress and dragged me to her. Then she kissed me full on the lips."

"Does she often drink with you, compliment you on what you're wearing, find excuses to do leisure activities, and does she sit right next to you or stand really close to you whenever she gets a chance?"

"Yes, yes, y--oh fuck!" My eyes widened. "You think she's into me!?"

"Hon, I'm surprised she hasn't asked you out yet."

I blinked for a moment, thinking of Corinna's long legs and the flirty, skin-showing dresses she always wore. My prick, which had calmed down from the sucky work call, throbbed back to life. "Oh shit."

"See? You were a lesbian long before you got a dick." Rinny chuckled.

"I need to get off so bad." I bit my lip.

"Let's get to the dining room."

Following Rinny there, I noticed her scent was even stronger. As we entered the dining room. I bumped the door frame and jostled a couple of the souvenir plates on the wall. Glenda's long, floppy goat ears twitched as she jumped, nearly knocking over the big bowl of tomato sauce she'd been mixing.

"Sorry." I'd never just walked in on someone while I was sporting a stiffy.

As Glenda turned to face us, there was a little rise in her apron and it got bigger as she spoke. "Pshaw, I don't need an apology. Not when you're offering such a feast for my eyes." She ogled my dick and then Rinny's before licking her lips.

"You in the mood to help me tease Fiona?" Rinny pushed her chest out and tilted her hips, getting in a classic nude modeling pose that made her curves even more obvious. Seeing that pose done by a woman with a big dick and balls was very gratifying.

Glenda reached behind herself and untied her apron before hanging it on a hook next to the pantry. Her dick wasn't as long as Rinny's or mine, but it was very girthy even when only partially deployed. Hanging below was a hefty black sac that mirrored the thick curves of her incredible, bottom heavy, mom bod. If she wasn't under the wikipedia entry for MILF, I'd be surprised. The more I looked at her, though, the more it became apparent that there was a lot of muscle under her extra weight and short white fur. Her thighs could've probably crushed me to death and I was here for that.

"So, what sort of teasing did you have in mind?" Glenda's deep red, somewhat demonic eyes were trained on Rinny's tits as she strutted out from behind the serving counter.

"You bending me over a table while Fiona's bound to a chair and can only watch." Rinny fired a toothy grin at me.

I moaned and pressed my thighs together.

"I have some poly twine in the back that should do the trick." Turning ballerina-like on her right hoof, Glenda dashed past the serving counter and opened a cupboard in the far back.

While Glenda was on her way back, Rinny grabbed a vinyl-upholstered roller chair from behind the serving counter that had arm rests and a hoop on the bottom to set one's feet on when it was extended particularly high. Then she shoved it under me, saying, "Sit."

I plopped into it, my tail slipping through the back.

As Glenda tied me to the chair like she'd done it a million times, I watched her fat, ten-inch-long horsecock bob along with her balls and E-cup breasts. She wrapped the twine around my arms, fixing them to the arm rests and ankles, fixing them to the metal hoop many times to make sure it was snug with no pressure points. Then she went quickly around my chest, just under my knockers. While Rinny watched me get tied up, she slowly fingered herself and made eye contact with me.

"Are you comfy?" Glenda asked.

I nodded, blushing because my girl juice was slicking up the vinyl under me. To think tying me to a chair got me wet was so damn embarrassing. My cock was rock hard, sticking straight up and throbbing visibly.

Pulling three soaked fingers out of herself, Rinny offered them to Glenda.

Glenda licked Rinny's wetness up slowly, showing off her mastery of her devilish, deep red, forked tongue by threading it through the spaces between Rinny's fingers easily. Glenda's scent reminded me of a field full of clover and I was not sure who I wanted to play with more, her or Rinny at this point.

"Show her your honey pot." Rinny flicked one of Glenda's nipples with her free hand.

"Gladly." Turning her plush rear toward me, Glenda lifted her demonic, spade-tipped tail and exposed a pink equine pussy with a bead of her nectar hanging off her big clit. It was different from Rinny's in that it was a bit shorter from top to bottom and less puffy. It was gorgeous, though, and I licked my lips as I took it in. As pre beaded at my cock tip, she stood back up and gave Rinny's ass a smack. "Bend over that table and spread 'em. Some of us have work to do."

Rinny laughed, but then she bent over the table and spread her legs apart as her tail flagged upwards. "Do your worst, goat mom."

Glenda grabbed the base of Rinny's tail and shoved in, spreading Rinny's black equine treasure open with her blunt girth. Then there was an audible "pop" as her flare entered and Rinny yowled in pleasure. One of Glenda's hands locked onto the base of Rinny's tail while the other grasped her hip tight. And then, Glenda put her killer thighs to work.

With a death grip on the table, Rinny gasped, panted, purred, and moaned. Glenda made it look so effortless that I could hardly believe the loud smacking sounds and the waves of force traveling through Rinny's nice round ass.

Pre dripped down my shaft while I was unable to move even an inch. All I could do was watch the closest thing to a porno I'd ever seen in real life. Both of them were going at it like animals and it was glorious. As their moans got higher and higher in pitch, I squirmed just enough to rub my throbbing clit between my pussy lips. Soon, I was moaning right along with them and the odd erotic warm fuzzy feeling I got from being restrained increased my sensitivity a thousand times over.

My eyes widened as Rinny cried out, "Cum! CUM NOW!" Her dick was drooling pre all over the tile floor.

"HERE. IT. COMES!" Glenda yelled as she made three final thrusts. Then stopped and gyrated as she exploded inside Rinny's cunt.

Rinny yowled and writhed atop the table, trying and failing to wrestle out of Glenda's grasp.

A wave of heat blasted across my whole lower half as my pussy clenched rhythmically, cumming along with Rinny. A fountain of pre streamed down my shaft as I rocked the chair with my orgasm. I was barely aware of the room other than feeling oddly safe and grounded by being bound to the chair. I did come back to reality a bit when Rinny pushed on the release lever on the chair and it sunk several inches. Then, I watched as she untied the twine around my abdomen so I could lean forward some.

After that she bent over in front of me and offered her cum-dripping mare snatch. "Lick." Her tone was stern, in a good way.

Out of sheer instinct and desire to please, I leaned forward. My tongue lapped out, finding lots of Glenda's delicious cum. Enjoying the salty sweet clover taste of Glenda's spooge, my tail wagged behind me. My prick grew to its full, monstrous size and my balls were bigger than my fists while my breasts were well into the G-cup range. Feeling Rinny's balls hit my chin, her pussy twitching around my tongue, and realizing I was being made to clean up Glenda's massive load while tied to a chair in the middle of the public dining room, my body panged for release. I ached to be stimulated to the point my cock, nipples, and clit were the most erect they'd been in my entire life.



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