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I just finished doing a writeup for each character at the end of last week and realized I had character shots that Foxinuhhbox did to go with them! So, here's the main cast of TaurPunk for y'all to enjoy. We had a lot of fun designing all the characters.


Fiona's been a herm and had a whimsy (special power) for less than a month and just became a taur. She's full of urges, new sensations, unanswered questions, and baggage from before she was in a body she actually liked. Though she often doubts herself, she's a bubbly and positive person who wants to make others smile. Other than her hybrid canine dragon cock and her tiger-striped fox taur form, the most notable thing about her is that she can phase through matter. It's a whimsy that both terrifies and fascinates her and she's only just begun to learn to control it. Which is how she accidentally ended up in this wild world of taurs.


Chloe's taur  race, the Sheleshian, are known for their telepathic potential. They're also known for being built like dump trucks and Chloe is no exception in either case. Where she is an exception is her proclivity for paying attention to everything around her, including other people's thoughts and feelings, at the same time. To say this leaves her scatterbrained is an understatement and this mixed with her insatiable libido can make her quite the handful. Something Chloe probably shouldn't be proud of, but is anyway.


Mayve's proud of her voluptuous curves, impressive package, and elegant feline form. Her skill with magic makes her a powerful ally when the chips are down. Though she believes in herself and her team, she's kinda given up on the rest of tuarkind. She's seen one too many cruel things happen to people that didn't deserve it. That's part of why she's trying to make a difference and that drive is what led her to be the leader of the team. Sometimes she gets overwhelmed by the suckitude of the world and decides it's time to party or have a nice taur orgy, but other times numbs herself with the contents of her flask. Lucky for her, even in her darkest moments, her team always has her back.


Members of Jordan's race are as proud of their plumage as they are of their manes and Jordan is no exception. He got deep into tech due to a childhood accident where he lost the lower parts of both arms.. The prosthetics given to him were well made, but had shit software, so he learned programming and upgraded the software himself. Ever since then, he's been a technophile that can upgrade, infiltrate, and modify any system he wants to. His attention to detail leads him to be a bit of a neat freak, but his flamboyant pansexual libido is good at getting him out of his shell.

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