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(A Beacon of Change) (A Berry Good Morning) (Ch 1) (Ch 2) (Ch 3) (Ch 4) (Ch 5) (Ch 6) (Ch 7) (Ch 8) (Ch 9) (Ch 10) (Ch 11) (Ch 12) (Ch 13)

Art (Comic - Fiona's TF into herm hybrid fox)      
Art (Fiona fucking and milking Milena)      
Art (Clarissa's Female to herm cow TF)

Fiona feels a bit stiff this morning and luckily Clarissa is there to help her deal with it in a way only two herms can. That morning romp does nothing to prepare either of them for Fiona's power activating at the worst possible time.

Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 4
-> Ghosting at Speed
by Zmeydros

Two silhouettes in the soft blue light that preceded sunrise were jutting up from our loins, making massive tents in Clarissa's deep blue bed sheet. My tent was shifting under the sheet because it was giving me this stiff, pent-up feeling that I couldn't ignore. As my hands felt along the ridges and bumps on my draconic shaft, I clenched my throat in an attempt to avoid making noise and waking Clarissa.

It felt far too good and a loud squeaking gasp escaped my lips as I spurt precum into the sheet. Clarissa let out a long sigh and turned on her side, slapping my thigh with her dick so hard a wave traveled through my flesh. Then I felt her flare and medial ring expand against me as she grunted. It was a thing I'd seen horses do and the moment I felt it, my snatch got slicker. The air was filling with her caramelly scent and I couldn't stop sniffing it, getting ever hornier as I did so.

Rooms this chilly tended to kill my sex drive, but my tiger-striped fox fur was helping me feel cozy under a single sheet. My fur was standing up, greatly increasing its ability to insulate me. The downside of this is that it felt odd and it made me look like I'd stepped out of the shower and gotten attacked by a leaf blower. Surprisingly, Clarissa's fur was doing the same thing. Not to the same degree as mine, since her fur was shorter, but she stayed warm just fine because she was one big girl.

With groggy, uncoordinated movements, she grabbed my head and pulled me toward her udder. I let her do it, moaning as I tried to avoid getting tangled in the sheets. Then my face was at the upper right teat of her swollen, milk-filled udder, but there was a bunch of crumpled sheets between it and me. I tried to untangle myself, but she soon swore and grabbed the sheet. Tugging hard, she pulled it out from under my hip and rolled around to untangle it from her legs.

Then she tossed the sheet off the bed, grabbed my head, and shoved my face against her bare udder. "Breakfast." Her voice was airy and soft, like she was talking in her sleep.

She grabbed her dick with her right hand and started jacking off while keeping my face against her soft udder flesh with her left hand. I sucked on her teat, getting her rich, protein-shake-like milk that tasted like toffee with a hint of smokiness and pumpkin. It was so damn satisfying to drink and I was on all fours with my dick throbbing madly. Putting all my weight on my right elbow, I reached back with my left and started stroking my prick.

"MOOOO!" She bellowed so deep and so resonant that I felt the bed vibrate. Precum spurted from the end of her shaft and landed in my dark wavy hair just behind my right temple.

I shuddered and stroked myself faster, slicking up my entire length with my pre. Getting my right hand under her leg, I reached under her balls to rub her big equine pussy with my knuckles. Then I switched teats and drank greedily. I'd never tasted a liquid that was this satisfying and it was doing wonders for my hunger and thirst. The sensation of her silky soft udder against my canine nose in combination with the fact I was drinking milk from her was making my dick as hard as tempered steel. My double knot started inflating when I was about halfway done with her second top teat.

Her hips were thrusting her thick horsecock into her hand so hard that the whole bed was undulating. As I applied more pressure to her cunt, I reveled in how wet she was and the feeling of her heavy balls laying atop my hand. I flicked my tongue on her teat and toyed with it, nipping ever so slightly. She grunted and shuddered as her pussy winked against my hand. Hearing how much she was enjoying what I was doing got me really close and I was panting so hard I had trouble keeping up with my sucking.

With a growl, she pushed my head away from her teat and shoved me flat onto my back. As I sputtered, milk dribbling from the corner of my muzzle, she straddled me and sat on my dick, taking the whole thing inside her in one quick descent. My knots stretched her a bit before popping in, one at a time. Then she lifted herself up with her strong legs and sat again, hard. Using the springs in the bed, she bounced on me with a wonderful viciousness. I'd never held a jackhammer, but I must've been experiencing something close. I was barely keeping myself from cumming from the sheer intensity. My balls were rubbing my clit from all this motion and my fem juice had thoroughly slicked up the back of my sac. My ears were tingling along with my toes and the spot right behind my nutsack.

Her dick slapped my furry front, making wet smacks from all the precum leaking out of it. I worshiped her length with my hands, giving extra attention to her medial ring and flare. This lasted maybe thirty seconds with my knots getting bigger the whole way. Then she did a series of her hardest drops onto me yet while she spoke between ragged breaths. "Show. Me. You're. A. Good. Girl. And. KNOT. ME!"

I came immediately, my hands grabbing her hips as I thrust upwards, jamming both my knots in her one last time. My prick exploded. Cum just shot up and out of it so fast and hard, I was screaming in both surprise and an orgasm that felt a bit like an odd painless headache. It was like someone had hit me on the crown of my head with a giant pleasure warhammer. I actually reached a point in my fox screaming where my body lost track of whether I was breathing in or yelling and I coughed a bit.

My coughing fit ended just as I realized she was about to shoot her load. I grabbed her dick, feeling it jump rhythmically in my hands. As I tried to bring my muzzle to the end of her cock, she pushed my head back. "Wear it!"

Then she proceeded to drench my muzzle, my neck, my cheeks, my entire head with her sticky equine icing. Fighting her grip on my hair a bit, I got a shot in my mouth and let out a deep satisfied "Mmm" as the salty caramel flavor titillated my senses.

Once her pussy stopped convulsing around my cock, I was staring at the ceiling blankly, her spooge dripping off my face. I felt like I'd just climbed to the top of Lewd Mount Everest and got caught in a cum storm. My fur was matted with her massive load to the point most of my neck, the underside of my muzzle, and my cheeks felt the warmth of her body heat. She was locked tight to me, my double knot having made us inseparable. I could feel her heartbeat, every breath.

There was a smirk on her lips as her face as she leaned forward and started licking her mess out of my fur. A huge smile spread across my face as she lovingly cleaned me up with her wide bovine tongue. All I could smell was her scent, I was completely immersed in it and it was gloriously satisfying. By the time she was done, I'd started giggling and my tail was wagging.

"Are you a happy fox?" She asked.

I nodded vigorously. "The happiest."

"That's because you're a very good girl."

My tail thumped against the bed so loud I surprised myself.

She laughed. "You're adorable."

"You're the sexiest woman alive." I looked into her eyes.

"I know I am." She booped my nose. "But I also know you're going to say that to more than one person in your life."

"I have trouble imagining that right now."

"Mmm, I'm gonna take you to a hybrid herm orgy someday and make sure you have no trouble imagining it." She nuzzled my cheek and then bit one of my pointy fox ears.

"Ngh!" My dick twitched.

She gasped and clenched around my cock.

It was a bit of a struggle, but she got her milking machine out of the bottom of her nightstand and set it up while we were still knotted together. Then I got to feel her twitch and moan as the milk from her bottom teats traveled through the tubes and spilled into a glass container. She didn't say a word, just stayed connected to me in silence, petting my fur while I pet her nice round ass. The whole time, I smiled so much my smiling muscles started to ache.

After shutting off her milker, she grabbed a towel from the same cubby she kept her milker in and put it right below her pussy, around my double knot. I could feel her pussy lips stretching and being pulled down by my knots and then suddenly there was no pressure at all and she was going upwards while my cum was spilling out of her and into the towel.

"With how much you put in me, I just know I'd make a trail on my way to the restroom." She scooched forward and straddled my head. "Be a good girl and clean me up?" Leaning a bit forward, she looked me in the eye and grinned. "I'll return the favor in the shower."

She took the sudden wagging of my tail as permission to lift her apple-sized balls and then plop them down on my face as her pussy met my lips. I licked up into her, tasting the salty, mapley, and lemony goodness of my seed mixed with the strawberry-and-aged-rum-like flavor of her feminine nectar. Her pussy winked, giving me a gush of my own cum to swallow. I was proud of how much I'd put in her and enjoyed the warmth of her huge, smooth equine ballsac on my face. Pussies tasted so good and every time she winked around my tongue, my own snatch clenched. I quickly found she moaned louder if I sucked on her thick mare clit and got so into licking her out that I lost track of everything else.

Suddenly, she threw her head back, mooing loudly as she ground on my muzzle so hard, I felt her elastic pussy lips stretch over the end of my muzzle and a whole inch of it entered her. My tail thumped the bed until I realized I couldn't breathe. Then I tapped her thigh the way one would if they wanted out of wrestling hold.

She pulled off my muzzle and sat next to me. "Sorry, dear, I got a bit carried away."

"Don't apologize, I loved that." I reached between her legs and traced a finger around her flare, which was just clear of her sheath.

She leaned down and gave me a passionate kiss with just a hint of tongue. "Good."

* * * * *

Clarissa had one of those old compact cars that had good gas mileage, but felt like riding in the penny-pincher seats of an airliner. The road out of Philly was a bit dreary because the sky was cloudy enough that the fall colors weren't having much chance to shine. Still, oranges, yellows, reds, and dark greens from the pine trees were whizzing by the car windows: Pennsylvania's lush forests as far as the eye could see.

Looking down at my outfit, I blushed at the cow-spotted overalls and blue-gray long sleeve T-shirt with a stylized pink udder pattern on it. "So, this is the only set of clothes you thought would fit me, huh?"

"Okay, I lied, but you look adorable in it." How Clarissa had fit her massive cow hybrid form into the driver's seat was some sort of miracle. This car wasn't made for women who could throw other women across the room.

"But it's really hard for me to not think about udders and that gets me thinking about last night and this morning." My cheeks and the insides of my ears warmed as I admitted that aloud.

"You're lucky I'm wearing overalls because I'm tempted to just pull up my shirt and let you stare."

I squirmed. "Are you sure we should be going around in our furry state like this?"

"There's many hybrids out there, we'll get looks but that's about it."

"Okay, I guess that makes sense. I just keep feeling like someone's going to see me and have some sort of problem with it."

"Impostor syndrome." She said as she passed an open-bed semi full of giant logs that was going ten miles under the speed limit due to the incline.

"Oh?" One of my fox ears folded down in confusion.

"Do you feel like you deserve to be your true self? That you're not genuinely a herm tiger fox with a hint of dragon?"

"I mean, this can't be the real me, right? I spent my whole life as a human before this, and besides some stuff I needed therapy for, I was surviving okay."

"Surviving isn't living, it's surviving." She was driving eleven miles over the speed limit in the fast lane and another person got behind her wanting to go faster, so she just sped up and went even faster. The engine of her little car was getting hard to talk over.

"It's a kind of living, isn't it, though? The way normal people are supposed to live? It's not like the world is full of magic and sparkles."

"What did you look forward to each day before you went to the farm?"

"Getting off work."

"What did you want to get off of work to do?" She was still going fifteen miles over the speed limit. My eyes kept darting around, seeing if there were any cops.

"Relax, watch shows, game, fail at internet dating..." I grimaced, which still felt strange on my muzzle. My lips were so long and they could curve a lot at the ends.

"Glad you're in the internet dating failure club too." She held out her fist for a fist bump.

I laughed and bumped her fist with mine.

She cleared her throat. "What was the purpose of relaxing? Like, what went through your head about it being necessary."

"So I wouldn't be stressed at work." I stopped for a moment as a realization hit me. "Okay, I know where you're going because I was feeling the pointlessness of my life so strongly I felt like I was treading molasses."

"Treading molasses?"

"Like treading water, but you're less likely to sink in it. Only issue is it's a lot harder to push around and you start wondering if the effort is worth it."

"I like how your mind works, don't change." She smiled.

"I like how all of you works." I bit my lip. Fuck, I had such a crush on her.

"Keep talking like that and I'll stop at a gas station so I can fill you, and the car, up." She chuckled.

I moaned as my sheath got stiff. Then I started laughing. "I don't think your car can run on cum."

"That's not--" She sighed. "You know what I meant."


"Good. Now, where were we?" She paused for a moment. "What do you look forward to when you're in your human form?"

"Being in this form." My eyes widened. That answer had been so effortless. I'd hardly had to think at all.

"Me too and I used to think that I had to somehow make my human form work. That somehow my cow form was just for fun or it was for having lots and lots and lots of sex. But one day I woke up after not changing back before bed. Without realizing it, I cleaned my house, did my laundry, organized everything in my bedroom, and then made ice cream as my bovine self. After that whole day as my true self just doing whatever, I saw myself in the mirror and my smile got bigger and bigger until I was laughing with joy. From then on, I spent most of my time in cow mode and stopped guilting myself about it, and other things, that made me happy. It's not like me being happy was hurting anyone, I just wasn't used to it so it felt wrong."

For a moment, I just stared out the window, processing what she'd said. "Huh, I'm really not used to feeling happy. Is it odd that I feel like I don't deserve it?"

"Is there anyone in the world who doesn't deserve to be happy?" She turned off at an exit to take the highway that went through Baltimore.


"Oof, okay, let's try that again: Is there anyone in the world, who doesn't make a habit of hurting other people, that doesn't deserve to be happy?"


She laughed so hard I was worried she was gonna flip the car.

Once she calmed down, I said, "I see your point."


She didn't try to carry the conversation further than that and I was grateful because my brain kinda took a break. I just stared out the colorful trees, occasionally glancing at the reflection of my muzzle in the window. The fact that I looked amazing just kinda hung there, trying to make it into my brain, but never quite sticking. I knew it was true and I'd felt it was true on and off since I'd gained the ability to transform, but it was like a fruit fly I was trying to catch in my hand: I kept thinking I had it only to see it flying around seconds later.

Last night I'd wanted people to look at me and I'd been on top of the world as Clarissa carried me home. Today, I'd had amazing sex yet again and I was still a herm fox. It was just hard to accept that I could be this lucky. Things this good just didn't happen to me.

While I was moping about being happy, Clarissa popped in a CD and African pop music started playing. The melodic singing and solid beat did a lot to improve my mood. I couldn't believe some of the sounds in the languages being sung.

Several songs in, my moping had been replaced by intense curiosity. "That soft hissing sound and the clicks are really cool. I never would've thought sounds like that would sound good in music, but I love them."

She was pulled into a rest stop that was surrounded by a lot of tall trees, all displaying fall colors. "That's Xhota and yeah, it's a fun sound." She clicked her tongue for the first sound in "Xhota."

"Are you originally from Africa?"

"Ha! No! And I have no clue what any of these singers are saying. My mom lived in South Africa until her early twenties and she got me into Afro Pop when I was pretty young." She parked out front of the stone and concrete rest stop building.

"Is your mom cool?"

"My dad knows he can't outcool her, so he doesn't even try. He's just a doof. My mom is the sort of person you look at and wonder if she's a secret agent. "

I chuckled. "That sounds awesome."

"It really is." Opening the car door, she put a hoof on the pavement. "After I go tinkle, I need you to drive. I forgot to have caffeine this morning and my head feels like it's two sizes too small."

"Aww, I hate that." I opened my car door and got out. "Maybe see if they have some dark chocolate in the vending machine or we can go to a gas station to get you some coffee."

"Dark chocolate usually works pretty well." She flicked the switch to lock the doors and then got out and closed hers.

I shut my door and followed her. The inside of the rest stop had a roof held up by insulation-coated I-beams painted dark brown. As I was looking up, I lost track of Clarissa and when my eyes found her again, she was going into the Men's restroom. "Clarissa?"

She turned to look at me.

"Wrong one." I pointed at the men's restroom sign.

"If you want to sit on a cold toilet seat to piss, that's your choice." She entered the mensroom.

I stood there looking between the two restrooms for a few seconds before I just said, "Fuck it," under my breath and went into the mensroom.

The mens room had cinder block walls and was pretty utilitarian, but the stalls were nice and it had those weird waterless urinals. Clarissa was there, about three feet from a normal-looking guy with a white bucket hat whose wide, surprised eyes darted to me the moment I entered. His eyes moved to the four inches of Clarissa's dick that were out as she took a piss before he looked at the wall and shook himself. His motions were akin to someone being stalked by a hungry velociraptor: slow, efficient, and urgent.

While this was going on, my heart started pounding. I felt like I was a member of the legions of hell walking on sacred ground. The fact Clarissa and I hadn't burst into flames the moment she entered was something I was still processing as I walked up to the urinal next to her. As the guy washed his hands, I went through the bizarre ritual I'd learned for going to the restroom in this form: I gasped softly as I grabbed my sheath and pulled it back, stimulating my dick just enough that the tapered tip poked out. Then I aimed the tip down and let it flow. While the tension in my bladder decreased, my tail wagged softly. It was dumb, but peeing in a urinal was ridiculously affirming.

I heard the door close and then I heard his voice through the big vent above the door. The first voice was low and rough. "Marsha, I think I need to change meds."

Clarissa washing her hands drowned out whatever the guy's wife was saying.

I joined Clarissa in handwashing, making sure to get gunk out of the areas where my paw pads met my fur. While I was drying my hands, using the only method provided: an underpowered air drier, she hugged me from behind, pressing her sheath, heavy balls, and breasts against me through her overalls. She just stayed like that until I was done and then she let me go. My heart fluttered as I turned toward her.

She booped my nose. "Adorable."

I resisted the urge to squeal because I could still hear a conversation outside, but that didn't stop my tail from wagging as I leaned in and kissed her.

After the short kiss, she grabbed my shoulders, turned me toward the door. Then she slipped her keys in my right pocket. "You get the mirrors and such pointed in the right direction while I get some dark chocolate."

"Sure thing." I left the mens room with her right behind me.

An older woman who was wearing a matching bucket hat pointed at us while smacking the guy from the restroom's shoulder. "George? George! Look!"

George turned away from a display full of tourism pamphlets. Five pamphlets fell out of his left hand while he put his hands over his mouth.

As Clarissa and I split up, I heard George say, "Thank God they're real."

"I wonder if they're single," his wife said.


By the time I had everything set up so I could drive the car, Clarissa was opening the passenger's side door. Back on the road, Clarissa put on more Afro Pop. Then she nursed her headache while enjoying her dark chocolate bar. The whole time I was driving, I couldn't stop smiling. I was stuck in that moment where Clarissa was hugging me in the mensroom after having used a urinal for the first time.

As I turned onto a small paved road about a half hour outside Baltimore, I remembered something Clarissa had said near the beginning of our drive. "Hey, when you made ice cream, did you use your own milk?"

"Of course I did and it made the best ice cream I've ever had."

I blushed. "I don't doubt that one bit."

"Only downsides of making ice cream with my milk is that it's actually a fair bit lower in fat than heavy cream and I enjoy people getting it from the source far more."

"There's something special about your milk, isn't there? It was oddly satisfying."

"When I was under the lantern's light, I thought about having milk that was actually good for people to drink. I wanted there to be a good reason for people to milk me. It turned out to be the best meal replacement shake there is. Nothing comes close."

"Well, I'm still feeling sated and your milk is delicious, so I'd have to agree." Following Clarissa's phone's directions, I turned onto the gravel road that led to the farm.

"A protein shake company offered me money to study my milk, so I actually get paid to milk myself. Between that, occasional jobs for Maria, and what people pay me for use of my power, I make a pretty good living." She tapped the button on the CD player to skip the song we were on, which had a very slow tempo.

"That's awesome!" My voice vibrated a bit due to a bumpy section of the gravel road while the CD skipped in the player. "I noticed you had a quite a bit to eat for breakfast, do you have to get all those nutrients so your body can turn it into milk?"

"Yup! It is a bit expensive at times, but it's nice to have an excuse to indulge in my love for grub. Contrary to what most people think of when I say I can eat a lot more, I can't just eat anything I want. If I eat a bunch of unhealthy stuff, the quality of my milk takes a nosedive."

"That's probably for the best. What's your favorite..." My eyes were fixed on the road as we drove into a pillar of sunlight that had broken through the thick clouds.

In that moment, I remembered the light of the lantern that had transformed me, the tingling electric feeling as it changed me. I looked at my right hand because I couldn't feel the steering wheel. It wasn't there! I screamed in alarm.

"Fiona, hon, stay calm, breathe." Her voice was deep and calming.

I took a deep breath, but the tingling feeling moved up to my shoulder and built up on my feet. My shirt and right overall strap were just hanging there with nothing to support them. I could feel a slight tickle where my body was passing through the fabric. I tried to push on the brake pedal with my right foot and I felt it pass through the floor of the car, like the floor was made out of cornstarch solution. I tried to use my left foot, but it was quickly losing substance and I only got a couple seconds of breaking in before it, and my lower leg, passed right through the pedal.

"No. No. NO!" I cried out as I used my left hand to follow a curve in the road that the car was going too fast for.

"Fiona, listen to my voice, you have to calm down."

I remembered being unable to breathe at the club, the void around me, nearly dying. My left hand passed through the steering wheel as my clothes fell limply onto the driver's seat. "OH NO! OH GOD NO!" I started hyperventilating as the world faded from view.

"HOLY SHIT, FIONA! STOP!" It sounded like Clarissa was yelling from the top of a skyscraper as she reached through the space I'd been occupying and grabbed the steering wheel.

Then there was no sound, no light, no gravity, nothing. The sensation of weightlessness ended abruptly as my feet came into contact with what felt like silk sheets. But silk sheets being pulled across one's body at twenty miles an hour wasn't pleasant at all. It burned whenever I started falling into the ground. The pain made me push against the ground, which increased the burning sensation before providing brief relief. I started bouncing, tumbling, my middle ear getting so fucked I didn't know which way was up. The ground became a strange concoction of water and trampoline.

My head ached badly, my lungs burned, and by the time my body came to rest, I was laying on my side like a rag doll that had been tossed off a moving bus. I was sinking again, getting swallowed by the earth again, and I had to breathe. I growled at myself noiselessly as I focused on the sensation of rematerializing: that magic push from my core out to my limbs.

Color, light, and sound hit me like a freight train full of bricks as the ground spit me out like a watermelon seed. I was a good six feet off of it before I started falling back down. While I tumbled naked through the air, I caught a glimpse of Clarissa limping toward me and her car behind her. The car had run off the road and destroyed a few bushes before coming to a stop. I felt like that car, fallen off the road and all dinged up. But unlike the car, my journey of pain wasn't over.

Clarissa's voice rang out, "FIONA!"


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(A Beacon of Change) (A Berry Good Morning) (Ch 1) (Ch 2) (Ch 3) (Ch 4) (Ch 5) (Ch 6) (Ch 7) (Ch 8) (Ch 9) (Ch 10) (Ch 11) (Ch 12) (Ch 13)

Art (Comic - Fiona's TF into herm hybrid fox)       
Art (Fiona fucking and milking Milena)       
Art (Clarissa's Female to herm cow TF)


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