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(A Beacon of Change) (A Berry Good Morning) (Ch 1) (Ch 2) (Ch 3) (Ch 4) (Ch 5) (Ch 6) (Ch 7) (Ch 8) (Ch 9) (Ch 10) (Ch 11) (Ch 12) (Ch 13)

Art (Comic - Fiona's TF into herm hybrid fox)      
Art (Fiona fucking and milking Milena)      
Art (Clarissa's Female to herm cow TF)

Fiona's recovery is coming along and she's starting to get her libido back. Rinny wants Fiona to start her training ASAP, but Fiona's simple errand of thanking Milena for her life-saving milk gets rather complicated.

Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 6
-> Ghosting a Witchy Kitty
by Zmeydros
(Edited by Wolfjacobs and Secretskunk)

For twenty-seven hours after that first time I woke up, sleeping, eating, feeling pain, and using the restroom were the only things my body would let me do. On that twenty-seventh hour, getting out of bed was easy because it felt more like I'd just spent too much time at the gym. What had been sharp pain was now just an omnipresent soreness.

Instead of stumbling down the hallway to the bathroom, I managed to walk, the little orange night light next to the door showing me the way. My tail wagged as I stood to piss for the first time since the rest stop: I loved my dick so much.

After washing my hands and returning to my room, I drank some water from my water bottle and stripped out of my pajamas. Adjusting myself to get comfortable, my left hand found its way to my tennis-ball-sized testes. Gosh my hand felt cozy there against my warm fuzzy sac. I'd never set out with the goal to have balls that were each a handful, but now that I had them, anything less just wouldn't do.

Probably because of where I'd put my hand, I dreamed about fucking Rinny, that witchy tabby cat, on top of the gurney in the medical barn while everyone watched. The surprising part was that my brain didn't put a dick on her. With how things were on this farm, it was far more likely she had one than if I'd met her anywhere else. But in my dream, she just had a pussy and I was going all out, watching the bulge from my huge dick move in her belly.

As I woke up from this dream, I realized three things: I was really into Rinny, I was hard as fuck, and I was about to cum. My hand was already around my dick, so I just reached behind my balls with my other hand and rubbed at my clit.

"HAAA--AAAAH!" As my cock throbbed, I frantically took the hand that I was using on my snatch and threw off the covers.

I tried to get my mouth on the end of my cock, but I couldn't stop shrieking in pleasure and thrashing. My prick spurted cum all over the sheets, my breasts, and my neck.

Rinny burst through the door, "Fiona! Are you--oh my!" The front of her skirt started lifting up as something thick and throbbing made a tent in it.

"Hello there." I blushed so hard, my ears ached.

"Sorry, I should go." She reached for the doorknob.

"It-it's okay." I just smiled at her, stuck between being embarrassed and wanting to find a way to flirt.

"Let me get you a towel. You look like a victim of a creamery explosion." She walked out the door and shut it behind her. I heard water running in the bathroom before she came back and handed me a pleasantly warm and damp hand towel.

"Thanks!" I worked to get enough of my cum off of me, and the bed, that it wasn't gonna drip on anything.

"Looks like your recovery is going well." She chuckled.

Still wiping stuff down while trying not to blush any harder, I said, "I feel a lot better."

"It's good you got that out of your system before we have to start training." The tent in her skirt wasn't advancing, but it wasn't going away either.

"Maybe there's something you need to get out of your system?" I bit my lip, trying to hide the surprise over what I'd just blurted out.

"Maybe there is, but I'm all about foreplay and anticipation. This situation is better as a snack than a full meal."

"Did you just call me a snack?" My tail started wagging. Whatever was under her skirt, I desperately wanted it. I was catching a fresh mango and strawberry scent from her that I wanted to bury my face in.

"Don't sell yourself short, you're at least an appetizer." She glanced at my prick, which was still hard. "Or maybe a picnic with a nice big...summer sausage?"

I laughed.

"Come to room six when you're ready to go. It's right down the hall."

"I'm gonna take a bit longer than I would normally because I'm gonna stop by and thank Milena for her milk. She probably saved my life."

"Yes she did." She opened the door and gracefully backed out of the room. "I'm gonna take a tiny catnap, but I should be ready in an hour. So, don't take too long." She shut the door.

I tried to get ready, I really did, but her scent was still lingering in the room and my pussy was throbbing too much. So, I slipped my fingers into my pussy and fingered myself until I was thrashing and yipping into my pillow.

* * * * *

Freshly showered and with my belly full of a hearty farmer's breakfast, I was blushing while going over the clothes Clarissa lent me. They were all adorable and cow-related. One shirt was full of big, round, brown-and-white cows walking right-side up and walking upside-down in a regular pattern on a deep blue shirt. There was one pair of light blue jean overalls and another pair of overalls that was light pink. The few pairs of boxers were sporting cow-related patterns too. One of them had milking equipment on it, another had chibi anthropomorphic cows in the various positions of the Macarena dance. I put on the Macarena dance ones, chuckling to myself.

Biting my lip as I saw myself in the full-length mirror on the back of the door, I felt so sexy in boxers. My bulge was just so damn attractive in them.

I grabbed a light yellow long-sleeve T-shirt that was patterned with cute cow heads with big noses and  milkshakes with whip cream and bright red cherries on top. Over that, I wore the light blue jean overalls. After slipping my phone into my pocket, I headed out of the yellow A-frame guest house toward the big red barn I'd seen Milena in. Smoky blue outbuildings from the 1940s, 60s, 90s, were laid out all around me with three nearby silos in a line and animal pens surrounding them. I darted in and out of long early morning shadows cast by all the structures I passed with a skip in my step.

As I approached the barn I'd found Milena in, Milena stepped out of the door, as nude as when I first met her.  Her white fur with chocolate brown spots, very wide hips, huge bust, and full udder was as knee-weakeningly gorgeous as ever.

Her ears perked up and her long cow tail flicked excitedly as she walked up to me. "Fiona!"

"You remembered my name?" I was forced to look up to keep my eyes on her face because she was seven feet tall.

"Maria's been talking a lot about you the last couple days." She frowned. "And then there was the whole part where you nearly died." Her eyes were looking over my form, trying to take in my fox fur with tiger stripes from head to toe.

"Oh, you haven't seen me in this form yet, have you?" I fought my shyness at being ogled and stood with my back straight, my breasts pressing against the front of my overalls, and my hands on my hips.

"Looks like you feel as gorgeous as you are." Milena grinned.

I stopped posing, feeling very self-conscious as my dick started shoving its way out of my sheath. "Sometimes."

"Well, let's work on that." She ran a hand over her taut udder. "Mmm, I need to be milked really bad and I want you to do it."

At first, I almost said "yes," but then I remembered Rinny asking me not to make her wait. "I can definitely come by later, but I don't exactly have time right now. I just wanted to thank you for saving my life on my way to train with Rinny."

"If we get started right now, it won't be that long." Her eyes sparkled as she caught a glimpse of the impression my cock head was making in my overalls. "Why thank me when you could stuff me full of your gratitude instead?"

My eyes widened as my cock surged in my boxers. I should've expected this given that the first time I'd met her, Berry had been begging her to put on clothes.

"Come on, it'll be fun." She grabbed my forearm with one of her big strong hands and pulled me into the barn.

The inside of the barn was full of milking and refrigeration equipment. As I looked over the interior, she unhooked the straps on my overalls. Her scent was powerful, delightfully grassy and sweet, and so full of need that I was in a bit of a daze while my erection spilled out of my sheath. When I came back to the present moment, she was sliding my overalls off and my prick was shoving itself up past the waist of my boxers.

I grabbed her horns as she leaned in toward my shaft, but I couldn't bring myself to hold her back. Seeing someone this desperate for my cock was incredible. Her wide bovine tongue lapped upwards, lifting my shirt up until she got to the head of my dick, which she sucked on.

With a moan, I fell back into the front of the huge stainless-steel fridge behind me. She grabbed my boxers and pulled them down while still sucking my dick. Then she reached behind my heavy balls and rubbed the tips of her fingers in little circles around my clit.

I grabbed the handle of the fridge door to stay upright and she had me fully erect in no time. "Are you always this horny?"

Pulling her maw off my dick, she rubbed at my pussy while looking up at me. "I take meds that keep me constantly in heat, constantly needing to get fucked by girls like you." She took a long lick along the underside of my cock. "I need you, Fiona, I need you to milk me while you cum inside me."

"Ngh! What? Doesn't that bother you?" My pussy clenched as two of her thick fingers entered me.

"No, it keeps me producing milk and the only  downside is when there's not enough people around to breed me and I just spend hours wanting something warm and throbbing inside me." She gripped my dick and squeezed. "Yours has such an incredible texture."

"Do-do you do anything other than have sex?" I tried to carry on the conversation, not knowing what to do when someone was being this forward.

"Sure, I love to read and play video games. But my job is making milk and taming my libido and I love that too." She stood at her full height, a good eight inches taller than me, and then nuzzled my nose. "I want you really badly."

Feeling her lips touch mine sent a lusty shock through me. I pushed my fingers into her bright red-orange hair and grabbed her head as I kissed her deeply. She returned the kiss hungrily, pinning me against the fridge with her udder and breasts. My dick twitched against her udder, feeling that incredible, erotic smoothness I loved so much. As we made out, my hands wandered her voluptuous form, eventually settling on her amazing, dump truck ass.

I was in the middle of a moan when she pulled away. "My udder and breasts are so full, could you please help me get hooked up?"

"Sure." I was panting from our makeout session.

She laid down on her back on a mat that was covered in pink vinyl. There were milking cups off to the side attached to hoses. There was also some iodine in a spray bottle which she handed me along with a rag. "Spray this on my teats and then wait thirty seconds and wipe it off with the rag."

As I sprayed the iodine solution on her teats, I got a whiff of it and nearly sneezed from how strong it was. Having a canine nose wasn't always a blessing, especially when it came to strong scents like this. "You're giving me the full milking experience."

"Yep, I get milked so often that I gotta be careful for both the sake of people who drink it and myself."

"I'm glad you take your job so seriously."

"I take a lot of things seriously. People often underestimate me." She grabbed my free hand and put it on her pussy. "Keep me warm until you're in there."

Her cunt was a lot like Clarissa's: full, teardrop-shaped, stretchy, and having a massive clit that pushed the labia apart. The moment I moved my fingers, she gasped. Muscles inside pushed her clit right into my hand as she soaked it with her juices. My dick dripped pre onto the mat as I groaned in arousal.

It took me a moment to remember I needed to wipe the iodine off with the washcloth she'd handed me.

"Now, grab those milking cups and put them on all my teats except one because you need a bit more milk."

"I do?" I blushed, stroking her thick, elastic labia with my paw pads.

"Rinny said you likely have some bone damage, so need a bit more before they're at full strength again. I figure you'll have way more fun getting it from the source." She waggled her eyebrows, grinning as she turned on the milking machine.

I moaned at her shamelessness. I'd never met someone who owned the title of "slut" so proudly and I just wasn't prepared for it. Not knowing what to say in response, I put a cup on each of her teats, leaving the lower left teat of her udder without one. Each time a cup connected, she mooed softly.

When I had every nipple but one connected, she gasped and arched her back. "Fuck me, right now!"

As milk started traveling through the tubes and emptying into the bulk tank, I got between her legs and pressed the tip of my aching cock into her slick snatch.

"Give me all of it!" Her long bovine tail flicked impatiently between my legs.

Her pussy was so easy to get into that I hilted myself in her with one long push. The feeling of my ridges and bumps made both of us shudder and then her pussy winked around my dick. I groaned happily as lust burned in my loins. Growling as the need to breed her overtook my self-consciousness, I thrust fast and hard with my hips. Her snatch responded by tightening just enough to make the friction drive us both to deeper levels of passion.

"Your ridges and bumps are incredible! Don't stop!" She groaned happily, tilting her hips so my thrusts could go even deeper.

My breasts were flailing, my balls were slapping against her, and my hands were roaming her udder, feeling that wonderful soft flesh glide along my paw pads. She started clenching every time I pulled out to tease my well-textured dragon shaft and my double knot started inflating, popping in and out of her. My knots were drumming on her big clit and just as I was about to tell her how good this felt, she came.

Her tunnel provided a symphony of contractions that turned me into a twitching, panting mess. I tried to hold on, but it was a losing battle. I'd been teased too much this morning and I popped like a bottle of champagne that had ridden a roller coaster. Stuffing her with both my knots, I growled and yipped as my shaft fired thick volleys of my jizz into her depths. While my knots inflated to seal my goodness in, I grabbed the teat that didn't have a cup on it and tugged.

Just as I'd hoped, she came again. The teat I was tugging on spurted milk into the air as her tail writhed between her legs and she mooed so loud and deep the windows rattled. I just kept cumming in her, my cock thickening and my breasts and balls getting heavier as magic poured into me. By the time I'd unleashed my entire load inside her, my tits were each bigger than my head and my prick was stretching her wonderfully.

She just laid there, staring at me with a lazy smile on her muzzle while she panted through her cute cow nose. We caught our breaths as we waited for the milker to finish.

"Mmm, you're full of good surprises." She petted the fur on my forearm.

"And you're full of Fiona's cream," came Rinny's voice.

Both Milena and I jerked our heads to look at Rinny, who was standing near the door.

"Seems every time I find you, you've just gotten off." Rinny sighed. "It's either destiny, or even more likely, you're as much a slut as Milena."

I blushed and stammered for a moment, trying to come up with a counter to Rinny's observation.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Milena's ears drooped as she frowned.

"No, it's not bad. I'm just tired of waiting for Ms. Cums-A-Lot to start her training."

"S-sorry." My blush was burning on the insides of my ears and under my fur.

"It's alright, I understand what it's like to be freshly transformed, but I need you to tug that knot out as soon as you can and meet me in the central field next to the emu pen." She walked out the door, sporting a slight tent in her skirt.

"Promise me you'll come by again a couple more times before you leave." Milena gave my hand a squeeze.

"Of course I will." I smiled at her.

It took fifteen minutes for me to get soft enough to pull out, drink down more of Milena's milk, wash myself up, get my clothes on, and walk out the door. About a dozen emus were staring at Rinny as she did little magic tricks, like creating hypnotic swirling patterns with luminescent strands of magic, making her crystal ball float in the air while having it disappear and reappear in unexpected places. Berry was also watching while leaning on one of the posts for the emu pen.

The moment I got up to Rinny, she bowed to the emus. "Thanks for being such a lovely audience." She fed a couple of them baby carrots from a bag she had with her and then dumped the rest in a feeding trough on the fence. The emus crowded the trough, as they all tried to get carrots at the same time.

"Sorry again for making you wait." I bit my lip.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll make it up to me." She smirked.

"I will?" My tail wagged with excitement despite my trepidation about what her plans entailed.

"Yes, but first, we're going to have you sink into the ground on purpose."

While my tail stuck straight up in surprise, my eyes widened in terror. "On purpose!?"


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(A Beacon of Change) (A Berry Good Morning) (Ch 1) (Ch 2) (Ch 3) (Ch 4) (Ch 5) (Ch 6) (Ch 7) (Ch 8) (Ch 9) (Ch 10) (Ch 11) (Ch 12) (Ch 13)

Art (Comic - Fiona's TF into herm hybrid fox)      
Art (Fiona fucking and milking Milena)      
Art (Clarissa's Female to herm cow TF)


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