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(A Beacon of Change) (A Berry Good Morning) (Ghosting Through Life)

Art (Comic - Fiona's TF into herm hybrid fox)

An idea that popped into my head and I had to write down. There'll be one more story with Fiona later in the month, but the next thing on my list is the tail virus male to herm taur milking story y'all voted on.

Fiona's just starting her first full day as a herm tiger fox hybrid when Berry, a small subby herm dragon, pays her a visit. It's been a very long time since Fiona's been dominant, but she figures it out pretty quick. Problem is that she gets so horny it awakens latent magic within her. Her clothes definitely won't  survive her athletic body going super voluptuous, but the question remains: Can Berry's stretchy dragon pussy handle Fiona's double-knotted dragon cock at its intimidating full size?

***This is a follow-up to A Beacon of Change, but it doesn't matter that much what order you read them in. This is just a fun, short sexy ride.***

A Berry Good Morning

by Zmeydros
(with many of Purmoral's characters and ideas.)
(Edited by Tiliquain and WolfJacobs)

Flower patterns in the lace curtains surrounding my window were picking up the lovely pinkish-orange of the sunrise. It was that part of dawn where the colors shifted noticeably in a handful of seconds and I was staring at the sky watching fan-like clouds delicately splayed out as far as the eye could see. I was in awe because I rarely got up early enough to see the sunrise, and when I did, I was too busy getting ready for work or lazing around in bed to watch it.

The breakfast part of this bed and breakfast was already in my belly, which was atypical. I often skipped breakfast because I could barely get myself out of bed to face each day, and before yesterday, my body was a misshapen vessel for my sexy hot mess of a brain. Now, after Maria transformed me, I was feeling energetic as hell  because I was in a tiger-striped herm fox hybrid body that could run the mile in under six minutes. That is, if I had a good sports bra for my sublime E cup tits and supportive boxers for my plum-sized nuts. Fuck I needed to get off again.

Locking the door, my tail started wagging. My paw-padded left palm pressed against the bulge in my overalls and started rubbing. As my prick came out, I reveled in the sensation of the soft barbs popping out of my sheath rubbing against the fabric. I bucked my hips, hissing in pleasure. The more turned on I got, the more my clit swelled and rubbed against the back of my ballsac. Harder and harder, my shaft pressed up into my overalls, making a sexy rise in them. I knew I should take off my clothes to avoid getting pre on them, but this was my first full day with a cock. I'd never had an erection while clothed before and it was a big turn on. Seeing the fabric warp around my foot-long dong was absolutely--

There was a knock at the door. "Fiona? Could you open up? Maria sent me." It was a voice I recognized, but couldn't quite place.

"Be right there!" Pulling my hands away from my crotch, I stood bolt upright and turned toward the door. After unlocking it, I stood mostly behind it when opening it.

Just on the other side was Berry, the magenta and cyan dragon hybrid I'd met yesterday, in a lacy, slutty-but-elegant French maid outfit that showed off most of her cleavage. "H-hi, Fiona. Maria sent me to--" she gulped nervously, "--s-service you."

"What?"  Had I really heard her right or was my horny brain playing tricks on me? My prick throbbed, a small wet spot from my precum forming on my overalls.

"She wants me to, uhh, help you...relax, you know?" She was wringing her hands.

"You seem really nervous, are you sure you want to be here?" I wasn't used to being hot, so it was very hard for me to believe Berry would want me even though I knew I was a curvy and hung herm hybrid now.

"Could you please let me in?" She gave me adorable puppy dog eyes.

I opened the door and she slipped in as quickly as she could before standing at the foot of my bed. Then I closed the door behind her and locked it.

"Maria put my chastity cage on last night and didn't help me get off this morning to make sure I'd be extra needy for you."

My brow furrowed. "That seems kinda mean."

"Remember when I said this place changed me so much I couldn't go back to my old life?" Berry's scaly cheeks took on a burgundy color as she looked away. "I used to be a normal human guy and Maria changed me into a herm dragon. Now she's my mistress and treats me very well."

Heat rushed toward my crotch and my prick twitched in my overalls. "So, you like being treated this way?"

She nodded, biting her lip while looking at the big tent in my overalls. This woman was so damn pretty and she smelled very good. It was an odd feeling, but her being smaller than me made me want to pin her down and fuck her. It was an instinct, deeper than just a desire.

My heart started pounding. "I've never done anything with a sub quite like you before, so I'm not sure how this works."

She pulled a key out of the pocket on her maid outfit and handed it to me. "Would you unlock my cage, please, Mistress? I'm yours to play with."

Being called 'Mistress' was like licking a wall socket. I was very out of practice being dominant. Taking a deep breath to calm my anxiety, I looked into her eyes. "Scoot up on the bed and lift your skirt."

She did so, revealing a lovely pair of bright green panties that held her cute ballsac and her caged sheath. I took the key and unlocked the soft yellow silicone cock cage, letting me unhook the strap that went around her petite-but-gorgeous balls. Being this close to her shaft, new instincts grabbed hold of me: I leaned in, sniffing deeply. There was something sharp about that scent, something that made me absolutely certain she was pent up. I leaned in closer before my long canine tongue lapped across her sheath. I groaned happily at the salty raspberry taste I got from her. A tingle that started on my tongue spread down to my pussy, which started feeling damp.

Squeaking, she rocked her hips as her cock tip poked out of her sheath. I licked at it greedily, getting her to moan and get hard even faster. Then I was sucking as draconic bumps and ridges entered my mouth.

"Yes! Mistress! YES!" Her tail thrashed between my legs as I gave her head.

Moaning around her dick, I rubbed at my prick through my overalls. She shot pre into my mouth, grabbing her head and screeching. Her prick was not anywhere as big as mine, but it had so much texture. I let myself enjoy it for another minute, but then I pulled my mouth off and climbed onto the bed, pressing my prick against hers with only my overalls between them.

Rocking my hips forward, I said, "We're such sluts!"

"Ngh! We're good girls!" She thrust against my length.

A cloud drifted out of the way of the sun and a beam of sunlight made it through a gap in the lace curtains. Suddenly, I remembered the lantern that had transformed me and the magic that Maria had used on me afterwards. This felt so good, I wanted to cum with Berry, I wanted to feel her inside me. I wanted to be inside her. Fuck, this whole situation was so hot and my panties were getting very wet.

My overalls creaked as my breasts expanded outwards along with my hips. I started thrusting harder against Berry's dick, grabbing her breasts in my hands through the excess fabric of the maid uniform. I could feel my overall straps tightening even more as my balls stretched my panties by growing to the size of lemons. Berry's hands went to the tapered, draconic head of my dick as the shaft thickened and gained an inch. The seams on my hips split, my panties now showing through as the overall straps got strained by my tits growing to F cups. Between them and the pressure from my dick, the straps came loose, swinging wildly.

Grabbing my prick with both of her hands, she said, "M-Mistress! Put this in me, please!"

Frenzied, I thrust into her hands a few times  before pulling off of her and stripping out of my overalls. Without support from them, my panties split at my hips and fell off, my now-lemon-sized balls falling free.

With clothing no longer there to soak up my juices, I felt them trail down the back of my balls. "No, you have to get up and fuck me first."

She squirmed at my command before getting off the bed.

Grabbing the zipper at the back of her uniform, I pulled it down and then helped her step out of it. As I pulled off her bra, I caught sight of her beautiful cyan nipples that matched the color of her cock, her mouth, and the underside of her tail. I sucked on a nipple while teasing the other one. She gasped and thrust her prick at the air. Her breasts were a handful and her nipples were so sensitive I could practically control her whole body with them. When I pulled away and got on all fours on the bed, it took her a moment to come back to reality.

I grinned at her, lifting my tail. "Fill up Mistress's pussy and she'll return the favor."

Seeing her face light up from getting ordered around made me so damn happy, as did the exuberant way she climbed onto the bed behind me and put her prick at my entrance. As she shoved in, we both groaned and gasped. She was not big, but wow did her bumps and ridges feel good. I could feel each ridge pop in, rubbing against my labia as they did. Those bumps on the underside of her dick stimulated my clit wonderfully, causing my breath to catch in my throat with each one. Once she got all the way in, she paused, panting and shivering.

"Mistress, your pussy feels so good!" The look on her face was one of exquisite ecstasy. Her mouth was half open, her eyes were half-lidded, and her forked tongue was hanging out.

"Move those hips, girl!" I hooked my floofy tiger-striped fox tail around her.

She started thrusting immediately, moaning sharply and sounding wonderfully girly. She bred me so hard my cock was slapping against my front and my balls were swinging like a pendulum during an earthquake. I moaned with her, leaning down on my elbows to change the angle to one that maximized how much the bumps on the underside of her cock rubbed against my clit. My moans got more and more high pitched as her dick got even harder. I thrust back against her with more force the harder she got, feeling incredible tingles throughout my body which only got more intense from me feeling my huge damp balls smack against her scaly thighs. Her moans and thrusts got incredibly disorganized, her prick twitching while her knot thickened.

Catching my breath during her unevenly-paced thrusting, I managed to say, "You're being such a good girl!"

Then she yelped as she knotted me and came, her prick firing her load into my depths.

It was so sudden and early that I got a little bitty orgasm. My snatch contracted a couple times, but then it was over. I still got a nice warm feeling from being connected to her and the knot felt incredible in there, like being cuddled from the inside.

The moment she stopped moaning, she looked at me, wincing a bit as if I was going to be mad at her. "Sorry, I normally last longer."

"Even after wearing a cage like that?" I raised an eyebrow.

She nodded. "I get over excited when I meet someone new."

"You mean when you fuck someone your mistress set you up with?" I wasn't gonna let her pretend there was anything Safe For Work about this interaction. She knew exactly what was going on and I wanted to watch her squirm.

Her prick throbbed in me as she gasped, a fierce blush on her face.

Suddenly, I was reminded of the good times I'd had with Tim. Times I'd teased him until he melted into a submissive puddle. I loved taking orders, but giving them could be equally fun with the right person. It gave me something fun to focus my tornadoey brain on.

"Reach around and stroke my cock. I want to make sure you're wet enough to fit all of it." I bit my lip after saying that, avoiding moaning at what I'd just said. My submissive side loved hearing stuff like that and whenever I gave orders, there was some backlash.

She pressed her breasts up against my back as she grabbed my dick with both hands and started working it. In her small hands, my prick felt even bigger. Her soft moans and shivers accompanied her raspberry scent getting stronger as I thrust into her hands, feeling my ridges and barbs drag across the spaces between her fingers. Every motion we made tugged her knot, getting us moaning. It was getting smaller, but it was going to be a few minutes before it came out. At least, I assumed. I'd never been knotted before.

"Tell me how much you want my cock."  I thrust into her hands harder.

"I need this inside me so bad."

"NGH! What do you like about it?" Pride was welling up in me as I looked down at my prick. It was just so god damn gorgeous.

"It's got so much texture and the...knots are incredible." I could practically hear her blushing.

"Mmm, well, pull that knot out so I can let you feel it hands-free." I clenched around her knot one last time, getting a wonderful gasp from her.

With a grunt and a tug with her hips, she popped her knot out and fell backwards onto the bed.

"Clean up your mess before it gets all over the sheets." I aimed my snatch at her face, getting her own cum to drip on her legs as I did so.

She scrambled to get her face in there and licked and sucked, using her long forked tongue to great effect. I moaned, tension building in me that made me even more aware my cunt still  hadn't gotten off fully. The way her bottom jaw ground against my clit was fantastic. Her scent was even more distracting now, making my prick ache all the way into my abdomen. Grabbing my dick, I stroked it gently to keep it fully hard without being in danger of cumming outside her. Every time she lost control of a moan, her hot breath puffed against my sopping pussy lips and I could hear her fingering herself.

When she'd cleaned up her mess, I pushed my muff against her face one last time. "Good girl! Now get on all fours and lift that tail as high as you can." I moved off the bed so she could get in the center.

Her eyes locked onto my cock for a moment before she crawled to the center of the bed. Looking back at me, she lifted her tail straight up, whining as her fem juices streamed down the backside of her cute scaly ballsac. Her pussy was so ready for me that her cyan inner labia were plumped up, making her pussy part a bit. Even though it was ready, it looked really small compared to my dick.

"Make sure you stop me if I'm too--"

"It'll fit! Just put it in, please Mistress!" Moaning sharply, she reached back and spread her pussy open, strings of wetness connecting her scaly pussy lips as she pulled them apart. It was so damn inviting.

My body was hot everywhere and she'd just removed my will to hold back. A growl came from deep in my chest as I lunged forward and grabbed her hips. Popping the head of my shaft into her, I grunted. She was tight, but so wet and stretchy that I just kept going. This was so hot. This was amazing! I could see her small entrance stretching wide to take my shaft, and I could feel my soft barbs and ridges popping inside her one-by-one as inch after inch disappeared into her. All the while, this tingling, like microscopic pin pricks spread throughout my body. Then it took on an electric buzz as my hips widened, my balls got heavier, and my shirt got tighter. My athletic form was quickly gaining curves as the magic Maria had imbued me with took hold.

We both cried out as my prick thickened and lengthened in one steady growth spurt. While I paused due to all the sudden changes, Berry shoved backwards. "More! I love being stretched so much!"

I met her shove, pressing forward. My prick got even longer, now as big as the largest toys I'd seen fit in people. As the first part of my double-knot popped into her, I gasped. When the second part popped in, I barked out a moan, nearly cumming right then.

She screeched, her pussy milking my shaft as she writhed under me.

Leaning in and grabbing her breasts, I closed my eyes and willed myself to weather her orgasm. I hadn't even started thrusting yet and I desperately wanted to make this last. Her breasts fit so nicely in my hands and her hard nipples felt really good against my paw pads. I loved the slutty way she moved as she came and I rode it out despite the difficulty. When she recovered, a sense of awe struck me.

Filled with disbelief that every inch had fit in her, I reached to her front and felt her belly. The extra curvature my dick was adding was obvious and I could feel my own hand pressing against it through her tummy. I shuddered, having to breathe to keep from cumming. My arousal, my lust made my pussy clench and my tits swelled to G cups. A tear started at the collar of my pink T-shirt and then it tore open like a campy eighties werewolf transformation, my huge furry tits flopping free as their fabric prison gave out.

I felt incredible, like the sexiest woman alive with all these curves and my titanic cock buried in such a tight pussy. Not to be forgotten, my needy passage twitched, reminding me how empty and unsatisfied it was. Getting a burst of lusty inspiration, I grabbed Berry's tail, which was hooked over my shoulder, and found the tip.

Guiding the tip to my muff, I said, "Put your tail to use, slut!"

Berry moaned as she pushed her tail into me, her own cunt gripping my prick as she did so.

With that, I started thrusting, popping my barbs, ridges, and knots in and out of her. The harder I went, the more sensation there was, which only made me want more. I moaned louder and louder as her tail moved in waves, stretching me open enough that my clit was rubbing directly against her smooth, elongated hexagonal scales as they went in. I could barely hang on, barely keep going without losing my load in her. My balls were the size of peaches, slamming into her much smaller ones in a way that made me feel really powerful. I found her cock was rock hard and leaking precum, so I started stroking it twice as fast as I was thrusting. We both were going to cum both ways: like herms should.

The physical exertion was so immense that it actually helped me hold onto my orgasm, but it was a losing battle. My knots weren't coming out or going in as easily, my thrusts were becoming uncoordinated, and there was pressure at the base of my cock, a pressure that was begging me to release it.

Then her tail hit just the right spot as she curled the tip of it inside me and made a powerful wave travel down it. "CUM WITH ME!" I screamed as I jammed my knots in one last time and my entire shaft pulsed, jizz blasting out of it into her. My pussy came around her tail, squeezing it so hard that the waves traveling down it halted.

"YES! FILL ME FULL!" she cried out as her prick shot so hard it hit the headboard and her pussy pulled on my knots, clenching rhythmically as her whole body writhed.

We soon fell onto our sides, gyrating like two loose garden hoses engaged in a dance battle. I kept my hand closed around her knot, letting her thrust into it as much as she wanted, while I thrust into her over and over despite my knots having locked us together. Her cum got all over my bed while I made her belly look like she'd eaten an entire turkey by herself. When it was all over, we were just panting with our mouths open.

My whole body was so soft and relaxed that I felt like the bed was made of warm rose petals.  Having a tail in my pussy and a dick knotted to Berry felt like perfection, like something I should've had ages ago. This was the best me I could be.

Eventually, Berry said, "How did dominating me feel?"

"Incredible. I'm still surfing the high from it." I ran my fingers through Berry's cyan hair. "How did Maria know I'd be up for it?"

"She's ridiculously good at reading people, it's how she's such a good mistress."

"Well, she read me like a book."

"Me too." Berry laughed. "So now the big question is: Do you like being dominant more than being submissive?"

"If you'd asked me earlier, I would've said 'no' because I buried the dominant part of me after a really bad break up. But now I feel like they're two sides of a very fun coin. I like the focus domination and submission bring to sex. It helps my ADHD brain hone in on a particular role instead of getting random conflicting ideas."

"I've never thought about it that way, but I agree. Getting ordered around helps me get over my embarrassment around sexual stuff so I can actually have fun." She sighed happily. "I'm glad I met you. I like the way you think."

"I'm glad I met you too and I like the way you think." I thrust into her, making my knots press deeper.

She squeaked as her left arm flailed and slapped a pool of cum she'd left on my sheets. "Sorry about the mess."

"No need to be sorry, after I pull out, you're going to lick it up like a good girl." I grinned.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(A Beacon of Change) (A Berry Good Morning) (Ghosting Through Life )

Art (Comic - Fiona's TF into herm hybrid fox)



Mth is always nice imho


Short and sexy. Very nice 😎👌